Monday, August 06, 2007

Is there any reason to continue?

I had planned to padlock this blog at the beginning of the year, after the trannies attacked. The enterprise kept going only because, at the last moment, an actual paid ad showed up.

I got into blogging to do whatever small thing I could to help the Democrats win in 2004. Before the internet, there was no place for guys like me.

The mainstream media was conservative despite its liberal rep. Meanwhile, the few non-mainstream voices were -- well, hell, let's just list a few names: Alexander Cockburn, Chris Hitchens, Michael Albert, Pacifica... In short: the dreaded progressive purist mafiosi. The kind of people who make me long for a sharp stick whenever we lock eyes.

Few people now recall that the same horseshit rumors about Clinton's "drug dealing" appeared in both The Nation and American Spectator. As always -- as always -- the progressives actually thought they were being hip whenever they attacked a Democratic president. Even though these nonsensical accusations were based on the most dubious of sources (such as Terry Reed, whose story kept growing like Pinocchio's nose), nobody ever apologized. Nobody ever asked Alexander Cockburn to explain why he cribbed notes from Larry Nichols.

(By the way: That's one thing the PPs have in common with the GOPers: A psychological inability to apologize. If either Cockburn or Bush ran over your child, they'd blame the kid for being there.)

The PPs have always hated the Democratic party more than they hated the Republicans. FDR planned the attack on Pearl Harbor...JFK was controlled by the mob and his father was a Nazi...Jimmy Carter deliberately instigated the Tehran hostage takeover under orders from David Rockefeller... I heard these claims not from any right-wing sources, but from lefties.

I've seen 'em make these claims in person: The know-it-all smile, the ultra-smug tone of voice, the lean back in the chair while taking a drag, the sneering chuckle. The entire pose is designed to convey the impression that anyone who disagrees with their reheated Birchisms must be hopelessly naive. (That's an interesting subject in and of itself: The subtle penetration of right-wing extremism into left-wing thought.)

In youth, I bought into this crap. What young man wants to seem naive? Later, I realized that most of these PPs hadn't read one third as much as they pretended, and that much of their information came from dubious sources.

I used to have a tape recording of a lecture by Noam Chomsky in which he blamed the assassination of Patrice Lumumba on JFK, notorious Enemy of All Mankind. If someone had pointed out that Lumumba died before Kennedy took the oath of office, Chomsky no doubt would have called the fact-checker a hagiographer, one of his favorite words.

Then came the net, and I discovered that there were other folks like me. A big inspiration was Bob Fertik of, who came right out and said, without a trace of apology, that Bill Clinton was a great president.

Indeed he was. But at the time, that sentiment had the shock of the new. Actual support for a Democratic president...? Unthinkable! Expressing such an idea would do permanent injury to one's hipness credentials.

Then came Josh Marshall. Kos. Democratic Underground. Buzzflash. A host of other bloggers.

This was something new: A movement filled with fresh voices, with nary a peep from that vile Nation crowd. And unlike the progressive purists -- who like defeat, because they prefer to bitch from the sidelines -- this new crew actually started to rack up accomplishments in the real world.

Well, it's over.

The PPS have rallied, and they have once more turned the left against the Democratic Party. The lone voice for sanity on D.U. was William Pitt, and the movement hounded him offstage.

My readership disgusts me. You people care only about spewing Pelosi-hate and Dem-hate. Some of you have even tried to sell me those crappy, vague rumors about Clinton ("something something Mena Clinton Reed Seal something something something..."). Time and again, every time you infants see something in the news you don't like, you deliver the Standard Issue Both Parties Are the Same Lecture. And you genuinely seem to be under the impression that I've never heard it before.

You refuse to see that the main reason why some Democrats are vulnerable to conservative pressure -- and they are -- stems from the fact that we still live in an ultra-conservative culture. That's the reason why I cannot work up much anger at the 41 House members who voted for a lousy bill. Many Dems managed to squeak to electoral victory in red states or red districts. They cannot afford to cross their constituents, most of whom think that Adam and Eve drove dinosaur-powered stone cars like the ones on the Flintstones.

Yes, I know that there is something emotionally unsatisfying about blaming the people rather than the leaders. Nevertheless, realism demands that we pin the blame on the hordes of ignorant hillbillies who live in Shithole, Indiana and Pissville, Alabama. Without their votes, no Congressional majority can endure.

You people do not understand that -- despite the war's unpopularity -- in much of this country, it is still 2003, and Dems really do have excellent reason to fear becoming victimized by the sort of scurrilous attacks that felled Max Cleland. The right still controls the media agenda, which is why you know how much John Edwards spent on a haircut and you don't know similar facts about Mitt Romney.

Most of my readers remain locked into mindless Pelosi-hate, especially after the FISA bill. In fact, her behavior on this matter has been impeccable. She voted against the bill, she argued against the bill, she tried to have it changed. Moreover, she is still fighting against it:
“Many provisions of this legislation are unacceptable, and although the bill has a six month sunset clause, I do not believe the American people will want to wait that long before corrective action is taken,” Pelosi, D-Calif., wrote to Judiciary Chairman John Conyers Jr., D-Mich., and Intelligence Chairman Silvestre Reyes, D-Texas.
Nevertheless, everywhere one goes in blogostan left, one encounters fools who blame Nancy Pelosi for the passage of this legislation. They act as though she wrote the damned thing. Even on Daily Kos:
For Nancy Pelosi: May we recommend Dancer's Knee Pads? They will complement her style as she leads the Democrats in their daily kabuki dance called "oversight." She will look stunning as she dances away from her responsibilities to the Constitution.
Disgusting. Absolutely swinish.

Well, I know where this is going. Seen it before.

Anyone who predicts gains for the Democrats is a fool. 2008 will be 1980. The Republicans will regain Congress and Fred Thompson will be president. Nader will receive a larger share of the vote than ever before -- either that, or the PPs will scream for Bloomberg. (Not that they like Bloomberg, but they will consider the Democratic candidate intolerable.)

As Sam Elliot says in Gettysburg, "I can see it clear, like it's already happened."

After the disaster, the progressives will respond by saying:

A) "It doesn't matter; both parties are the same."
B) "It's all the fault of Nancy Pelosi! She said 'off the table'!"

The real problem will, of course, be the usual one: Liberals will form a circular firing squad while the Republicans will fire up the robot factory. That factory is in some disarray now, but it will function with its usual efficiency as soon as the party chooses a candidate and the leadership finally and formally decides to distance itself from W.

My ladyfriend recently met a physical therapist from Germany who hates working in this country because people who need help don't get it, and because she is never sure of being paid. And why is that situation the way it is? One reason, and one reason only: Because across the board, right and left, the people of this country despise the Democratic Party. Even those who vote for it are always looking for any reason to vote otherwise.

Some voices in the Democratic blogosphere are finally starting to wake up to the facts: The impeachment movement has stopped being anti-Republican and has become anti-Democratic, and the progressive movement is far, far more fractious than are the conservatives. The problem has yet to reach the point where (say) Josh Marshall deigns to mention it, but that point will come soon.

All of which leaves me wondering: Why am I continuing?

I get no money from this gig. Last night, a message from a long-term reader caused me to grimace so fiercely that I cracked a tooth. In fact, I am now, quite literally, in severe dental pain -- without dollar one to pay a dentist.

So why bother?

The only way to make money from this gig would be to indulge in nonstop self-promotion -- and even that would probably be a useless gesture, since what I have to sell is not what you people want to hear. People prefer myths. Brad Friedman keeps inviting me to speak on the radio, and I keep saying no, because the listeners would allow me to address one and only one subject. I'm the tranny lightning rod.

If I decided to turn to Pelosi-hate and trannyism, I could make enough money from this blog to pay rent. Hell, I could buy a damn house -- while doing half the writing!

And maybe I should do just that. It's all going to hell anyways. The Democratic cause is hopeless, thanks to you motherfuckers. You ruined the impeachment drive (you, not Nancy Pelosi). So why should I not make a few cynical bucks?

(Oh, and uni: If I do decide to keep going, you are banned forever. Blame it on the toothache.)


Anonymous said...

I sincerely hope that you will continue your insightful blogging. As a long-time reader,I find it informative and thought-provoking. I know of what you speak as I was the editor of a Nation-esque newsmagazine in the late '80s and '90s. You're right that the hard left, more than the crazy right, loves to eat its own. It is a completely self-defeating habit that is hard to break. You are correct to spotlight it for what it is. If we Americans held ourselves to the standards of Cockburn, Chomsky et al, I have no doubt that our nation would never accomplish one change for the better since nothing is good enough for them or their ilk. It never has been and never will be. If it was, they would be out of business.

Joseph, please keep shining the light.

gary said...

I hope the tooth feels better. Take 4 Advil liqui-gels. It worked for me a while back.

I may be a fool but I think the Democrats will hold both houses of Congress and take the White House in 2008. I won $30 in 2006 by predicting the Dems would take at least one house, in spite of election fraud.

As for impeachment, while I think it unlikely that Bush will be impeached, and very unlikely he would be convicted in the Senate, I do think the Congress should launch an impeachment inquiry, if only to strengthen its legal position regarding suppoenas.

Actually Congress should start by impeaching Alberto Gonzales.

My advice (but it's your blog): stop moderating comments. Let everyone say whatever they want, removing anything that crosses the line into racism or anti-semitism. Respond if you like but perhaps better to let their ignorance speak for itself, or let your other readers defend you.Remember, a lot more people read your posts than read the comments.

Stop insulting your readership in such broad terms. I'm sure it's only a small, if vocal, minority.

Remember, Advil. Actually, Target has a less expensive generic.

Keith in France said...

I always make this my first stop on visiting the blogs. The information you post along with dr elsewhere is not found on any of the other sites. I hope you continue posting as I think the blogisphere will be losing an important asset.

Joseph Cannon said...

Turn off comment moderation? Okay. Let's see what happens. That should tell the story.

peaceocake said...

Wow! I can understand your frustration and disappointment. But please, do not quit. I read your blog every day, sometimes several times. I think you have the best take of anyone on everything that is happening, including your very sensible and reasonable defense of Pelosi.

This is a revolution. We all have to fight, and we have to win, or we WILL be hauled off to work camps. Maybe gassed, maybe something even more sinister. But it could happen and WILL if we don't stop it now.

No matter what you decide, and what happens, thank you for all you've done...I just hope you keep doing it. Piss on uni!

Anonymous said...

I bet you and hopper sicker upper are buttfuck buddies and you both swallow cheney's cum

Anonymous said...

How ccome you've never responded to the FACTS? Could it be because you've been PAID to cover them up?

extremely important "new" video on 911

Bush-Linked Company Handled Security for the WTC, Dulles and United
by Margie Burns

The suite in which Marvin Bush was annually re-elected, according to public records, is located in the Watergate in space leased to the Saudi government. The company now holds shareholder meetings in space leased by the Kuwaiti government there. The White House has not responded to various requests for comment.
George W. Bush's brother was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines, according to public records. The company was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corp., also linked for years to the Bush family.

The security company, formerly named Securacom and now named Stratesec, is in Sterling, Va.. Its CEO, Barry McDaniel, said the company had a ``completion contract" to handle some of the security at the World Trade Center ``up to the day the buildings fell down."

Anonymous said...

You have always been full of Bull Shit Cannon For example, Larry Silverstein said Pull It because they had put bombs in the building. there is no other rational explanation. You never ever talk about that, do you?

Anonymous said...


Please...DO NOT STOP. Keep going. As a Democrat, I am tired of the far Left and the "They're all the same" BS. I no longer trust Cockburn and others who seem more interested in destroying the Democratic Party (instead of turning the guns on the real foes, Bush and the Republicans).

Your site has been a refreshing change, because you at least bring up FACTS (such as Nancy Pelosi fighting against this FISA bill). What you are is realist. The hard truth is that while the Republicans have gutted so much in the country, the PPs have opened fire on the wrong target--and they seem to enjoy this. They are cannibals, since they enjoy eating their own with relish.

Thanks for also standing up for Will Pitt, who has been fighting the good fight.

Joseph, keep on fighting. At this time, you are needed more than ever. I despise it when the Right mangles the facts, but I am just as nauseated when the Left and Progressives--who should know better--do the same thing.

Joseph Cannon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Whenever joe joe pulls one of these stunts, its simply his way of asking Bush for a raise

Anonymous said...

Stop trying to pass yourself off as the apostle of truth when we have iron clad evidence that Nancy Pelosi supported the bill. In fact she wants to make it even sronger to make sure that the Bushies can spy on all of us. here is her actual letter:

August 4, 2007

The Honorable John Conyers, Jr.
Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary
2138 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

The Honorable Silvestre Reyes
Chairman, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
H-405 The Capitol
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Chairman Conyers and Chairman Reyes:

Thank you for your leadership on matters affecting the security of the American people and the protection of the liberties that define our country.

I know that your committees have been working diligently on a proposal by the Administration to amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). I also understand that your work has been hindered by the Administration’s refusal to provide all of the documents you believe are relevant to your consideration of the proposal.

Tonight, the House passed S. 1927, a bill approved by the Senate yesterday, which is an interim response to the Administration’s request for changes in FISA, and which was sought to fill an intelligence gap which is asserted to exist. Many provisions of this legislation are unacceptable, and, although the bill has a six month sunset clause, I do not believe the American people will want to wait that long before corrective action is taken.

Accordingly, I request that your committees send to the House, as soon as possible after Congress reconvenes, legislation which responds comprehensively to the Administration’s proposal while addressing the many deficiencies in S. 1927.

Thank you for your attention to this request and for your service to our country.

best regards,

Nancy Pelosi

gary said...

Anonymous #3, if Joseph is being paid to cover-up 9/11 then I think they should offer dental insurance as well.

Joseph, remember you're big enought to take a few insults by anonymous cowards and morons. So far they are just making themselves look bad.

Anonymous said...

Nancy "Hitler" Peolis could have filibustered or she could have arm-twisted but she did nothing to fight this bill. Every single thing that Bush has done to this country the Democrats have applauded and been complicit because the two parties are two wings of the same fascist bird.

In fact, the example of Ron Paul tells us that the real anti-war movement is now on the side of the Republicans (sad but true) and I think we should consider either voting for Paul or for a third party candidate in 2008.

I mean just look at everything Nancy Pelosi has done to keep impeachment from coming up. We would be rid of Bush by now if not for her. That is why we cannot vote for the Democrats in the next election.

It is my understanding that the reason why nancy voted for the bill was because she knew Cindy Sheehan would use it against her in the election. She would have voted for it but then she rounded up enough support from others so that she didn't have to do the job herself.

If she did not support the bill then why was it a known fact that she was trying to rewrite the legislation before it came up for a vote?

Anonymous said...

Typical of you to try to paint Bill "Skull and Bones" Clinton as some sort of saint. He personally profitted from Mean drug running and I know this for a fact because mechanic Johnny Lawton found a CHECK MADE OUT TO CLINATON in the trunk of a car and Lawton was later murdered.

Look at all the people Clinton killed and ask yourself if any progressive should support this man who his wife:

James McDougal

Clinton's convicted Whitewater Partner died of an apparent Heart Attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr's investigation.

Mary Mahoney

A former White House intern, was Murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown. The murder happened just after she was to "go public" with her story of sexual harassment in the White House

Vince Foster

Former White House councilor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at the Little Rock's Rose firm. Died of a Gunshot wound to the head, ruled suicide.

Ron Brown

Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. reported to have died by impact in a Plane Crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown's skull, resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death, brown was being investigated and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors.

C. Victor Raiser II & Montgomery Raiser

Major players in the Clinton fund raising organization, died in a private Plane Crash in July

Paul Tulley

Democratic National Committee Political Director, found Dead in a hotel room in Little Rock, September 1992. Described by Clinton as a "dear friend and trusted advisor".

Ed Willey

Clinton fund raiser, found dead November 1993, deep in the woods in Virginia, of a Gunshot wound to the head, ruled suicide. Ed Willey died the same day, his wife Kathleen claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events

Jerry Parks

Head of Clinton's Gubernational Security team in Little Rock. Gunned down in his car, at a deserted intersection, outside Little Rock. Park's son, said his father was building a dossier on Clinton. He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died, the files were mysteriously removed from his house.

James Bunch

Died from a Gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a "Black Book" of people. It contained the names of influential people who visited prostitutes in texas and Arkansas.

James Wilson

Was found dead in May, 1993 from an apparent Hanging suicide. He was reported to have ties with Whitewater.

Kathy Ferguson

Ex-Wife of Trooper Danny Ferguson, died in May 1994. She was found in her livingroom with a Gunshot wound to her head. It was ruled a suicide, even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she was going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Kathy was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones

Bill Shelton

Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson. Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June 1994, of a Gunshot wound to the head, also ruled a suicide, at the grave site of his fiancee.

Gandy Baugh

Attorney for Clinton friend, Dan Lassater, died by Jumping out of a window of a tall building in January 1994. His client was a convicted drug distributor.

Florence Martin

Accountant subcontractor for the CIA related to the Barry Seal Mena Airport drug smuggling case. Died of three Gunshot wounds.

Suzanne Coleman

Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a Gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. She was pregnant at the time of her death.

Paula Grober

Clinton's speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death, December 9, 1992. She died in a one Car Accident.

Danny Casolaro

Investigative reporter. Investigating the Mena Airport and the Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, Apparent Suicide, in the middle of his investigation.

Paul Wilcher

Attorney investigating corruption at the Mena Airport with Casolaro and the 1980 "October Surprise", was found Dead on the Toilet, June 22, 1993 in his Washington DC Apartment. He had delivered a report to Janet Reno 3 weeks before his death.

Jon Parneli Walker

Whitewater investigator for the Resolution Trust Corp. Jumped to his death. from his Arlington Virginia apartment Balcony, August 15,1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guarantee scandal.

Barbara Wise

Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Cause of death, Unknown. Died November 29, 1996. her bruised body was found locked in her office at the Dept. of Commerce.

Charles Meissner

Assistant Secretary of Commerce, who gave John Huang special security clearance. He died shortly thereafter in a small Plane Crash.

Dr. Stanley Heard

Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee. He died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small Plane Crash. Dr, Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton's advisory council, personally treated Clinton's mother, stepfather and brother.

Barry Seal

Drug running pilot out of the Mena Airport. Death was no accident.

Johnny Lawhorn Jr.

Mechanic, found a check made out to Clinton in the trunk of a car left at the repair shop. Died when his Car Hit a utility pole.

Stanley Huggins

Ruled Suicide. Investigated Madison Guarantee. His report was Never released.

Hershell Friday

Attorney and Clinton fund raiser. Died on March 1, 1994 when his Plane Exploded.

Kevin Ives & Don Henry

Known as "the boys on the track" case. Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas Airport drug operation. Controversial case, where the initial report of death was Due to "falling asleep on the railroad track". Later, reports claim the 2 boys had been Slain before being placed on the railroad tracks. Many linked to the case, died before their testimony could come before the Grand Jury.

These People had Information on the
Ives/Henry Case, now DEAD

Keith Coney

Died when his Motorcycle slammed into the back of a truck, July 1988.

Keith McMaskle

Died, when he was Stabbed 113 times, on November 1988.

Gregory Collins

Died from a Gunshot wound, January 1989.

James Milan

Found Decapitated, coroner ruled the death was due to natural causes.

Jordan Kettleson

Found Shot to death in the front seat of his pickup truck, June 1990.

Richard Winters

Was a suspect in the Ives/Henry deaths. He was Killed in a "set up robbery", July 1989.


Major William S. Barkley Jr.

Captain Scott J. Reynolds

Sgt. Brian Hanley

Sgt. Tim Sabel

Major General William Robertson

Col. William Densberger

Spec. Gary Rhodes

Col Robert Kelly

Steve Willis

Robert Williams

Conway LeBleu

Todd McKeehan

Anonymous said...

Joseph, I still support Pelosi and Reid. When they get smoking gun evidence of crimes, impeachment will be on the table. However, I just got off the phone after letting Feinstein know that I will support other candidates running against her because of her Intelligence bill vote.

Hang in there. JLM

Anonymous said...

You want to know why there has been no movement on vote fraud? Because Nancy Pelosi personally benefits from it.


RONICALLY, DELAY'S DEMOCRATIC counterpart in the House, Nancy Pelosi, has been involved in wholesale and indisputable election law violations, but has been absent from the headlines. Pelosi is a champion of what is called "campaign finance reform." The clearest and most fundamental tenet of current election law is the limitation of contributions. Yet, Pelosi's committees have engaged in a massive circumvention of the limitation, even as Pelosi was a key player in passing additional "reform" measures such as McCain-Feingold.

Earlier this year, the Federal Election Commission fined two so-called leadership PACs associated with Pelosi in response to a Complaint by the National Legal and Policy Center. The purpose of leadership PACs is to make contributions to the campaigns of other Congressional candidates. House and Senate Leaders are allowed one leadership PAC in addition to their own campaign committee.

Pelosi set up two. Her second PAC made $5,000 contributions to thirty-six campaigns that had already received the $5,000 maximum from the first. The treasurer of both PACs candidly admitted that the "main reason" for setting up the second PAC was to "give twice as much (sic) hard dollars."

Anonymous said...

Pelosi is the one Dan Moldea was talking about. She's mobbed up.

Which is probably where Joseph gets the money to continue this blog. I agree that he squeals like this only when he wants a raise.


Anonymous said...

In other words, Pelosi voted for the bill before she voted against it. Typical!

Anonymous said...

Joe, I'd really like you to keep the doors open. You provide a thoughtful, intelligent entry point into the day's news.

Having said that, unless you are on a "mission from God," there is no requirement that you continue to do anything, let alone something that causes you grief. I refer to MacMillan's Law of Unhappiness, coined by me: When you are doing something that makes you unhappy, you should stop doing it.

But bearing in mind that the opposite of stupidity is not wisdom, but the equal and opposite stupidity, I am not sure that stopping the blog would make you much happier. I don't think you started this on a whim, but because you wanted to make a real contribution to the reclamation of the World's Last Superpower (TM) from the fascist thugs who are currently steering it. Stopping the blog, unless you have something new to do instead, is unlikely to give you a warm fuzzy for very long.

So the answer might be to find some other way of dealing with the obvious frustration that the assorted moonbats and tin foil hatters cause you.

There are two thoughts that might help to deal with this. They are both founded in my faith, so they might not be completely transferable.

The first is that when Jesus said, "The poor ye have always with you." He could have added, "and it ain't just the poor, baby!" There will always be moonbats and tin foil haberdashery around. Let's just delete the little buggers and let the grown ups get on with the conversation.

The second is that, even if you do not convince a single person to take off his tin foil hat, you may still have some effect on them down the road without ever being aware of it. This takes a lot of patience, and is infinitely tiresome, but it still beats taking what the moonbats say personally. They cannot anger you unless they engage you, and they cannot engage you unless they have your permission.

Remember that reasonable people abound, albeit in silence and anonymity. For every one who writes a comment or links to you, there are a hundred who read, nod, agree and move on. And for them you really do provide a reinforcement service, as well as great information.

I think that that alone makes the blog worth the aggro. Of course, I'm not the one catching the aggro and for that reason, it can only be your decision, as only you know what is best for Joe Cannon.

Still, I'd feel oddly diminished if you were not there.

I love the smell of Cannonfire in the morning. It smells like . . . well, some tangible progress, if not actual, immediate victory.


Prof. Hex said...

Wow, just wow.....I had no idea it was this bad.

Hang in there, Joe.

Unknown said...

Pleas don't go!!!!! We need the voices of sanity and unfortunately they are far and few between. Between you and the Rude Pundit you are my main go to pages of the day. Heck, your my home page in my Firefox settings ( Rude pundit is in my other browsers) So please don't go, I know it is frustrating bt we've gotta keep at it. Thanks for all you have done.

Anonymous said...


Yours is the only personal blog I read daily. Your voice is unique and so is your perspective. You are both open and skeptical, a rare combination.

If you go, you'll be greatly missed.

And take the barrage of inanities you get for morons for what it is: a badge of honor.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Joseph I had to laugh...but you are correct to moderate. (and that must be a pain in itself)

Anonymous said...

...and that ain't includin the AIPACian crowd

Anonymous said...

I'm convinced that a lot of these comments are jokes. No way are people that deranged and not institutionalized.

Anonymous said...

Joseph, I've been reading your blog for several years now, and it's one of only 2-3 that I DO read. I voted for Nader in 2000 AND 2004, and while I was never quite a "progressive purist" your arguments have been making me re-think my philosophy on voting. The guy who pointed out that most of your readers don't post comments, or even read the comments (I'm one of them). You should realize the people most prone to posting are often the shrillest segment of your readership. I am reminded of a line I've heard is attributed to the Sub-Geniuses, which essentially goes "You know how dumb the average person is? Well, by definition, half of people are even dumber than that." In some sense, if/when you allow them to break your spirit and stop blogging, they've won. My advice is stop giving a shit about them. I hope you keep blogging, if for no other reason that I'll have fewer sites worth reading.
Stay strong and keep going.

Anonymous said...

Ignor the ignorant morons. Rational political dialog is hard to come by and so important if we are ever to become anything other than, as you said "an ultra-conservative culture". I also suspect that you have more than your share of loonies because you go out of your way to give them a fight. Such types that see a conspiracy under every rock are always spoiling for a fight and so they come back here to get their fix. Reading some of the comments in response to this post illustrates what you are up against. They are a vocal minority of your readers I suspect.

Joseph, I hope you keep Cannonfire open. Cannonfire is one of the few political sites that cleaves strictly to a rational line. I don't always agree with every stance taken but I read it every day to my benefit. The political discourse on the Web will be poorer if you choose to close it. Whatever you decide though, thanks for all the hard work done up to now.

Anonymous said...

I hope you stay too. But on reading the quote about Clinton being a 'great president', the thought that immediately came to mind was 'he abolished welfare'. Oh yes, and stood in front of the cameras reading scripts when US forces invaded Iraq.

The culture is a mindfuck.

You are damn right, absolutely right, about Cockburn et al, and the penetration of extreme right crap into the 'left'. Astroturf groups and wacky conspiracy stuff abounds, and I'm sure you understand the dynamics of that stuff better than 99% of people who think about it in the first place.

The alternative to rightist-influenced crap is...well the last things we want to throw out of the window are a) the true recognition that the big business elite really does control the government, and b) the true recognition of the fact that the idea that 'the people' can change things through elections really is bullshit.

You shouldn't boil these down to the straw man of 'the two parties are the same'. Sure, they're not the same, but neither of them would be in existence if they challenged rule by the big business elite, and there's no need to avoid mentioning that politicians in both of them rake in an awfully large amount of payola, including from the country's most powerful 'lobby' - the Zionist one.

Sure, these ideas have been amalgamated with all sorts of crap. A century ago the social-democratic leader August Bebel, for example, called anti-Semitism "the socialism of imbeciles".

That's how mindfuck culture works.

Keep up the good work Joe, and please don't sell out to the radio, or blame such a decision on anyone else if you do - especially those so-called 'hillbillies'. Even if most of them believe what's on the Flintstones, most of them didn't vote for a projector of extreme American government violence such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, or anyone quite so rich as Michael Bloomberg.

Kind regards,


Anonymous said...

I hope you stay too. But on reading the quote about Clinton being a 'great president', the thought that immediately came to mind was 'he abolished welfare'. Oh yes, and stood in front of the cameras reading scripts when US forces invaded Iraq.

The culture is a mindfuck.

You are damn right, absolutely right, about Cockburn et al, and the penetration of extreme right crap into the 'left'. Astroturf groups and wacky conspiracy stuff abounds, and I'm sure you understand the dynamics of that stuff better than 99% of people who think about it in the first place.

The alternative to rightist-influenced crap is...well the last things we want to throw out of the window are a) the true recognition that the big business elite really does control the government, and b) the true recognition of the fact that the idea that 'the people' can change things through elections really is bullshit.

You shouldn't boil these down to the straw man of 'the two parties are the same'. Sure, they're not the same, but neither of them would be in existence if they challenged rule by the big business elite, and there's no need to avoid mentioning that politicians in both of them rake in an awfully large amount of payola, including from the country's most powerful 'lobby' - the Zionist one.

Sure, these ideas have been amalgamated with all sorts of crap. A century ago the social-democratic leader August Bebel, for example, called anti-Semitism "the socialism of imbeciles".

That's how mindfuck culture works.

Keep up the good work Joe, and please don't sell out to the radio, or blame such a decision on anyone else if you do - especially those so-called 'hillbillies'. Even if most of them believe what's on the Flintstones, most of them didn't vote for a projector of extreme American government violence such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, or anyone quite so rich as Michael Bloomberg.

Kind regards,


Anonymous said...

Sorry for the double post!

(Hey - I'm what some would call an 'ultra' but I can apologise, no problem! :-) )

background n015e said...

As the author cited, I think you need to quote more of the text or at least provide a link so readers can judge for themselves. Nowhere do I make the claim, insinuation, allegation, or attribution that she drafted the legislation.

You also left out the opening four paragraphs of the essay which set the stage for the piece. In doing that you misrepresent the work, its intentions and foist your own agenda on it by sticking words in my mouth.

That's rude and dishonest. If that is what you consider legitimate commentary... you are also mistaken.

background n015e said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

It seems to me that the folks who are FOR your opinion are just loudmouthed windbags, like the people AGAINST your opinion. You seem incapable of believing that we can make up our own minds, even in the face of a few curses or idiotic links. Why don't you quit running everyone down? You'll feel better. Keep it open, close it, who cares, really? But let go of the hate, old-timer.

John said...


Welcome to The Matrix...

a place where any rightwinger can pose as someone else.

a place where websites can thrive, pretending to be for one group, but actually for others, with hidden agendas, etc.

You know me. You know how hard I work on some of this shit.

Now do me a favor, check out my blog's latest posting, and let's start to unravel this mess.


priscianus jr said...

You really do have quite the collection of trolls here, don't you?
But the point you are making is an extremely important one.
Blogs are still a new medium for most of us. I read lots of comments on lots of blogs, and only recently did I start noticing what a disorienting experience it can be.
A lot of people overreact. I believe this is due to (a) lack of knowledge about current affairs and how the government works, or is supposed to work (b) desire for instantgratification (c) free-floating anger (d) pack-like mentality.
It turns out that most people are not very bright, whether on the right or the left.
That being said, and I know you agree with this, the current political landscape is extremely frustrating. But I don't blame Pelosi, Reid, Leahy, Schumer, Conyers, Waxman, Whitehouse and so many other good people for that.
Here's another blogger I think you'd appreciate:

Anonymous said...

Why don't just make the blog comment-free, and block emails from the negative people?

Hyperman said...

you're among the 3 blogs I read daily. You provide me with a very interesting perspective on a lot of issues and we share a lot of topic of interest. But if you want to stop doing it, it's totally understandable, given how you react to comments.

When I saw Al Gore give his climate change presentation in Montreal (I was lucky enough to get free VIP tickets :), there was 2 "hecklers" who started screaming about the "mines" he has on his land and that he was supporting the "club of Rome" plan for population reduction... you see the picture.

Gore completely ignored them, they were escorted out and he went on. They looked like stupid jerks. They were right behind me and I told them to shut up and that if I wanted to hear them, I would go to their presentation. Everybody applauded when they left the auditorium.

That's how you should act with people who disagree with you, are rude and insult you. Simply ignore them, don't give them any attention. If you insult them back, call them names because they don't think like you and despise them because of their belief you find "evil" (you know, trannies), you're only starting a feud that you will complain about afterward. Nobody will accept being insulted in front of everybody (even in your house) without trying to get back at you in the future. Especially if you insult them because they said something you don't like (apart from obvious racist / personal attacks), even if they are a guest in your house.

A public blog like yours is an open house party, you can't expect every guest who don't even know the owner of the house to behave. To improve the situation, you could first start by removing the right for anonymous cowards to insult you, only allow people who at least have the courage to voice their opinion under a blogger account. It should solve 90% of the problems.

Btw, you should give a little bit more visibility to the "donate" button, it was difficult to find even under the logo.

Anonymous said...

Please don't stop. Your blog is great and I tell people to read it all the time. We can all bitch about Dems after we drive out all of the repug scum.

Anonymous said...

aussie in scandinavia here - I'm another of your long-term daily readers who barely reads other blogs apart from DKos. Either learn to ignore the idiots or turn off comments, or well, go do something else and I'll be a little less educated every day and have a little more time.

It's sad to see what is happening on DKos, where the Dems have well and truly begun to eat their own again.

One international perspective - Bill Clinton was a damn good president.

Clayton said...

Of the 2 blogs i read, you actually respond to the comments left by the nutters out there. I usually think that if a blogger ignores a post that is inherently vile, they must be okay with it.

The first person to call a person a Nazi looses the argument. The fact that people are so outside of reality to call Nancy pelosi a Nazi is just plain stupid. It shows just how unhinged THEY really are.

To the trannies who want to inundate your site with cooky comments, why can't they put up links from reputable sources for us to look at? I know why, you know why, they know why. THERE ARE NONE. If you believe the word of a bunch of white supremacists out there regarding 9/11 then thats your Idiocracy in action.

John, keep up the good work, and laugh at the crazies lest you become one of them.

Anonymous said...

What are the numbers, Joseph? If 200 people read your blog each day then closing down is no problem. If you get 2000 readers then you are doing some real good. The lunatics will always be there. Follow the earlier suggestion and allow only blogger comments. Sounds fair.

Anonymous said...


We certainly have our differences, and the biggest one may be what I perceive as and would call "intemprence" on your part, and a tendency to shut off any potential for meaningful debate on many issues simply through your method of delivery.

That said, I continue to check your site, because you continue to offer unique insights and tease out significant stories at a regular pace, meaning your site offers a unique service not duplicated elsewhere. Which is why you should continue.

The decision to moderate comments is an intelligent one, but I would like to see you increase your capacity for ignoring posts like many of those in this thread - while not losing the ability to recognize and allow for reasonable disagreement and discussion on other issues.

The importance of winning and recognition of the real barriers and potential consequences of going straight from "point a" to "point b" is not easily digestible food for the masses. Unfortunately, the "liberal" agenda does not lend itself very well to a "simpleton's approach" to politics. So actually discussion among like-minded people who disagree is what we lack -- along with a coherent plan of prioritized action that recognizes the barriers and hazards along the way from "point a" to "point b".

Authoritarians are more easily harnessed by their political "masters", so "liberals" have to try harder - and have greater tolerance for frustration.

Unknown said...

For what it's worth, I would be saddened to see your blog disappear. It makes me think, pure and simple.

As far as why you could consider continuing, I offer a couple of quotes from Mahatma Gandi..

"Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is still very important that you do it."
"You must be the change you want to see in the world."

Hang in there baby..

Don (Ontario Canada)

tactcigius said...

I'm a lurker but an almost daily reader and obviously I value your POV and common sense. I'm also a social welfare/progressive democrat, or what you'd call a "lefty". I'll vote for a cabbage in 2008 if that's what the party nominates, but I didn't think Clinton was "great" and I would prefer Kucinich or Edwards to anyone else in the field. I wasn't wild about NAFTA or "welfare reform" and while I think Clinton was dogged and hogtied by that "vast right wing conspiracy" so preoccupied with Whitewater and his cock, that it's hard to say what he could have accomplished if he could have devoted himself to things presidential fulltime. Nevertheless, I hope that in the face of Bush's debacle, our lefty ranks are swelling, demanding to see some money spent on universal healthcare, education and the infrastructure rather than the horror that is Bush's Middle Eastern policy.

We "leftys" are concerned about the corporatocracy, knowing that it values people as cheap workers with limited benefits and pensions and limited recourse through the courts, who consume, consume, consume goods and services and are in enough debt that they cannot rattle the cages of their captors/employers. We want to put people first. The shrinking middle class needs to grow into a respectable bell curve with the numbers of the very poor and the very rich substantially diminished. Education, as you clearly agree, is essential to shrink the areas of the country more akin to Dumbfuckistan than America.

I agree that Pelosi has done many of the right things regarding FISA and the expansion of surveillance, but I wonder where our LBJ is, our arm-twisting, don't-take-no-for-an-answer LEADER who can deliver the votes, especially from the newbies in Congress. Is it wrong to want MORE from the Democratic leadership??? Is it wrong to long for some pro-action rather than reaction? It's not enough to be against the war, against lies, against torture and "not-republican". It is not a return to the "status quo" we want, a little less corruption, an estate tax, etc. We want to turn this thing around so that it is a democratic government of the people, FOR the people. That's the source of some of the criticism you deplore. We're GONNA vote democratic. We just wish we could be more enthusiastic about it.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for being one of those who remind me that there are no overnight victories and that reason always trumps ideals.

Anonymous said...

I had planned to padlock this blog at the beginning of the year, after the trannies attacked. The enterprise kept going only because, at the last moment, an actual paid ad showed up.

Your sense of history is warped and disinformational (also dysfunctional).
You are rewriting history Cannon, you fired the first shots and we are just defending ourselves from your asinine remarks.
Do I perceive a pity party/

Anonymous said...

you have inspired, generated, and provoked many many responses from you readership this your last Hurrah? Methinks not.
The outpouring of sympathy, animosity, congratulations, abominations, and well wishers displays an interesting cross section of charge on good knight..however deluded and shortsighted you have become..plunge on, the Nazi windmills are now in place where now even the blind can now see.

You my good fellow (good is simply a polite term here) started this whole debacle by arrogantly proclaiming "trannies" as some kind of retards from some other planet instead of the many (and growing daily ) that realize, demolitions, aka bombs going boom, surgically placed inside those twin towers ) Placed by wnom? Well Cannon..what or where are your remarks about the "suspicion" that Marvin Bush along with his father..brothers, mom, ..and the rest of the Nazis now entrenched in our government, (CIA, NSA,DIA, FBI, Pentagon, State Department, Supreme Court, Senate, and the House of Represenitives), not ot mention the city and State police forces in every ciry and burgh in this fate filled nation, are waiting, planning and executing the Fourth Reich.
(remember McVeigh?)
Do you honestly believe that the Nazi movement went to sleep after the war? No Cannon flare (you are losing your fire), Mais Non, they went corporate, and now are one of the wealthiest entities in this world, with holdings and outright ownership in every major multi- national corporation on this ball of mud.

You claim to have done all kinds or research into the "forbidden" and "tabooo"political subjects of our time..but if so, you are afraid to include the facts about "Operation Paperclip" that placed the highest or most dedicated Nazis, scientists, assasins, military specialists, economists (try Peter Drucker),and the countless other nameless faceless employees and now their recruits by the thousands, in neo nazi (shock troops) of dedicated and fanatic harbingers of tomorrows "Showdown", since there will be a showdown eventually so Cannon..choose this day whom you will serve.


Anonymous said...

Goddamn it, NO!
That is the whole point of the trannies. Please understand that. Freepers are grown and let loose to tire and demoralize. You cannot let them win. It is nearly impossible to find anyone sane in your area of study. You would surely be missed.

Anonymous said...

As I've said before, I read you first. Hell, sometimes you are the only one I read. We mostly agree, sometimes not, but your comments and perspective give me pause to think. And that's what it's all about. Thinking....then acting. Stay blogging. Whatever you do about the comments, stay blogging.

Anonymous said...

So Why Bother?
Well Joe, that is entirely up to you! I have always understood that you are a big boy and been around the block a few times and at the end, you are in control of what you do.
But in case you were not 100% sure about what to do:
1- Ditto to all that have told you how much you have contributed to the .....whatever it is that we are trying to do!
2- Ditto to all that have made suggestions as to how to handle the ....undesirables!
3- You were once a babe in the woods (by your own admission) and therefore, you can not expect everyone to arrive at the same destination as yours at the same time as you have!
4- Democrats, progressives, or anyone with a right brain can not tolerate the "follow the leader without any questions" mantra (you know Jesus freaks, Bush lovers, Neocon loyalists)....refer to comments....
5-I read your blog first and last, in between, I read other blogs and the comments. You have by far the smartest, most read, and most informative commenters (even if you do not appreciate their comments).
5- If one hadn't read Chomsky, read Nation or all other "Pure Progressive" whatnot out there, how could one understand or appreciate what you say or propose (even if one has yet to see flaws to their logic)?
6- Progressives in this country are "disgusted" with the politics as usual (even if it takes as long to over-turn it as it took for it to take effect). They are angry (as they should), and that anger has no outlet. Sometimes people vent.
7- Joe, you vent more than anyone (or anyone I consider intelligent) I know. If we vent a little, you of all people should understand.
8- As Mr. Stern mentioned earlier, disagreement is not cause for rebellion. It is a healthy democratic by-product. It should exist, without it we (progressives) would be no better than "Bushwhacked", "brainwashed college Republicans" or "Jesus freaks".
9- As for "uni", come on Joe! He/She is smart, articulate, educated and well read. If you can not see beyond his rant to His/Her utter disgust and disappointment with the way politics is played these days, you have no empathy!
10- Bella told me you are not without empathy, and not just a grouch. Bella didnt have to tell me about you, I read between the lines.

Whatever you do, I'm OKAY with it.

Anonymous said...

BTW Joe,
Can't blame the toothache on Uni, the tooth must have had a flaw (too much rage or...just kidding...). I had a tooth like that and it cost me a pretty penny. And MAN did it hurt!
If I was rich, I would say....hey BUD go fix it on me. But I am not rich (dahh....if I was, would I be here?) But I can help... a little..

Anonymous said...


You are absolutely right. I have never commented on your site. Also, I read all the big blogs too. I find your view very refreshing and I usually rethink my thoughts from the other blogs. But don't even think of quiting. The PEOPLE need to take this country back. We cannot count on Congress or anyone else. It is up to us. If your representative does not represent you, get involved in your local Democratic party and take it over. Make it yours and take ownership. Find someone to run against a Democrat that does not represent the people. I know it is hard to herd cats when we are all very independent minded and think our way is best. This country cannot afford another Republican President. The costs are just too high. Period. I will always be a Democrat and support the candidates and the party. Yes, I will complain when they pass FISA bills. However, think about it, our Congress is being threatened. Why else would they pass laws like that? I have nothing to base this on but I am more and more convinced everday that someone (Rove perhaps) is threatening them. They are also suffering from this fear mongering that this Administration loves to do. I am long over that phase but they are right in DC and getting beat up by somebody, press, etc., everyday. The affects can be devastating. Get involved and quit bitching. Joseph, thank you again for your insight. You are too valuable and we need your voice. So buck up, straighten up and get that tooth fixed, your voice needs to be heard!

Anonymous said...

52 comments and going.....WOW...
I wish I was that unpopular!
Did you take gary's medicine?
I took 4 advils and a vicodin (for a tooth ache) for a week and went to work, but I have no recollection of that week!
I am going to bed, but I check on you tomorrow. Hope you feel better!

Anonymous said...

Christ, these constant "I'm gonna quit" posts are really fucking pathetic. Either just fucking quit already or stop whining. Jesus.

Oh yeah, and since you've turned off comment moderation: instead of bitching so much about "trannies", why don't you just do a post outlining why you think the official story of 9/11 is correct, as you've been challenged to do so many times? Isn't the only plausible reason why you've done a million posts complaining about 9/11 revisionists, but zero posts about the evidence indicating Osama Bin Laden and the 19 alleged hijackers were the actual culprits, is that you know that there IS no evidence (not only no evidence from the media/government sources, but also no evidence from your beloved Hopsicker, who can tell you every last detail about Mohammed Atta, from who all of his acquaintances were down to what he liked to eat for breakfast, but has so far produced *nothing* indicating a connection to any sort of terrorism)? And does it really make sense for these guys to have been drug smugglers AND suicidal terrorists? What possible motive could they have had for carrying out 9/11? And what do we make of the Israelis crawling over every aspect of the attacks, particularly with the hundreds of them tracking the alleged hijackers in Florida? Could it really get any more obvious that these guys were just patsies?

Isn't that really your problem with "trannies" - not that you think they're wrong, but that really you know they're right, and can't handle it? I mean, boy, if 9/11 was a hoax and the Democrats let it happen, and in some cases quite possibly assisted, then that really throws your whole worldview for a fucking loop, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...


If it weren't for you I'd never have heard of Daniel Hopsticker! And even now that I know his site, I still rely on you to draw attention to what's important in what he (and others) have been saying, and to suggest how to connect the dots.

That's what makes you different from other blogs on the progressive end of the political spectrum -- you point to evidence of conspiracy but never go off the deep end with it. It's really a refreshing perspective, because it seems so few people actually stand in the rational middle ground between "conspiracy? don't be silly" and "there really was a UFO that crashed at Area 51!!11!"

Let Josh Marshall handle the above-board politics where we see what's going on. If you continue to give us your well-informed specualation (carefully labeled as to just how speculative each bit is) you will be performing a valuable and unique service to the blogosphere.

Or give up blogging and write a book. Just point us to the pre-orders page!


Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever commented on this blog, but I feel compelled to now. I used to check in on quite a number of them daily, but I've grown tired of the same old crap. Yours is the only one I still have any interest in, and that's not a statement I make lightly. I admire anyone who has the courage to think for themselves, and who has learned, against all cultural odds, to think well; there aren't many. I find your work interesting for precisely that reason. Problem is, minds that are inextricably immersed in groupthink can't conceive of what thinking for oneself is like, or that it might be advantageous to actually figuring stuff out, or fixing it. Collectively, they just keep getting dumber and dumber. The Left is certainly no exception; I myself have been ostracized, simply for pointing out such failures. No, of course they have no idea what I'm talking about. Once the defense of an established worldview becomes more important than discovering the truth, you might as well be talking to a sack of hammers. They can't hear you. Because they don't want to. They are immunized against it, walled off and lost in their own little symbolic universes, isolated from the real one.

Sometimes it seems like America has become a testbed, an experiment to see precisely how stupid people can become. Can we reduce political discourse to the intellectual level of a bunch of monkeys having a turd fight? Mission accomplished. Can reason be virtually abolished and forgotten, in a massive maelstrom of relentlessly idiotic messages? Mission accomplished. Can a nation be led around by the nose, once reduced to such a level? Mission accomplished. Can such a nation of ignorant, immature, stunted human beings be easily distracted from what's really important? Mission accomplished. Real thinkers cast into the darkness? Mission accomplished.

But there are still a few who persist in fishing for truth, in this vast ocean of bullshit. That's why I'm still reading you. And in this pathetic context, which Morris Berman called "The Twilight of American Culture," if you are being ignored or chastised, it may well be that it's because you are doing something right. Examples of real moral and intellectual integrity are so rare, most don't even know what it looks like. That doesn't mean you should just quit. Is virtue its own reward? Hell if I know. But cultivating and offering a sense of what virtue might actually look like, can't hurt; even if the entire world hates you for it. OK, maybe it can hurt, depending on how hard they lob the turds at you; but the alternative is to become like everyone else. I personally find that much less appealing. How can you, if you know in your heart that it's wrong?

We're probably living in a vast lost cause, for precisely the above reasons. There's probably little we can do about it. And this truth hurts. Hurts a lot. What stupid people fail to realize is that the pain involved in discovering truth doesn't make it false. Like someone said in some old forgotten movie, "When the truth is ugly, only liars can be beautiful."

I know from experience that quitting does feel better, at least for awhile. It's much easier to stop caring about the fate of the world, and just look after yourself. But if you care about the world, you'll realize that quitting doesn't improve anything. Until proven otherwise, I'll go with the assumption that virtue IS its own reward; even if no one knows what it is anymore.

Don't quit. I seriously doubt that you can.

Clayton said...

dear Reader 4:04 am
"What possible motive could they have had for carrying out 9/11?"

Please read some books written about 5-10 years before 9/11. These three in particular would be helpful.

Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America

Jihad vs. McWorld: How Globalism and Tribalism Are Reshaping the World

The secret war against the jews. (this book is written by two investigative journalists, it starts in saudi arabi circa 1901 and comes up through the early 90's) It also covers how all major nations (France, US, Russia etc) recruited Nazi scientists.Read this book two or three times and let it sink in. NEOCONS HATE JEWS, secretary of state james baker is quoted as saying "Fuck the Jews, they won't vote for us anyways"

George herbert Walker and Prescott Bush were greedy capitalists, not Nazi's. They saw an opportunity and seized on it. The were anti semitic but not Nazi's. The book also

So why would a group of single men, who have no chance for a real life in this world, who are indoctrinated from childhood to be fanatics (similarly to the HJ in Germany) carry out suicide missions? Do you live under a rock or something.

The Muslim world has been at war with Israel and it predecessor's for over a hundred years now. How many suicide bombings in Israel would it take for you to think, hey that Could Happen here in America.

What part of American Foreign policy that supports Dictatorships in the Middle east, that torture and kill their own citizenry, do you conveniently ignore to so you can say hey no way would people in the middle east want to kill americans. Is it because only "white" people are capable atrocities? just read, and critically think about the world.

Christian fascists & Muslim Jihadist are the same characters, similar hate and fear different skin color. The one difference which is essential their violence is that in Christianity all suicide is a mortal sin. In fundamentalist Islam being a Martyr guarantees a spot in heaven, and a fat check for your family!!!

Maybe our govt was behind 9/11
but your a stinky racist who thinks Muslims aren't capable or willing to kill in defense of their ideals etc!

The Muslim world isn't all crazy jihadists, all it takes is a handful to carry out an attack.

Read those books
Watch screw loose change
and ask yourself, is it possible that maybe just maybe some people would have hate satisfactory to attack the US in such a fashion?

ps watch screw loose change and ask yourself "If loose change got the majority of their information from a white supremacists newspaper, how credible are they)

PPS "the Secret war against the Jews" has a bibliography thicker than most books on the market.

Anonymous said...

Joe, Please stay at what you are doing! We need you,there are so few intelligent voices out there that we can't afford to loose yours. And whatever you decide I wish you well and thanks.

Anonymous said...

Some of us are just tired of sitting around waiting for the Democrats to DO SOMETHING. They are very good at accomodating Republicans who if left unchecked would have us in a police state tomorrow. Democrats like Pelosi are not really interested in change or fixing anything. They just want to protect Democratic elites by sucking up to Republican Nazis. So some of us are of the opinion: LET IT FUCKING BREAK. Fuck Pelosi. Don't vote for Democratic losers always trying to put a bandaid on something that should have been amputated at the knee a LONG time ago. Let the whole thing break. Let the Nazis loose so Americans can finally see it for what it is and be scared shitless enough to take this country back. We're tired of this slow creep to third world slavery the Republicans have had us under for 35 years. 21st century America has become a shithole run by U.S. Intelligence and Organized Crime(is there a difference anymore?) Some of us actually wonder what could be accomplished in this country if Americans had put the guys who killed JFK in jail rather than let them take over the country and spend trillions of our tax dollars on wars for oil tycoons and defense contractors??? Some of us want to know. SO LET IT FUCKING BREAK. LET DEMOCRATS LOSE if they are just going to give us more of the same. Let's see what happens when we stop putting bandaids on this rot and actually put some of these criminals out of office and into jail?!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Joe. Keep this old saying in mind when dealing with these folk: "Don't let the turkeys get you down."

I'm pretty much far left. However, when it comes to the 9/11 "controlled demolition" idiots and those who blame Pelosi for the fact that Bush has yet to be impeached, forget about 'em. They aren't even really the left. Rather, they tend to fit the profile of a cultist below the age of 25. Some will change.

However, I don't think they pose any significant Nader threat right about now. One thing to keep in mind is that the loony right is back in full swing. Personally, I am quite happy about this as it also greatly bothered me that the same right-wing junk I used to read about Clinton seemed to become a game of supposed lefties as well under Bush. But, the "Ron Paul Revolution" is helping set things straight and will pull more Republicans. I'm just not seeing any darkhorse candidate that will take away from Democrats in the same way, simply because most of us, or at least the people I know, who also happen to be far left, are sick to death of this administration and anyone who would continue it. None of us are naive enough to think that our candidate will be perfect, or won't even have some policy stances that we disagree with. But, we're voting for someone to be President and not Jesus Christ.

Let the clowns be clowns and know that, while not all of us may post here or be vocal about it, I doubt I'm the only one that says nothing simply because you already said the same thing. Don't get cynical as a result of them. Laugh as they do their little dance, achieve nothing, and actually think they've helped the world by making a jackass out of themself on the internet. ;)

Best Regards,

Anonymous said...

To all of you bleating pussies who keep crying about all of the tin-foil hatters and irrationals posting on this blog, I say one thing: a big hearty FUCK YOU to you. You are part of the problem. My guess is some of you are well to do and are comfortable with the status quo of watching your country being bled to death by Nazis because for the moment you feel secure. Like others have stated above, you don't want to face some of the uncomfortable facts about 9/11 or JFK because then you'd have to admit that the Democrats are part of the coverup that has been going on for all of these years. Dems don't want to rock the boat. Well again, I say FUCK YOU. Many of us have a sneaky suspicion that 19 drug runners are NOT the full story behind who pulled off 9/11 and we're tired of hearing you accomodating pussies bleat and whine everytime anyone asks legitimate questions like "How did 9/11 even fucking occur when Israeli, French and U.S. intelligence admit they WERE FUCKING WATCHING ATTA AND HIS THUGS *BEFORE* 9/11." SO HOW DID IT OCCUR???? And we had wargames on 9/11 that operated as a Trojan horse for all of this to happen. These are legit questions and if you don't get that, then you are a FUCKING IDIOT or something worse. Americans like ancient Romans are becoming more and more irrational because they are being LIED to. When the government LIES to its citizens on a regular basis which they do. Then expect the citizenry to become a bit unstable and irrational. And if you don't understand the mechanics of this, then again, FUCK YOU for being as stupid as the worst of the tin foil hatters on here. When the U.S. is overrun by unhinged nuts, idiots and loons in your own backyard you will regret that you didn't act sooner and put a handful of hardened Iran/Contra criminals in jail.

Anonymous said...

French Intelligence had fully penetrated al Qaeda before 9/11. In Jan 2000 they knew that American and United Airlines were bin Laden's targets. This was passed on to the CIA, to no avail. Then there was Sen.Bob Graham's admission: the 9/11 terrorists were assisted by a "sovereign foreign government". There was the $100,000 payment by Gen, Mahmoud Ahmad to Atta, and the $70,000 Saudi money order receipt put before the 9/11 Commission. We know there were other players besides the 19 terrorists. We know this. Not maybe, not could be. There were others, intermediaries. It is almost certain that the US government knows some of these financiers and enablers yet chooses not to prosecute them. Why not? And we have yet to know why Atta and Co got I-20 student visas to Huffman Aviation when it wasn't even credentialled for such visas. And why Huffman, by all appearances, was an established drug trafficking flight centre that could not have been operating the way it did without the tacit approval of one or more US regulatory agency. And then there's NORAD: three different explanations for failing to get their planes off the ground, none of them satisfactory. No-one would accept that hijacked aircraft could fly around unattended over Frankfurt, London or Tokyo, yet we are asked to accept this nonsense for Washington and New York.

Sorry if it blows your theory Joseph, but we do NOT have a full and frank account of the events of 9/11. Until the US government sees fit to honor its citizens with a full accounting of 9/11 they can and will draw whatever conclusions they like. Controlled demolitions - fine. Israeli plot - no problems. When you get over your unjustified contempt for ordinary people exercising their democratic right to hold an opinion about 9/11 you can turn that contempt to where it really belongs. To a US government who told the public a fairy story and refused to answers their questions, who essentially told their own citizens to go fuck themselves. I know where my hatred is, and it isn't with the CD'ers.

Hyperman said...

To Anon:12:25
What you don't seem to understand poor moron, is that even if I don't believe the CD theories, it doesn't mean I believe the official conspiracy theory of 9/11. You're creating a false dichotomy, it's either we believe "Loose change" (or all the newest flavors of the same type of pseudo research / intellectual crap) or we are believers of the official theory. One doesn't exclude the other poor idiot.

And don't call people "bleating pussies" when you only have the courage to insult people as an anonymous poster on a blog. You're the fucking pussy... get a fucking life , find some friends to play with instead of bugging us with your paranoid fantasies and your intellectual bullying.

Anonymous said...


Did I ever mention "Loose Change" or lay out some other "official conspiracy" that you need to believe in? Did I mention CD theory? NO. So keep your own "Paranoid fantasies" to yourself asshole.

And as for posting real names on a blog like this? Yeah right. Not in this political climate. If you were a real normal joe blogger you'd probably understand that.

Anonymous said...

... finally found it ->

Anonymous said...

p.s. - why are anti-CDer's and Anti-conspiracy types always so damn interested in knowing who anonymous posters are? And love using buzzwords like "paranoid", "tin hatters", while toeing the line so faithfully for the official stories provided to us regular joes by the same guys who told us lies to get us into Iraq???. Hmmm....Just curious.

Hyperman said...

So keep your own "Paranoid fantasies" to yourself asshole.

And as for posting real names on a blog like this? Yeah right. Not in this political climate. If you were a real normal joe blogger you'd probably understand that.

And you're not paranoid ? you think that "they" cannot retrace your IP address if they wanted to ? You're just a little anonymous and paranoid coward.

"anti-CDer's and Anti-conspiracy"
Listen Bozo, I'm not anti-conspiracy, but I try to limit myself to solid evidence instead of "facts" I can't prove. It's not by pushing theories based on research made by a theologian with a lot of logical fallacies in his conclusions that you're helping the 9/11 truth movement. No amateur has the ability to really find the truth, you would need a REAL investigation of 9/11 with subpoena power, not half baked theories full of logical fallacies and intellectual shortcuts that can be debunked. The official conspiracy theory has big holes in it, just like most of the amateur conspiracy theories out there. I never heard Joseph pretend he know exactly what happen on 9/11, I only know what theories he rejects. So stop accusing him of pretending otherwise, stop putting words in the mouth of people who disagree with you on their blog. It's just lame.

I know we don't know the truth about what happened on 9/11 ("Press for Truth" is an excellent documentary on the issue) , I even believe some element of the government ___might____ have let it happen or even pushed for it to happen, but you don't need CD theories for this. It's like you don't need to involve the aliens, the freemason, the Vatican and the Jesuits to prove that JFK assassination was probably the result of a conspiracy.

Why do you keep attacking Joseph because he doesn't believe your theories, what's your point ? what's your objective ? Why don't you start your own blog and stop harassing him with your accusatory comments and bullying / name calling tactics ? Your aggressive accusations are really really annoying and you're not helping your cause, you're just an annoying asshole. It's like TV, if you don't like what you see, you can always switch channel instead of complaining that there's too much nudity on the playboy channel or too much history on the History channel. This is the Joseph Cannon channel, if you don't like it, GO AWAY ! You should understand your kind is not welcome here and you're just an annoying asshole.

Anonymous said...

J Cannon,

I generally agree with you. But not this time.

The democratic party is weak. Supporting these half baked policies like "impeachment off table" is a mistake. That was Pelosi's mistake.

Impeachment starts in the house, the house is run by Democrats, Democrats are led by Pelosi. Impeachment should never have been off the table, since it showed the Democratic weakness.

And the Democrats are weak. They have the right ideas, but are weak kneed to fight for their beliefs.

FEAR = FISA -- And the leadership once again caved on this point. What a collosal joke.... they have LEGALIZED all the illegal activity and at the same time gave Gonzales the keys. Unbelievable. Also unbelievalbe how you can support this. YOU ARE CAVING TOO.

And funny, you have started using the word progressive... like the Republicans adopt the taking point words.

Is liberal a dirty word?

Anonymous said...

Hi Joe,

Just wanted to chime in with one last "don't go," for whatever it's worth on this depressing day.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think you have made your point about comment moderation - please, please turn it back on! Yikes.

Though I acknowledge that it is a selfish plea, I want to add my voice to those pleading for you to stay. I read your blog regularly and while I do not always agree with you I always want to know what you have to say on the issue of the moment. Today I came here after reading a blistering editorial board OP-Ed in the New York Times on the FISA vote and came away with a broader understanding of the issue. Thanks.

Thanks too, for the tremendous amount I have learned from this blog. One instance stands out: you outlined the whole Randy Cunningham/Foggo issue weeks, if not months, before it hit the MSM (actually the full story, as I understand it, never did get to the MSM).

Sorry about your tooth.

Anonymous said...

What? People.. regularly disagreeing with you? Mocking you? Wasting your time with stupid arguments? Here's a hint. It's called "THE INTERNET" and the WHOLE GODDAMN THING is like that, in case you didn't know, so either cowboy the fuck up or quit shitting up my newsfeeds with your periodic tortured iconoclast routine because I've got 700 other people in there that can actually seem to hack it without losing their shit on a regular basis.

j said...

Hi Joe,

I started reading your blog occasionally a while back, and now I always look forward to it. Please keep up the great work.

It would be great to have a source attribution for that Chomsky - Lumumba - Kennedy bit you mentioned - what a gaffe. I found Talbot's book "Brothers" to be a refreshing rejoinder to much of the Chomsky, Cockburn and Hersh garbage.

As for the Democrats, despite my utter frustration with their acquiescence to the Bush lunacy, I still feel it actually does matter which party is in power. Just watch Jonathan Demme's documentary on Jean Domingue, "The Agronomist", and see what happened in Haiti when Carter left office.

Hope to see you posting again soon.