Friday, July 13, 2007


There's not much need for me to recommend a front-page Kos post, but my mind is still swimming from the implications of something Kagro X pointed out: Last February, according to an AP story,
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urged the Democratic-controlled U.S. Congress not to interfere in the conduct of the Iraq war and suggested President George W. Bush would defy troop withdrawal legislation.
The emphasized word sums up everything scary about this gang of criminals. Kagro does not to quote from the rest of the piece. Perhaps we should do so here:
"I can't imagine a circumstance in which it's a good thing that their flexibility is constrained by people sitting here in Washington, sitting in the Congress," Rice said. She was asked in a broadcast interview whether Bush would feel bound by legislation seeking to withdraw combat troops within 120 days.

"The president is going to, as commander in chief, need to do what the country needs done," she said.
Things have changed in the short space separating February and today. The small number of things that seemed unbelievable then is even smaller now. At that time, everyone thought that Bush would pardon Libby at the end of this administration, after Scooter faced a small season of personal discomfort. And would even the most cynical among us have suggested that Cheney would assert himself as a fourth branch of government?

If this power-mad bunch can ignore congressional subpoenas, they can defy legislation.

Oh...there's another section from that February story which takes on added relevance today:
Rice said it is impossible to distinguish what is going on in Iraq from the larger fight against al-Qaida.

"Some of these car bombs may indeed be the work of an organization like al-Qaida," she said of the violence that continues to rock Baghdad.
During the past two months, this tune has changed. The news media routinely refers to all insurgent activity in Iraq as the work of Al Qaeda.


Anonymous said...

joe, have you not heard about this letter bush sent to chair of the senate armed services committee?

the chimp has put the threat in writing.

and oh, while he was at it, he pointed out he would not let congress tie his hands on invading iran, either.

so either condi was prophetic, or ...gosh, you think it was all part of the plan?

Anonymous said...

I suspect that if members of Congress managed to stiffen their spine enough to impeach and evict these criminals, Bush and Cheney would arrogantly proclaim that the Congressional action was invalid without their assent.

I tend to think nothing short of a division of armed Marines and squadron of F-16 fighter jets could dislodge them from their illegal occupation of the White House.

ViViDVeW said...

Although it’s pure supposition on my part, this plays into what I imagine happened in the meeting between Dem leadership and the Bushies right before the Dems “gave in” to Bush on funding for the war.

I was of the opinion that the Dems, despite what everyone said at the time, knew quite well exactly what the people put them in the majority to do. (I’m still pissed they didn’t do it.) So why did they “cave” to Bush by passing any bill at all. I imagine a conversation that went something like this.

The Dem states that they will not pass legislation w/o a time table. Bush says he’ll veto anything that has a timetable. Dems play their trump card. You go ahead and veto and you’ll end up will no bill. The war will be de-funded by default.

Bush roars “I am the Commander and Chief, I will decide what the troops do. If you think not funding the troops will get me to withdraw them, go ahead and try it. So help me GOD, I will not pull out ONE soldier. I will spend what I please, anywhere I please. I will pull money from every corner of government spending in existence. The White House will lay the blame for EVERY single troop lost right at your feet.”

If you are the Dem leadership you gotta ask yourself; would he really go through with something that crazy? Anyone who knows Bush would take all of a second to decide the answer is YES.

It may sound kinda crazy, but there is no way the Dems would have willing faced the backlash they are now enduring for funding the war, w/o the real threat of facing something much worse. Again its all supposition on my part, but I think it fits the Dems actions when faced with the mentality you post describes.