However, as you know, I want the reverse effect -- I want my stats to go down. Thus, I'm going to talk about a far more enigmatic personage...
Luap Nor, inventor of the telekinetic howitzer, is the grandmaster of the Nosferatu Illuminati Templars, a secret society so powerful most people have never even heard of it. We'll have much more to say about him soon.
Tell all your friends that this blog is the place to go for the latest Luap Nor information...
Fuck yeah! If only we could go to a simplified sales-tax-only corporate model our country will be saved!
Nor Luap si a tun boj, ybab! Knoh fi ouy evol susej!
I was wondering...if impeachment of Bush and Cheney and Gonzo go no where in the months to come and if the Gods of politics were to anoint the Democratic Party and if Hillary Clinton gets elected the President of the US of A, how much do you trust her not to abuse the powers that was bestowed on her by GWB?
Yesterday I mentioned Ron Paul for the first time on my blog. My stats did not go up.
gary, my stats went up considerably after mention of Luap Nor. Perhaps you should talk about HIM. I understand that he has targeted America's most beloved daughters: Britney, Paris, Anna Nichol, Lindsey Lohan, Mary Kate and Ashley...
Strangely Enough, "a secret society so powerful most people have never even heard of it" sounds like another one of them Fake stories in your article above.
But then I didn't guess too well in that case, so I'll just hide and watch this site for further details.
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