Friday, August 17, 2007

Bush: President for life

Dubya's remaining supporters keep finding new ways to go mad. Submitted for your disapproval: The case of Phil Atkinson -- author, philosopher, and leading member of a group called Family Security Matters. I can't improve on Gary Buell's summary:
Last week I posted a book review of William Smatt's book The Messiah in which he argues that George W. Bush is the Messiah. But William Smatt has nothing on Phillip Atkinson--he recently published a piece on the website of Family Security Matters in which he argues that Bush should name himself President-for-Life and then use whatever means necessary, including genocide, to defend Western Civilization. The Family Security Matters website quickly deleted the piece but the google cache is still available.

Mr. Atkinson is described as a philosopher and the author of A Study of Our Decline. Family Security Matters, according to Cliff Schecter, has on its board "Barbara Comstock, Laura Ingraham, Frank Gaffney, James Woolsey, and...drum roll...Dick Cheney."
Dick Cheney has joined a select club represented by a man who supports the idea of Dubya as President for life. Would that make Dick the Veep for life? As for Woolsey -- well, I think he has finally surpassed Richard Helms in the "wackiest DCI ever" competition.

I checked out Atkinson's site, and discovered his methodology for determining whether a society is in decline:
An undeniable symptom of the malaise is the deliberate use of more words than necessary, such as invoking "at this moment in time" instead of "now", or "the state of the art" instead of "latest".
Now you know why George Bush must become President For Life. Only he can restore the English language.

Atkinson also believes that the following claims are "popular delusions," completely lacking in merit or evidence:
# AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the HIV virus.
# CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons) cause a hole in the Ozone layer so their use must be banned.
# Corpulence is the result of eating too much.
# Democracy is good government
# DDT, (Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane ) must be banned to avoid a 'Silent Spring'
# Eating beef from cattle afflicted by Mad Cow Disease will cause a brain rotting disease.
# Global Warming is a threat to human existence.
# Jobs for all are essential for economic prosperity.
Only a fool would believe such nonsense.

Someone should ask Dick Cheney why he pals around with a guy who scoffs at the very notion of democracy. (See here.) Perhaps John Edwards should have mentioned Family Security Matters during his debate with Cheney.

By the way, Phil: If you intend to lecture others on the proper use of the English language, you may want to double-check your own grammar and punctuation. You write like a kid.


Hyperman said...

I can't wait for Big Wedding 2 to make it happen...

Anonymous said...

"Family Secutiry Matters". I immediately thought of Erkel "strapped" with jackboots. I'm amazed @ how many memes they managed to cram in this title! It's like a right-wing "magic square".

Anonymous said...

I hope your back is feeling better. We had no idea you were in pain, we just thought you had given up on humanity! LOL
But seriously, if you are going to be the advocate of the pessimistic view (oops...too many words), some have to advocate the optimistic scenario.
I do not believe that "Bush: President for life" is going to work or at least work for the long haul (I am not saying that these mad people aren't going to give it a try). Putting aside political/ideological arguments of the moment and looking at the subject from sociological/economic angle, many obstacles present themselves (again, I am not saying that it may not be tried but saying it can't endure).
I have to go to work, so I don't have time to expand on this, but I'll mention a couple of things and if others want to add to this, go right ahead.
-One model that comes to mind is Saudi Arabia. A much smaller country with much smaller population that also has a source of income totally independent of it's population. The US depends on it's population (legal and illegal) to produce the wealth that the top 1% confiscate.
- Another model would be North Korea which has closed itself off from the world. Globalization has worked to the benefit of corporations in the US, but it also impedes closing of borders (physically or virtually) for such police state to endure. A great part of the wealth is fluid and border-less and our economic model would not survive in isolation.
-Iran would be a model that would be much closer to a US in police state than the other two (despite the MSM propaganda, Iranians closely resemble Americans in many ways). Again, Iran has a source of income independent of it's population, Iran's economy is not globalized, Iran is not a superpower with military and economic investments around the world, yet Iran's government is constantly on the verge of collapsing (barring a US attack that would keep this government there for another 30 years).

Anonymous said...

Philip Atkinson wrote another essay titled "The Insanity Test." He concludes with:

"Thus the way to determine if a man is insane - the sanity test - is to ask him how he tells right from wrong independently of his feelings. If he cannot immediately nominate a clear moral code, independent of his feelings, then he is insane."

Google Cache

Anonymous said...
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