Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The final word on Karl

Actually, part of the final word belongs to Josh Marshall:
Is it me or is the most remarkable thing about Karl Rove's resignation that it seems almost like a non-event? I had the feeling as the day wore on that all of us in the news and commentary business were trying to make it a big event. But somehow it just wasn't there.
I would sugest that progressives now hate the Democratic party so much that they no longer care much about Karl Rove.


Anonymous said...

Bollocks, it seems like nobody is allowed to disagree. Dem hate is a fantasy, we demand alot more from our party than apparently you do.

Joseph Cannon said...

Bullshit, and poorly put. The fact is, nobody even cares about Karl anymore. Either that, or "progressives" have come to admire him. Power for its own sake is what people admire, and he was the expert in that area.

Hyperman said...

Rove is kinda irrelevant now. His strategies and dirty tactics are out there and well known now. And with a Democrat congress, they can't protect him forever.

Btw, you should write the "Guide for being a good Democrat". Who you're allowed to hate, love, what you should think, what you should support, etc. I always thought the Democrat party was an alliance / coalition of multiple political ideologies from a wide political spectrum. You might disagree with the "Puritan Progressive" side. But to accuse them of damaging the party and wanting the enemy to win sounds exactly like people who accuse you of hating America and wanting OBL to win when you criticize the President invasion of Iraq. Republicans are more "totalitarian", but their leaders are often attacked by other Republicans when he's not Nazi enough without destroying the party or making them loose election.

Anonymous said...

progressives (real ones)do indeed demand a lot from the party that best represents them, and that is the way it should be.
democrats have for too long as has Cannon want to have thier cake and eat it too

Joseph Cannon said...

Let's put it this way, guys. I wrote my words more cleverly than you may at first understand. Sometimes mere statement of a thesis can test it. So far, you people are proving me right.

Anonymous said...

Joseph, I live in Congressman Heath Shuler’s district in Western North Carolina. Shuler is a
“blue dog” Democrat who ousted Charles Taylor (one of the “dirty dozen”) in 2006. Except for
the urban areas of Asheville and Hendersonville, Shuler’s district is an overwhelmingly
conservative one, which means that Heath Shuler actually represents the majority, which is what
he was elected to do and should do. I might whish he would vote differently on such issues as
stem cell research and abortion, but there’s no way I’m ever going to support a more liberal and,
hence, unelectable candidate in the coming primary, because to do so would split the
Democratic vote and probably lead to the election of another Charles Taylor. Yet I believe (or
fear) that is exactly what the progressive/liberal (progressive purists?) of urban areas of
Asheville/Hendersonville intend to do, which, as far as I’m concerned, is complete insanity and
an example of what you refer to as the progressive hatred of the Democratic party. I think you’re
correct in pointing out that we Democrats have to guard against that sort of nonsense (although,
really, “Nader’s raiders” of election 2000 should be warning enough). Given the reality of the
present political landscape, we need to be Democrats first and always, and work to elect more
progessives into office whenever it becomes possible. Thanks for all you do.

Anonymous said...

Joseph, is it really a question of either / or? Could it be that Rove's announcement carries little thunder because many of us simply do not believe that he is "retiring", and leaving the political scene. Personally, I take his announcement with a grain of salt because the fucker has always been up to something underhanded, and I believe we only have to wait before the next episode begins. There is an election gearing up, and since his boy has run the gamut of politics, he has no choice but to change horses if he is to stay in the game. It's only a matter of time. And Abu and The Boy Wonder will cover Rove's ass for as long as they can with DOJ manipulation. These people (I use that term generously) have no shame, no ethics, and no sense of belonging to a civilized society that uses the rule of law (or any other rule for that matter). Look for a Rove resurrection of some kind in six months.

Hey, I was really close on the Inslee info -- ya gotta give me some kind of credit for having a sense of observation!! :)

Anonymous said...

One more note: To stay in the game, Rove will have to team up with someone just as amoral and unethical as GWBush. A match-up for that definition that immediately comes to mind is Rudy. But we'll see.

Anonymous said...

Everyone was expecting him to be "frog-marched." Resigning is anti-climatic; maybe they're underwhelmed.

Anonymous said...

1 more scenario to add for the Roverer.
If there is a summer "Demolition Derby" (a controlled calamity) that catapults GB onto the throne as Der Fuehrer Forever..maybe Karl wants to escape the limelight to let the Turd Blossom by himself for all to see..like Kings stand alone and are so regal.
The puppeteer has left the room..no big deal

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Karl Rove get investigated and get in trouble. I could care less about him resigning from the White House - he has shown no skill at all for helping Bush govern. Rove's skill set is limited to elections, and this resignation means zero in that regard. I am a progressive who likes the majority of the democratic congressional members. This debate about progressives who hate the dem party is frankly kind of tedious.

Anonymous said...

is he going to prop up the Hillary so she can crash? that would mean he has an alliegance to the GOP. Karl really just likes playing dirty. He had a run with his beloved "84" that let him play as dirty as he could. but when its all done and over, where does this leave the turd? Where's his $200M?? I really dont think we have to worry about him getting back in the game, now it's going to be the Rove-gets-his game, a few bords of directorships, some good stock options, i bet the boy is going to be mainlining cash and goodies for the next few years, not working in the cabal making sure the GOP continues. maybe i'm naive, but i think the next move is summed up best by Wolliam S Bourroughs in teh Western Lands: "He gives the American people the finger and barks out: 'I got mine, fuck you! Every crumb for himself"

apishapa said...

I do not hate the Democratic Party. I have been a loyal Democrat for 30+ years and will continue to be one. But, I cannot help being disappointed in the actions taken by some Democrats and I think thet I am entitled to feel such frustration. I not required to blithely follow wherever the DLC wants to drag us. I do not agree sometimes and the great this about being a Democrat is we alre allowed to disagree. Republicans march lockstep no matter how outragous their leadership behaves.

My democratic Senator and Congressman supported Gonzales' nomination the A.G., supported Lieberman (even after he LOST the Democratic nomination)voted for the Torture Act, voted for the bankruptcy bill, my Senator was a member of the Gang of Fourteen which thrust Roberts and Alito onto this nation. The list of votes they have cast that do not conform to the values the Democratic Party has stood for goes on and on. They have supported every damned disgrace this country has been subjected to in the last four years. I am tired of being expected to support someone just because they are have a (D) behind their name, when they do not support me or represent the core issues of the Democratic Party.

The Salazar brothers are not my idea of true Democrats and while I will not vote against them, I will not actively support them either. They have been an incredible disappointment to me. And if a true Progressive Democrat challenges them I will support that person.

Anonymous said...

Two days no Cannon. No good.