Thursday, September 27, 2007


Thanks to Covert History, I learned about the new book Not Holier Than Thou, by Alan Stang.
George Bush and Karl Rove have always used homosexuality as a weapon, have righteously opposed it and have routinely accused people of it, knowing that those people were normal, while all along they have colluded to make the Republican Party a sodomite organization from the top down. That's the theme of the latest, incendiary book by Alan Stang, who says Republican leaders are using homosexuality to terrify critics into silence, so they can bring the United States to its knees. The book is Not Holier Than Thou: How Queer Is Bush, which includes a "Special Section on Dick's Dykes," a revelation available nowhere else of how Mary Cheney, the most famous lesbian in the United States, got to be what she is. Stang says the trouble could have started with Mamma Lynne's lesbian novel, Sisters. "And where was Dick when this cloaca of lesbianism was befouling the family hearth?" Stang asks.
The bigotry on display here is unforgivable. On the other hand, the boldfaced sentences made me laugh even harder than did the last Family Guy. When contemplating the cloaca of lesbianism, one naturally mourns the absence of Dick.

Semi-seriously, how should we respond to such nonsense? Despite the vile language -- or rather, because of that language -- this is the only sort of attack that could impact the remaining 33% of the populace still supportive of the administration. Bush's supporters are superstitious, bigoted and paranoid. One can speak to such people only in terms of superstition, bigotry and paranoia.

1 comment:

drewvsea said...

What a fascinating nutjob this Alan Stang guy is. After reading your post I poked around his website, and while his bigotry against gays and others is indeed unforgivable, I nonetheless can't stop reading him. I feel guilty, but how can I resist articles with titles like, "Larry Craig: Homosexual/Mitt Romney: Homosexualist"; and, "Beating the Bedbugs: Finding the Frequency."

And wow, if you think your commenters on this site are whacked, check out Stang's freak-parade of trolls. I especially enjoyed the comment from "Forficula Auricularia" (which incidentally is Latin for the common earwig) at the bottom of this page: