Sunday, July 22, 2007

Tammy Faye

Cancer is a monster that I would not wish on my worst enemy. Nobody deserves that kind of suffering.

That said, I think progressives are mistaken to romanticize Tammy Faye.

That woman knowingly participated in a conspiracy to raise funds for a Korean broadcast facility which was never built. Later, she knowingly participated in a conspiracy to fleece investors in a time-share vacation scam.

Her husband went to jail and paid his debt to society. She never did time. She always lived much, much better than did the people she helped to con.

Yet Jim Bakker remains detested, while Tammy Faye became a strangely beloved figure, even in left-wing circles. Why? Because after her divorce, she decided to speak about gay people in condescendingly "tolerant" terms.

If I rip you off, can I simply point to a lesbian friend and presume that all is forgiven?


Anonymous said...

I never knew that...that progressives romanticized her. I thought everybody just made fun of her, specially when she came out with her own line of makeup.

Anonymous said...

I never cared for Tammy Faye. I guess I just don't like people who take advantage of people who are just too sweet, or too naive, to see the crookedness in others.
Tammy was just as much a part of the PTL (Pay the Lady) shyster act as conman Jim Baker ever was.
Sorry she suffered, but better people than her have suffered as much, or more, in un-mourned anonymity.

And what is it with these off the deep end female Christian sidekicks looking like common street Pros?
Gosh, even my mom said Tammy looked like a "Painted Lady" the first time we saw her on TV.

When Joseph wrote, "...while Tammy Faye became a strangely beloved figure, even in left-wing circles.", I thought gee, I haven't really paid attention to Tammy Faye, or what people thought of her, but that sounds odd.

Then I dropped by C&L - - and read the comments on her death. And I'll be, turns out he's right.

Joseph Cannon said...

Check out the glop written about Tammy Faye over on D.U.

Anonymous said...

You are right...about DU..
I don't cheer her death, but GEEZ...I could think of a million other people I could shed a tear for. How the hell did she redeem herself when she was always on 700 club? She was either milking the religion thing or else she was stupid and bought the crap they were selling.

Anonymous said...

Good point about the ladies. Look at the women on FOX and the wives of Republicans. When I saw what Vitter's wife wore to that press conference, I thought, she wants to show that she can look as slutty as any hooker (not a very good political move, but hey, we live in very strange times).
I am not defending Muslims, but when they say sex outside marriage is wrong, at least they ask their women not to flaunt their sexuality in public and dress modestly.

Anonymous said...

betta -

Surely the solution to 'ho culture is not the burka!

Anonymous said...

Surely you are right! Burka is a form of slavery not modest dress code (which is no legs, no cleavage, no hair and no curve hugging attire), and my point was about hypocrisy not asking for a dress code.