Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The taser incident: BRAVO! (Update on Randi Rhodes)

I've hesitated to mention the taser incident which occurred during Kerry's speech, because I know my readers. Mere mention of John Kerry's name brings out a Pavlovian response -- mindless, hostile barking -- even though I am even prouder of my 2004 candidate than I am of my 2000 candidate.

Frankly, I avoided seeing this video until -- well, just now. Life is rather stressful at the moment; who needs new reasons for anger? But when I finally caught sight of the thing, my reaction was precisely the opposite of what I had predicted.

I applauded.

That motherfucker got what he deserved.

You know why I no longer go to politically-oriented public events? Because I can no longer tolerate braying jackasses like Andy Meyer, the "taseree." (I refuse to use the word "victim.") During the question-and-answer period of any given lecture covering a hot-button topic, some asshole in the audience will invariably attempt to commandeer the proceedings as Andy did.

I am sick of guys like that.

Meyer was ranting about Skull and Bones, which means he inhabits one of the lower levels of conspiracy buffdom -- he lives on a plane somewhere below the trannies and just above the folks who take Texe Marrs seriously. I know the breed well. If you hang out with occult plot-spotters, you will note that many of them have a disease we may call "interruptitus" -- defined as a love of one's own voice, coupled with an inability to allow anyone else to complete a thought. You can never speak to hard-core buffs in complete sentences. The moment they hear a noun, they will cut you off and deliver a three-minute "brain dump" inspired by that noun.

Let such a person near a microphone and he will never give it up. The normal rules of civilized behavior apply to lesser mortals. Those possessed of the beatific vision may do as they please.

As you watch the video keep one thought in mind: Fruitcakes like that love to view themselves in the role of oppressed victim. Meyer's own words prove that he intended to make a public spectacle of himself -- to play the "Martyrella" role, as one of my old ladyfriends might have put it. To paraphrase Hamlet: "He did make love to this employment."

The video reminded me of that scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail: "You see him repressing me? That's the violence inherent in the system! Help, I'm being repressed!"

Yeah, I've encountered quite a few Andy Meyerish guys over the years -- but none of them have attained Andy's Olympian levels of obnoxiousness. While it helps to know the details of what preceded the tasering, the video itself settles the matter beyond all reasonable doubt.

Here's the background:
... there was a long line of people waiting to ask questions, and Meyer was near the back. He rushed up to the mic, butting up past many, many kids and making a scene. Apparently he’d been talking with the police and they were arguing long before Meyer ever got to the mic (reports from Florida are that they threatened him with arrest already). That’s why there are police in the video when you first see it. They tried to remove him before he said anything, but JK intervened, calling them off and saying he’d answer his question. Remember, back in 2004, there was a lot of press about how open the Kerry campaign was to outside questioners and even protesters, especially compared with the hermetically sealed Bush campaign. JK’s done thousands of these events, really enjoys them (he told me once that doing Q&As with regular citizens is the best part of his job), and he’s totally comfortable dealing with disruptive people. So he made sure to call the U of F police off. Which, technically, he had no authority to do, since this was a U of F event, not a Kerry event. They were their police.
The upshot was a clear case of resisting arrest. The calm and professional police officers tried to subdue this buffoon. He kept physically counterattacking, screaming, and trying to get away. Meyer injured an officer.

The video evidence proves that he was a danger to other audience members. The cops had to act as they did.

Look, I know about cops. Once they have you, they have you. If you're in Meyer's position, the best advice (unless you possess the powers of the Amazing Spider-Man) is this: Calm down. Apologize. Use words like "sir" and "ma'am" a lot. Have enough brains to understand that some battles cannot be won. If six cops surround you and you are jerk enough to think you can fight your way free -- well, you deserve what you get.

When I saw that clown getting his much-deserved jolts, I kept visualizing the same treatment being meted out to all the obnoxious followers of Milton William Cooper who ruined public speaking events during the early 1990s. Yes! About fucking time!

I haven't been this pleased since Uncle Miltie himself ate lead. (Alas, that devoutly-wished consummation occurred only after he shot an innocent police officer.)

In closing, let me offer a hearty fuck you to all the Pavlovian Kerry-haters out there. America's best senator did not see the tasering -- and (unlike me) he wishes that the incident had not come to that finale.

Even so, I can predict with confidence that many of you will contribute vituperative anti-Kerry commentary.

My readers did not have a thing to say about the preceding post, even though the topic was controversial enough (Israeli interaction with a drug-dealing terror group). That's dull stuff. But will my readers miss an opportunity to bash John Kerry? Naaahhh. Dem-hate is sacrosanct, and I'm sure that many of you are itching to give your latest variant of the SIBPATS speech.

Ding! Ding! Ding! That's your bell, puppies. Do what you've been trained do.

UPDATE: I understand that Randi Rhodes castigated Kerry -- who acted flawlessly -- and rallied to Andy Meyer's defense. Small wonder. Randi also suffers from severe interruptitus, so she naturally sympathizes with a compatriot. Randi's opening rants are fun, but when she continually shouts down her guests and callers, I want to make her eat her own teeth.

I must confess that compulsive interrupting is one of my big personal bugaboos, since my unbeloved stepfather was notorious for never allowing anyone else to get in a syllable. Later, I discovered that conspiracy buffs think that they are being repressed if they are not allowed to badger others.

I just cannot STAND chronic interrupters.

Rhodes is on the air 15 hours a week. Andy wrote for his school newspaper and has a web site. These people have a forum. It is not as though society has disallowed them from speaking. They do not need to be rude to others.

Of course, being a talkaholic conspira-crank is not what earned Andy his electrifying moment. Let's not lose sight of one key fact: This man committed a crime. Title XLVI Chapter 843 of the Florida Criminal Code defines resisting arrest. The crime carries a stiff penalty, which Andy probably will never pay.

The cops say that Andy was acting lighthearted once the cameras were off. Apparently, "THE Andrew Meyer" (as he styles himself) arranged for the filming and intentionally yelled "as loud as he could as to sensationalize his presence." In other words, the whole thing was a set-up.
Police noted that his demeanor "completely changed once the cameras were not in sight" and described him as laughing and being lighthearted as he was being driven to the Alachua County Detention Center.

"I am not mad at you guys, you didn't do anything wrong. You were just trying to do your job," Meyer said, according to the police report.

At one point, he asked whether there were going to be cameras at the jail, according to the report.
Believe it or not, Meyer had told Kerry: "You will take my question because I have been listening to your crap for two hours."

WHAT AN ASSHOLE! Arrogant jerks like Andy Meyer turned this country against the left.


Third Rail said...

This is the vantage point of the taser incident at the Kerry speech that no one wants you to see. Check it out at

Anonymous said...

OK, so now being viewed (subjectively, I might add), as a bafoon, or anoying, is cause to be tasered (which carries a rick of death, as those tasering have no idea of possible heart conditions. Joe, I love reading this blog, but come on man. I have been reading this descusion across the interwebs, and I have to say, you are just joining up with this team, and saying the stupid crap wich proves you are on thier side. Seriously, think about the implications of going along with this kind of behavior. Melcome to police state america, I hope they come to your house soon. (not really, but you get my point)

Anonymous said...

The incident is going to be controversial, because it carries with it so many loaded ideas:

Student: implies smart, idealistic, seeker after truth, young, innocent. (Easy to forget that the Arabic for student is talib, plural taliban.)

Police taser student: immediately recalls the incident in California, a much clearer example of peace officers abusing their authority.

Political dissent: much abused by those in power these days.

But some things do not evoke such an emotional response and are apparent only from the video, not the descriptions.

The kid is a jerk. He does not ask Kerry if he has read Armed Madhouse (which Kerry says he has) but assumes that he is bringing The Truth to the unaware.

He has delusions of grandeur. ("He spoke for two hours; give me two minutes.") Kid, nobody paid their two bits to hear you say anything. They came to hear Kerry. You need to volunteer for service, get a few wounds and decorations for bravery, lead a political movement that is larger than one person and get elected to the US Senate for a couple of decades. Then you can compare your speaking time to John Kerry's.

The kid is in love with the sound of his own voice. He continues to shout after the police arrest him, but he is not shouting about the issues, Kerry, free speech or even Skull & Bones. Instead, he reverts to "I didn't do anything; help me; I didn't do anything."

Was the tasing over the top? I think so. The taser is in theory a useful gadget for law enforcement. In practice it is a way for over-aggressive police officers to get away with hurting someone they do not like; occasionally it would appear to be fatal as well. There were enough officers there that the taser does not seem to be justified.

But I certainly understand the temptation. I never like to say that someone "got what he deserved," if only for fear that some day *I* may get what *I* deserve. And it certainly seems not to have worked. The kid carries on just as loudly after being tased. But I surely do understand the temptation.


Joseph Cannon said...

Well, Jim, I guess you're correct to shy away from the "got what he deserved wording." As Hamlet (quoted now for the third time) reminds us, if we all got what we deserve, none would escape whipping.

That said, I don't think a strapping young man like that ever died of tasering. And he WAS fairly warned. You can hear the cops warning him. He continued to fight back. Fair and square, sez I.

Frankly, about ten years ago I became SO effing pissed off at talkaholic conspira-clowns, that I told friends I wished they all had one neck so I could wring it. I really did smile when Cooper was shot to death.

So Andy got off easy compared to the fate he would have met if I ran the zoo.

Anonymous said...


It's sad to see the venom that is being directed against Kerry. Especially in light of the fact that you can clearly hear him asking the police to leave the guy alone. Kerry was willing to answer the questions being hurled at him...what the hell are people expecting? That the Senator would have jumped in and stop the cops with some kung-fu?

That said, after watching the video, I agree--the guy was a jerk. He was rude, he was not asking any questions (it was just a rant), and he was making a big show, acting as if he was some kind of martyr. I know, you have the right to make an ass of yourself. But his actions were going to set off the cops, and he must have known it.

But, you're right--the Kerry hate is strong, and despite the evidence present, the haters will march to the beat of the "It's Kerry's fault!" drum.

Senator Kerry did nothing wrong. He tried to intervene. He is not responsible for what happened to this guy.

Anonymous said...


you must be particularly cranky these days with your bad back to become a cheerleader for the cops who clearly abused this student with the taser and also one cop who pulled a gun on the student, andrew meyer.

Yes, Kerry was only going to take one question for the Q&A and this student rushes up to ask his question--but really wants to bring up 3 different topics before he asks his 3 different questions. Yes Andrew was obnoxious for his 2 minute rant before finally asking his 3 different questions. But he didn't deserve to be tackled to the ground, tasered and arrested for going over his 2 minutes. This is ridiculous.

I've seen a few different versions of the videos on this, and at the very least, Kerry could have raised his voice and told the officers to back off and release the student. He did not. He stood up there, mostly silent, while the cops tackled Andrew to the floor and put him face down, with his arms behind his back. Kerry continues with addressing Andrew's diatribes and ignoring the student who is now loudly yelling "what did I do".

Joseph, I'm one of those poor working SF liberals who maxed out on contributions to Kerry but I am disappointed he didn't use his microphone to call the cops off. I beg to differ with you, I have listened to what Kerry was saying up the stage while Andrew is being tackled, tasered, arrested and he doesn't raise his voice, not once.


Joseph you have such hate for folks who make a stand and ask tough questions--now you label them jerks.

I do hope things get better for you and your back makes a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

How ironic of you to quote Monty Python..."help! I'm being repressed!"....because, in the full context of that very scene, the whole thing STARTS with Peasants questioning how Arthur became King!

King Arthur resorts to violence when the Peasant UTTERLY DESTROYS the entire premise of the Arthurian Legend - and Arthur has NO intellectual defense!

"Listen, strange women laying in ponds, distributing swords is NO basis for a system of government! Supreme Executive Power must be derived from a MANDATE FROM THE MASSES not from some farsical aquatic ceremony!"

I certainly agree this was Pythonesque, but sadly it is because Python (and the kid) got it right....Python for exposing the idiocy of annointed power and The Kid for questioning Kerry's unconscionable concession in an election that was OBVIOUSLY RIGGED.

Hyperman said...

Currently listening to Randi talking 'bout that topic. She's repeating the "standard liberal radio talking points" I'm hearing on various radio shows since it happens. The interpretation of the events is mostly done in the context of an embryonic "police state" and police brutality, with the usual Kerry bashing. I'm not surprised.

I think a "warholian" interpretation would be more appropriate. This is clearly a prank, a publicity stunt for 5 minutes of YouTube fame.

Joseph Cannon said...
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Joseph Cannon said...
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Joseph Cannon said...

You got it, H-man.

anon 11:51, I was one of the first (and perhaps THE first) to question the 2004 election. The day after. So I'll take no lectures from the likes of YOU on that score, thank you very much. But I never questioned Kerry's decision.

And you need to listen to John Cleese on the commentary track for MP&THG. The boys clearly meant that peasant as a caricature of the kind of obnoxious "leftist" which was prevalent then -- and now. The commentary clearly indicates that the Pythons could never stand that kind of person. I can't stand that kind either. And I'm really sorry to see that sort of "leftist" behavior coming back into vogue, since guys like that did so much to alienate "the masses" back in the 1970s.

"Joseph you have such hate for folks who make a stand and ask tough questions"

No, I ask tough questions all the time. But I do it in an appropriate forum. I do not take over public meetings where an audience paid to hear someone else.

And as mentioned, I had to stop going to such meetings precisely because there are so many Andy Meyer-types out there. Again: It is clear that this attention-seeking clown WANTED things to turn out as they did.

The police were perfectly justified in using the taser. Let me repeat: They WARNED him.

If a cop tells you "Stop or I'll shoot" (actually, they don't say that any more), then you had better stop. Otherwise you will get a bullet. That's not a "police state" -- that's the way police work has always been and must always be. Any police force which cannot compel compliance from the citizenry will not be a "force" of any kind.

You don't want to face the fact that Andy IS A CRIMINAL. The video evidence is conclusive. I even cited the law he broke.

"I beg to differ with you, I have listened to what Kerry was saying up the stage while Andrew is being tackled, tasered, arrested and he doesn't raise his voice, not once."

You are differing not with me but with reality. Andy was out of Kerry's sight while the much-deserved tasering occurred. You KNOW that. You have probably been told that fact many times. But you refuse to accept reality. Why? Not because you have a counter-argument. This is a case of pure, blinkered liberal Dem-hate in action.

As for Randi... She's as big an asshole as he is. I'll say it again: Chronic interruption is the one bad habit I cannot abide. I do not care about body odor, smoking, bad breath, public ball scratching, or any one of a thousand other bad habits you can name.

But continual interrupters should all just fucking DIE. And let's face it, conspiracy buffs of Andy's sort ("Ooh! Skull and Bones! Scarrrrrry!") usually fall into the "chronic interrupter" category.

I simply cannot STAND them!

Anonymous said...

Ms. Vandal here:
Upon reviewing the video, I would like to list a couple of observations,
Number One) Andy Meyer sounded like he was reading from a script.
When he was on the floor, RESISTING arrest, he made sure that the audience knew what was happening... "No Bro, Don't Taze me." Meyer delivered this performance flawlessly with one major exception, THERE WAS NO EMOTION BEHIND HIS WORDS. I would think if I am about to be tased (forgive me if I come up with different variations of the word taser, I am not used to using this word as a verb, adjective, or a even a noun) I would be crying like a baby, PLEADING them not to.

Number Two) Imagine you were there... waiting patiently in line to ask Senator Kerry your question. You waited in line to get your ticket, you waited in line to get into the auditorium (probably early), and waited for him to speak and then waited yet again to ask him a question. Suddenly a ruffian pushes past you to get his script read. This happened to me, actually... I heard Senator Kerry speak for Mayor Villairogosa's campaign to unseat the democratic Mayor Hahn. I stood waiting for an autograph, and perhaps ask him a question about the debates against President Bush. (Okay, I confess it, I do have a personal connection to the Bulgegate thing.) But some ruffian pushed past me and I was unable to get an autograph or even a hello.

The audience showed no sympathy towards Mr. Meyer, and some even applauded when the police started to remove him from the building. The only audible show of sympathy was a shriek and gasps when Mr. Meyer was tazed.

Had Mr. Meyer been one of the slated speakers at Senator Kerry's appearance, I felt he would have had more of a leg to stand on when it comes to getting his message out. But no, he had to have his way, like a big baby, and push his way to the front of the line. His whole "scene of protest" was an act. It served to get him noticed. And it worked. Pity.

It seems that an unnerving number of readers here follow the false assumption that if Joseph, or anyone, doesn't follow the hand book, or drink the Kool-Aid of current political trends, they're disloyal to their party. AU CONTRAIRE! Los Angeles had but the first taste of what is really happening here, a fractured party; a mayoral race where a democrat unseats another democrat. And why? What was the gain? War is hell, but you MUST count the bodies and the territory lost as well as the victories and the territories gained.

Joseph is being castigated for speaking out in his own forum. He started this blog with the intention of writing about his observations and points of view about political happenings and current events. Mr. Meyer interrupted another's forum, impolitely. This is Joseph's forum.

When Joseph and I were speaking the other night, I commented to him about his blog about Nature versus Nurture, and I noticed that everyone really failed to see what the real point of his post was... It doesn't matter if Governor Richardson believes that homosexuality is fostered by nurture, or created by nature... the REAL point was this... Listen up because I am GOING TO GIVE YOU THE ANSWER, and if you miss it on the final exam, it is on your head... The real point was that political candidates now HAVE TO FOLLOW a script of their parties' bulletin points to get elected. Gone are the days of truly original discourse where a candidate could actually disagree with the populace and still get elected. Now we have memo-spewing candidates who would say things they do not agree with or believe in to get elected. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? Wouldn't you rather opt for original thought than to follow the other lemmings? The people who really have original voices are quashed like the proverbial grape in the "Karate Kid."

Listen to the words of a funny script writer putting the words into the mouth of a wise psychiatrist in my favorite TV show of all time, "Take my advice people... pull down your pants and slide on the ice."

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

…And another thing.


Normally by this time, I would be applauding your ability to see the more rational, non-hysterical aspects of a crisis like this. This time however, I think you are missing the point. When I wrote the above piece, which I emailed to you a day or so before this post, I did so with the full understanding that THE Andy Meyer just might have been an hysterical A-hole who set out to deliberately create a scene. The only thing I am contending here is that it is very sad when diplomacy is unable to defuse rather benign situations like this one. It is pretty hard to remember that diplomacy, once upon a time, actually was a time tested means of resolving most conflicts public and private. Unfortunately, I have not seen any video of exactly what happened just before the police began to descend upon Herr Meyer, so I have no way of gauging just how violent or threatening he was. Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that he did push ahead of those standing in line and began asking belligerent questions of Kerry. Are people so intimidated by loud, aggressive speech that they feel it can only be quelled by deadly force. To me it sounds a lot like trying to remove a small stain on your dress shirt with a quart of concentrated sulfuric acid. If indeed, as you and some others suggest that, the whole thing was a self aggrandizing set up, the rent-a-cops sure rose to the bait. In a system where the civilized rules of discourse apply and are respected, disruptive people usually don’t stand much of a chance. Not to give Kerry too much of his due, but like any good standup comic, he can take the heat of hostile questions. I saw the tape in Boston that the trannies were gleefully distributing over the internet not too long ago where they prated on and on that “…finally Kerry had admitted that the WTTC/9/11 collapse was an inside job!” Of course there was nothing on the video of his Q&A that even remotely hinted at such an admission on Kerry’s part. There was just a lot of not-so-deft banter back and fourth between Kerry and the 9/11truthie with Kerry diplomatically trying to get off the hook with the old bromide, “I’ll be sure to look into that.” He wasn’t about to admit that 9/11 was an inside job. Neither was he willing to call the questioner the ass that he was. Kerry could have handled the University of Florida guy without the benefit of the U of F boys in blue. Even his peers could have handled him - unless they are even bigger sheep than they appeared on the tape. The only relevant issue here is that the campus keystone cops had no business handling it AT ALL - and certainly not by employing the Chicago Police school of law enforcement methods they used. Its been a while since I’ve been to the Windy City but I trust the police force there is still not ready for reform.


Joseph Cannon said...

You know, I actually ran across another blogger who seriously suggested that Kerry should have left the stage and allowed Andy to take over.

What a moron!

The first amendment does not allow anyone to yell fire in a public theater (as the old bromide has it) and it does not allow Andy to create a public disturbance. What he did was not protected free speech. He is a criminal and should be treated as such. If you wish, I can look up the appropriate statue in the criminal code.

Resisting arrest is also a crime. Some people who try that trick get truncheoned or shot. Andy got off easy.

The U of F police are not "rent a cops." They are cops. And damned fine ones, from what I've seen. far more patient and professional than I would have been were in in their boots.

When I close my eyes, I visualize cops with batons taking swings at every loudmouthed conspira-creep who ever tried to take over a public function. In fact, I'd like to see them go after the trannies who nearly drove me off my blog. I see teeth flying loose, foreheads exploding with blood... God, what lovely images!

Anonymous said...

joseph, I am anon 11:05AM. Of course Kerry "couldn't see" what exactly the UF cops were doing to Andrew because they had tackled him to the back of the hall and there were so many of the cops and then Andrew was face down on the floor and the cops blocked Kerry's view of what was going on. But, Andrew was hollering so loud, "what did I do", "don't touch me" and yes, he was howling with pain when he got tasered that there is no way that Kerry couldn't have known what was going on even if he couldn't see any of it. Come on now Joseph. It is really depressing as you resort to namecalling folks like Andrew Meyer and saying how they deserved it and more. A police officer pulled a gun on him as well and the taser guns make an eerie sound when they go off plus they emit a light as well.

No he wasn't reading from a script, he had alot to say to Kerry before he asked his questions. Yes the rest of the audience probably weren't interested in what Andrew Meyer's had to say, and resented that he may have rushed the line to ask his question after Kerry had limited the Q&A to one question.

Still there is no way for Kerry to not know that Andrew was being tackled and beaten by the UF police. You can hear the sound of the taser's going off and as Andrew screams in pain, Kerry stops talking.

There is no "dem-hate" going on, I don't "hate" kerry. All I am saying is that he could have done more to stop the UF police from resorting to brute force--he could have directed the police to simply take Andrew out of the venue itself and then release him.

Look Joseph! you are addressing someone who worked his BUNS off to get him elected in 2004, setup their offices, did phone banking, went to fund raisers, OMG and here you telling folks like me to go to hell because we're saying that the UF police are out of control.

There is no dem hate! I back pelosi/boxer/feinstein/waxman.

all I am saying is that the UF cops were out of control and that Kerry was spineless up on stage. This is pretty reasonable assessment and there is no "demhate" behind this.

Yes andrew meyer may have provoked the police into pulling him away from the microphone.

I beg to differ from you because sometimes a question can't be limited to just 60 seconds, sometimes to ask the question you have to preface it. Yes Andrew screwed up by covering too much ground, he should have limited himself to asking one question and shortened the preface.

But there is no excuse for overreacting by the cops. there it is, and you're verbally abusive to someone who backed Kerry bigtime in 2004. So yeah I am offended by your name calling, use of swear words and just sheer HATRED of someone like Andrew who tried to bring up subjects that are not getting airplay in the mainstream media.

He's a young guy, probably doesn't know too much besides Greg Palast's book and the scuttlebutt about Scull and Bones on the internet. He doesn't have your 30 plus years of reading, research.

but again asking a longwinded series of questions shouldn't result in getting tackled and tasered and then being condemned as an a__hole by your blog.

You'll be the first to start clapping loudly when we have martial law and soldiers start doing roundups of those that dared to ask questions or vote for the wrong person. I'm sorry to see you've become so bitter and full of hate.

Anonymous said...

Since when does being a stupid kid mean they should be tasered? The police are neither judge nor jury. They do not have the right to punish and his verbal antics or previous history do not justify what happened. Rule of law is worth defending for everyone, not just those you agree with.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Vandal again~
The ONLY reason people are quick to condemn the University of Florida cops: they are in a position of "power," while Mr. Meyers is easily seen as a "victim" because he was not armed. HA... this unarmed man hurt one of the police officers. What is a cop supposed to do when someone is resisting arrest... roll over and tell them to stop again?
And THEY ARE cops... my University has their own division of officers who can also ticket you off campus. They carry real badges and go through real training.
The man was obviously looking for publicity... and he has found it. Welcome to your warped immortality, Mr. Meyer.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe your last comment to me. You sound so irrational. Are you becoming like those you hate? I am going to sign off from this thread now as all I feel that I am encouraging is more heat than light. I will wait till you return to your old self, if he is still in there somewhere. How's your blood sugar? I'm serious.

Joseph Cannon said...

"Since when does being a stupid kid mean they should be tasered?"

That should happen when you break the law and then resist arrest.

In my most recent post, I cite the law Andy broke, section 877.03 of the Florida criminal code.

Furthermore, ANDY HIMSELF stipulated that the tasering was justified. He told the cop who tasered him "YOU DID NOTHING WRONG."

What part of "You did nothing wrong" can't you understand?

Case closed!

Hyperman said...

If I understand your point Joseph, does it means that "Tasering" is now the official standard way of handling someone who resist arrest ? Police could use electric cattle prod to control crowd too...

Anonymous said...

Reading your comments really show your true colors. You are exactly what you claim to hate. All the things you claim to annoy you from your own experiences at speaking engagements you show in your comments that you are a total hypocrite. The icing on the cake is this doosie... " I really did smile when Cooper was shot to death." You are truly a jerk. Cooper did a lot of good for this country and a lot of good for those of us who still value the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. You really have turned into exactly what you claim to hate. Look in the mirror.

And maybe if you got off your fat ass and did some excercise, you'd stop whining about your back.

Anonymous said...

By the way, if any of you want to read a civilized and sane critique of this incident, I suggest Henry Makow's latest post at his blog