Thursday, July 19, 2007

A couple of Republicans named Adam and Steve

You have probably watched it already, but just in case you haven't, this video by Max Blumenthal is a must-see. He infiltrates a fancy-shmancy gathering of college Republicans, all of whom voice support for the war -- IN EXACTLY THE SAME WORDS -- while offering Cheney-esque semi-excuses for not fighting in it. They have health problems, you know. Tinnitus and such.

The funny part is that they also denounce homosexuality IN EXACTLY THE SAME WORDS. This, despite the fact that these fey fearmongers sound like they just got the kiss-off from Heidi after the dress-your doggie contest.

I kid; I kid. These guys aren't gay. Gays tend to be creative. These guys repeat their lines like robots.


Anonymous said...

"Gays tend to be creative."

Uh, you mean like fat people being jolly, and blacks having such good rhythm, and blondes being dumb?

Anonymous said...

I have been enlightened!
I thought that "cognitive Dissonance" applies to "not self hating Jews", "moderate Muslims" or "not progressive Purists" (OK, I will be sent to the depths of hell and wear the sign of "Progressive Purist" and banned from ever speaking on this blog, BUT....I have a stash of poetry...mine at that....and I shall post them one at the time and wear the mighty Joseph down to pure "poetry slave" and win entrance into the kingdom of I hope).
But seriously, according to Tuchman:
"Wooden-headedness…plays a remarkably large role in government. It consists in assessing a situation in terms of preconceived fixed notions while ignoring or rejecting any contrary signs. It is acting according to wish while not allowing oneself to be deflected by the facts.”

"Once a policy has been adopted and implemented, all subsequent activity becomes an effort to justify it…Adjustment is painful. For the ruler it is easier, once he has entered the policy box, to stay inside. For the lesser official it is better…not to make waves, not to press evidence that the chief will find painful to accept. Psychologists call the process of screening out discordant information “cognitive dissonance,” an academic disguise for “Don’t confuse me with the facts.”
So what happens if we were to have another terrorist attack here in the home land?
"cognitive dissonance" will take over the American public and we the people will play dumb and buy the line the MSM will feed us.
We will wonder why after sacrificing our young ones, the Iraqi people are not grateful to us! And we will wonder why the world can not see that America is a beacon of democracy! And we will wonder why the Russians and the Chinese and the Indians have all gone mute all of the sudden! And we will blame the Democrats and the Liberals and the Muslims and the UN and the .....EVIL Iranians!
We the People will forget that we didn't elect Bush, or protested against the worst President in all history. We will even play dumb and elect the lesser of the evils, Hilarious Hillary!
"cognitive dissonance"...winner of the 21st century! The answer to America's demise!

Joseph Cannon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

A tear was shed
for every word I uttered
A dream was killed
for every thought I conceived
A world died
along with every prediction
And yet
I shall awake
And face another day
Despair was served today
And it is served everyday
unless you serve "Not Today"
That's the message
My friend
"Not Today"

Joseph Cannon said...

" "Gays tend to be creative."

"Uh, you mean like fat people being jolly,....?"

Well, in my case, I have never met a lasagna I didn't like. And I am RENOWN for my jolly disposition.

New American Patriot said...

What I don't understand is why we on the left keep putting up with this sort of shit. Those college republilcans committed assault as soon as they laid hands on Blumenthal.

I believe in the philosophy of my friend the wing chun expert: anything that enters my personal space without my space automatically becomes mine - hands, fingers, feet, etc.

Easy as hell to break a fat college republican bonehead's arm and he wouldn't have a legal leg to stand on. What's more, it'd show these fascist bastards we refuse to just roll over and hike up our asscheeks for 'em every time.