Friday, July 20, 2007

Then again, she DID marry Darth Vader...

I've thought for a while that Xymphora has gone wacky, although he (for want of a better pronoun) remains the only anti-Semite (yes, the term is justified) I've ever encountered who still manages to be worth reading on other subjects. At least, he's the first since Ezra Pound. But man-o-man, the latest...!

In his most recent offering, he treats Natalie Portman as though she were the personification of all evil. Yeah, you read that right: Natalie freakin' Portman.

A few posts earlier, X decries the belief that Cheney and/or Israel want to launch a military strike on Iran -- a suspicion held by virtually everyone aside from X. Not only that:
Everybody who repeats ‘Iran talk’, whether lies about Iran or lies about the upcoming supposed American attack on Iran, is a Zionist fellow-traveler, as evil as Pipes or Dershowitz or Kristol or Perle.
This is the epitome of demagoguery: "Agree with me or I'll call you a spook (or a Jew)." What pure crap! Needless to say, I hope Iran remains untouched. Also needless to say, only an idiot would allow some anonymous crank to define permissible speech.

X has even started publishing nonsense about the Qabala (my preferred spelling), a subject about which he knows nothing. I'm hardly an expert, but I've done some reading in that area over the years. And I strongly doubt that anyone of any importance within the Israeli government, the Zionist movement or the inner circles of neoconservatism cares much about any qabalistic text. They probably do not even know as much as I do about the subject. Can you actually picture Daniel Pipes taking a few moments off from his busy day to contemplate the doctrine of Kether's identification with Malkuth? Absurd! The entire subject of Jewish mysticism has become a lint-trap for the speculations of fear-junkies who prefer fantasy to research.

Paranoid anti-Semites make me understand why there are so many paranoid Jews. Irrational fears breed irrational counter-fears, and these fears may well feed off each other until the entire world ends in glowing green vapor stew.

At least, that's my great fear.


Hyperman said...

Anti-semitism and its impact on the Jewish community is the main ally of Zionists. I think they understood this from the beginning.

“It is essential that the sufferings of Jews. . . become worse. . . this will assist in realization of our plans. . .I have an excellent idea. . . I shall induce anti-semites to liquidate Jewish wealth. . . The anti-semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-semites shall be our best friends”. Theodor Herzl, "founding father" of the Zionist mouvement. (From his Diary, Part I, pp. 16)

Anonymous said...

Well, check out how the highest levels of the Bush II administration included various Chabad Lubivitchers and look into their agenda(s), or what the symbology of the architectural features of Israel must mean as to mystical influences. Far from a cut and dried proof of no influence, these portend something different.


Joseph Cannon said...

sofla, what are your sources? Near as I can tell, The demonization of the Chabad Lubavitchers seems to be the province of trannies who feel comfortable using terms like "Zionist-controlled media."

I just did a Google search on Chabad Lubavitch and "Bush administration." The only story I could find claiming that members of the movement had found top posts within the Bush administration was written by David Duke -- not exactly my idea of a reliable source. And even he couldn't NAME anyone aside from an assistant to Joshua Bolten!

Neither can I see the Chabad Lubavitch movement (which is really quite small) as either powerful or fanatically Zionist. From Wikipedia:

"The previous generations of Chabad-Lubavitch leadership have been very critical of Zionism. The fifth Rebbe of Chabad, Rabbi Sholom Dovber Schneersohn wrote that "those who assist the Zionists will pay at the Day of Judgment, because they are causing the masses to sin.""

The movement has been disunited since Schneersohn's death, but one current leader has expressed support for Israel.

"Nonetheless, he refused to call the state by name, claiming that the holy land exists independent of any authority that sees itself as sovereign over the land. He further criticized feelings of nationalism connected to the State of Israel, claiming that the only thing that unites Jews is the Torah, not a secular state that happens to be planted on holy land."

These guys ain't the problem.

And what's all this about architectural features? I must confess that I know nothing about modern Israeli architecture. What little I've seen looks shitty.

Joseph Cannon said...

By the way, Hyperman -- is the Herzl quote accurate? I can't find it on any disinterested web site. And the presence of so many ellipses is worrying.

Hyperman said...

This is where I found the quote I copied:

I agree that the small “Jews Against Zionism” sect might not be the most reliable source.

This is the most widely copied similar quote by Herzl : "Anti-Semites will become our surest friends, anti-Semitic countries our allies.”

Like found here:

But again, it's by groups with an interest in spreading lies or disinfo against Zionist, so it's not 100% reliable.

I was unable to locate an electronic version of Herzl's Diary so I can't verify the original source myself (from my research, I found that there's a lot of version of the diaries out there, including some with heavy editing to remove controversial content).

However, searching for the quote directly in Google Book search returned some books I would consider reliable (like from Jacob Bernard Agus).

But I think it's only logical that anti-Semitism and Zionism feed on each other, it's a natural feedback loop. Historically, anti-Semitism is the precursor of Zionism. And Herzl understood Jews would not move to Israel if they felt comfortable in their country.

Anonymous said...

Congress and George Bush(snr) passed a law (102-14, 102nd Congress) "that the United States of America was founded upon the Seven Universal Laws of Noah, and that these Laws have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization." They also claim that the "recent weakening of these principles threaten the fabric of civilized society"(here and here).

I suppose we can leave aside a little thing like the 1st Amendment. The law itself was passed to honor a Jewish leader, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement.