But I feel obligated to say something about the "Family Jewels" documents released by CIA Director Michael Hayden to the invaluable National Security Archives. If you follow the link, you will find a large compendium of internal Agency documents -- material which, according to CIA Office of Security Director Howard Osborne, had "flap potential." This document dump was compiled by Osborne in 1973, when outside investigations of the Agency began.
By "outside," I don't necessarily mean Congress. I mean Richard Nixon. More on that later.
So far, I've not read any commentary on this material by well-educated CIA critics who have specialized in the events of this era. Journalistic response to this release has so far been superficial, even from savvy writers like Robert Parry.
The first thing you should understand is that this compendium does not represent the ultimate treasure trove of covert activities. The dossier is filled with fluff and filler material, which should come as no surprise. Whenever a congressional committee looked into Company activities back in the '70s, those under scrutiny would insist on stuffing the record with documents that were innocuous or unimportant.
The reader should keep the surrounding circumstances in mind. This compilation was put together in 1973, not 2007. The "client" was the young, recently-installed DCI James Schlesinger, who was so mistrusted by Agency personnel that he placed a security camera outside his office to make sure that his files were not vandalized. Nixon gave the job to Schlesinger after firing Richard Helms, with whom the President had an epic (and still rather mysterious) falling out. According to lore, Schlesinger marked his first day on the job by announcing: "I'm here to make sure you don't screw over Richard Nixon."
Instead of allowing Schlesinger to discover the Agency's worst secrets on his own, Osborne decided to show him some damaging information in carefully measured doses. Osborne knew that Schlesinger worked for Richard Nixon, and Nixon had come to mistrust the CIA.
All right, let's get down to business: Family Jewel #1.
It's missing.
You can read about it, or about its absence, here and here and here. The 1973 compendium has a brief introductory page, which is here (thanks to Ed Haslam). You'll see that even in this summary, Jewel #1 is a blank space.
I'm surprised that bright guys like Ed Haslam and Gary Buell have not offered a guess as to what Jewel #1 might be. To me, the answer is obvious.
(To read the rest, click "Permalink" below)
A number of books published in the late 1970s and 1980s identified one CIA program as the most frightening skeleton in the Agency's closet -- or, if you prefer another metaphor, the Hope Diamond of the Family Jewels. I refer, of course, to MKULTRA, the mind control program which ran from 1953 to 1963. Indeed, in some of the less carefully written histories of the Agency, the phrases "Family Jewels" and MKULTRA are treated as near-synonyms.
Last night, I went through the entire compendium of newly-released material at lightning speed. Some favorite old spy stories cropped up. (One of these days, I really must discuss the Dan Rowan tale.) But I did not see a single unredacted reference to MKULTRA.
Nor did I see any reference to the predecessor programs BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE. I certainly saw no hint of the post-1963 projects, whose existence is known but whose cryptonyms have never been revealed. (A small number of MKULTRA subprojects did continue under the MKSEARCH nomenclature.)
I've heard a rumor as to what one post-1963 cryptonym might be, although I've received no verification. For reasons that will soon be made clear, I won't repeat that rumor in public. (Or in private. So don't ask.)
As I mentioned in an earlier post, MKULTRA was shut down in 1963 when a Kennedy-appointed Inspector General got a whiff of one of the more "fragrant" subsidiary programs, Operation MIDNIGHT CLIMAX, so named because it involved prostitutes. In 1963, as in 1973, there were attempts to keep the full scope of these activities hidden from the DCIs themselves.
I'm not sure why Hayden redacted all MKULTRA-related material from the current release. Thousands of pages of relevant documentation are available to anyone who visits the National Security Archives in Washington D.C., the same body which has recently placed the "Family Jewels" compendium online. This is a private archive, not to be confused with the National Archives or the National Security Agency. (When I visited, they were located in the Brookings Institute building, not far from the famed Phillips Collection.)
The Archive houses the "Marks donation." This phrase refers to the material collated by John Marks when he wrote his classic The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate." That book, Alan Scheflin's The Mind Manipulators, and a little-known paperback by Armen Victorian are the only volumes on the subject written to any sort of scholarly standard.
Many people think they know about MKULTRA. Unfortunately, this is an area where legend has eclipsed fact. A surprisingly large subculture is filled with troubled individuals who have become emotionally wedded to the growing body of MKULTRA folklore.
This Democratic Underground forum uncritically cites an irresponsible piece written by one Robert Lusetich in the Australian. Lusetich did find one passing reference on page 425 to the mind control program. The redactor's pen missed that one paragraph, probably because it does not mention the MKULTRA cryptonym directly. It's not a terribly important passage -- just a brief reference to Inspector General John Earman's report from 1963. But from that small paragraph, Lusetich concocts the following fantasia:
The nature of the experiments, gathered from government documents and testimony in numerous lawsuits brought against the CIA, is shocking, from testing LSD on children to implanting electrodes in victims' brains to deliberately poisoning people with uranium.Lusetich conveys the impression that Rutz is mentioned by the newly released documents. That is not the case.
"The CIA bought my services from my grandfather in 1952 starting at the tender age of four," wrote Carol Rutz of her experiences.
Rutz is a claimed survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse who tells her story at length here. She claims that her story has been "confirmed" by CIA documents released under FOIA requests. I feel certain that these are the same documents made available to Marks, Scheflin and Victorian.
Wait a minute, I can you asking. How the hell did Satanism enter this story...?
Many of you will recall the Satanic Ritual Abuse "craze" of the 1980s and 1990s, which ran concurrently with other fads in "recovered memory." These tales struck most people as less than credible, to put the matter charitably.
Most people do not know that, during this same time period, there was another "recovered memory" theme that achieved some popularity in fringe circles. Some people started to "recall" alleged abuse by the CIA's MKULTRA researchers.
The two motifs quickly merged, as hard-core conspiracy buffs conflated Satan-worship and the CIA. Although this conflation may strike most people as absurd, true paranoia junkies make such leaps as a matter of routine.
As the 1990s progressed, the "Montauk" and "Monarch" rumors entered the growing MKULTRA mythos. If you aren't familiar with those terms, I can only refer you to Google; this short essay does not provide sufficient space to recount such complex legends.
As noted above, I've studied the Marks donation in detail and had even photocopied some of it. Alas, I lost my personal files, as well as my library, over a year ago. But I recall the material well. Moreover, any one of you can go to the National Security Archives and confirm what I'm about to say:
Those documents do not refer to Satanism or to experimentation on children.
Not one word in that documentation verifies the "Monarch" and "Montauk" fables.
Let us now return to Carol Rutz. Here are her own words:
From that point on the SRA memories began to surface. I didn't understand them at all as I didn't know such things existed. The people I saw in hooded white robes reminded me of the KKK but what they did was beyond anything I ever heard the KKK was responsible for. My grandfather was the "Big Kahuna" of our intergenerational cult. I have traced the word "Big Kahuna," back to a Polynesian belief system. Oral history tells of a race of beings from another solar system who came to earth and brought with them psychic abilities and huna beliefs. Members of kahuna orders have kept this knowledge alive since that time. The Illuminati family that I was given over to operated with Luciferian beliefs.The Illuminati is, of course, a myth. I think I need say no more about this woman's credibility.
If your powers of rationalization are so formidable that you feel able to accept this wild and unverified testimony, then no words of mine will ever persuade you. I can only plead with you to transfer your attentions to some other blog.
As for those "numerous lawsuits" mentioned by Lusetich: He neglects to note that most of these suits are so goofy -- usually filed by people who literally wear tin foil hats -- that they are routinely tossed out with prejudice. These same sad individuals will often distribute photocopies of the summary judgments against them as proof that their tales are true.
That said, there have been a few real court cases to arise out of MKULTRA; these are documented in the literature. One example would be the case of Val Orlikov, wife of a Canadian Member of Parliament, who was a victim of the notorious Ewen Cameron. Her horrifying story concerned extremely unethical LSD testing combined with sensory deprivation; it had nothing to do with Satanism, child abuse, the Illuminati or any such silliness. The Orlikov story is confirmed by the released MKULTRA documents, and is universally accepted as credible.
The same cannot be said of the later claimants.
Now, I'm sure that Robert Lusetich means well. So why would he endorse someone like Carol Rutz?
I believe that he has fallen prey to a common problem.
Quite often, anyone attempting to research a sensational story involving covert activity will find his efforts upended by a rather bizarre phenomenon -- a psychological pas-de-deux that I've seen occur many times, in many different contexts. I refer to this phenomenon as "Galahad and the Damsel."
The Damsel is usually a woman "of a certain age" who has read widely in one or more areas of conspiracy literature. She will claim never to have read any of this literature. She will claim that her information comes from recollected personal experience, not from "book learning." Believe me: A Damsel knows how to use the internet -- and before there was an internet, she knew how to use interlibrary loan and the BBS services.
The Damsel wants attention by any means necessary. This is the first and foremost thing you must know about her.
The Damsel also desperately wants to believe in her own victimhood. She has an overpowering psychic need to blame her perceived failings in life on some dark outside agency. She cannot or will not distinguish between that which she has seen on the printed page and that which she "remembers."
A fantasy ensues.
A "Galahad" is a male researcher or writer who accepts the fantasy at face value, and who rationalizes away any problems with the story, such as the lack of confirmatory evidence. The Galahad will champion the Damsel's tale in public, despite the risk of personal ridicule. The tendency to defend a "victimized" female is hard-wired into the psyche of most males.
(That said, there are a few male "Damsels" out there, as well as a few female "Galahads.")
If ever you decide to research MKULTRA -- or any aspect of what we may call "parapolitics" -- you will encounter the "Galahad and Damsel" scenario repeatedly. I've run into many Damsels. And yes, I've been known to play the Galahad role. Years ago.
Those days are over.
Long-time readers will recall our discussions of Leola McConnell, the sex worker who claims to have witnessed George Bush in a gay tryst; she is a particularly aggressive Damsel. So, I suspect, is Judyth Vary Baker, the alleged eyewitness who has "confirmed" Ed Haslam's research into one aspect of the JFK assassination, and who has appeared on the History Channel.
(I have never communicated with Haslam, who has written extensively on Mary Sherman and David Ferrie, but I've enjoyed listening to his radio interviews. Judy may have drawn her "memories" from the same interviews, which have long been available online. However, she does have another witness, and I'm willing to reconsider my skeptical appraisal as I learn more.)
In the 1990s, I came to know a broadcaster on KPFA who nearly ruined his marriage playing "Galahad" to a particularly conscience-free Damsel named Wendy. Boy, was she a beaut! Alas, that bizarre tale is far too lengthy to tell here...
There have been quite a few false claimants who have attached themselves to the MKULTRA mythos. Those who have carefully researched the real program will know how to spot the fakes.
One of the surest giveaways is this: The fantasists often "recall" that their abusers freely used the MKULTRA cryptonym in the presence of their alleged victims. In real life, most of the scientists employed by the CIA did not use the term MKULTRA and probably were not even made witting of that nomenclature. (Some were not even aware of CIA sponsorship.) "Project" names were used as part of the filing system at headquarters; those working out in the field referred to "operations," which are altogether different.
When Damsels make public statements, they tend to refer to MKULTRA -- even though many of them were born after that program ended. The Damsels never "recall" the unreleased cryptonyms used between 1963 and 1973, because the published literature does not mention those names.
(And now you know why I won't discuss the rumors I've heard about the post-1963 cryptonyms.)
One Damsel "recalled" meeting a CIA-affiliated psychiatrist who, in reality, had died some years before. The Damsels never recall the names of individuals unmentioned in published works whose involvement can be demonstrated through other means.
There are other "tells" which identify a fantasist, most of which I need not discuss here. The most telling of these tells is this: Many Damsels will conflate the hard facts of MKULTRA with goofy lore culled from the farthest corners of conspiracy-land.
We thus come back to Carol Rutz and her blatherings about the Illuminati and alien Kahunas and Satanic conspirators and god-knows-what-else. An unlikely story, to say the least -- and yet, I am sorry to say, it is now on the front page of Democratic Underground.
When a Damsel festoons her MKULTRA narrative with unbelievable and embarrassing material, her "Galahad" defender will usually mutter something about false memories being implanted into the mind of the poor, beleaguered mind control victim. Of course, any such rationalization renders the Damsel's tale non-falsifiable -- and once we have exited the realm of falsifiability, we have exited the realm of science.
In 1996, a presidential advisory commission looked into the possibility of searching for further documentation into MKULTRA. Unfortunately, the commission unwisely took testimony from several Damsels, including one notorious fantasist who brought those ever-present Satanists into the stew. (I've spoken to this woman's shrink; though female, she was a typical Galahad.) The commission members rolled their eyes at this unbelievable account and quickly turned their attention to other areas. Professor Alan Scheflin, who attended the hearing, described it to me privately as a "disaster."
And so it goes. There will never be a proper investigation of MULTRA, for the same reason that there will never be a genuine 9/11 truth movement: Every time someone attempts to address the topic in a serious fashion, the nutcases come out en masse, and they commandeer the conversation. Worse, any researcher who does not say what the Damsels and the Galahads want to hear is damned as an "agent" working for the bad guys.
We live in an age when fear and fantasy will always trump science and rational inquiry.
Since this whole area is one which has caused me heartache, don't be surprised if I refuse to publish any reader commentary. I have had it up to here with accusations of bad faith. I don't want to hear any more incoherent bleatings from weepy Damsels. And I certainly don't want to hear the Galahads offer the usual special pleadings. To be frank, I doubt very much that anyone reading these words can come up with anything to say that I have not heard a zillion times before.
In fact, I don't want to debate the issue at all.
You can believe whatever you like. If you want to accept the Montauk or Monarch fantasies at face value, if you want to believe in dark tales about the Illuminati and wicked Luciferians and similar nonsense, go ahead. I have now said my piece on MKULTRA and would prefer not to deal with this subject ever again.
Well I would think it has to be something about Oswalt, but Ill await your much-more-knowledgeable wisdom.
Interesting stuff, Joseph, and a bit mind-numbing to those of us not versed in the history or the voluminous details, as you are. Obviously, you've spent a great deal of time and effort over the years to investigate this stuff and you've become very well-versed in it.
Regarding the really whacked-out theories, whether relating to MKULTRA or 9/11 or any number of other incidents, I've often wondered if they are a part of the conspiracy themselves. Wouldn't it make perfect sense to "poison" the waters, so to speak, with all sorts of outlandish stories in an effort to cast similar doubt on what may be more rationale and realistic explanations? Kind of a "guilt by association" approach. Just seems to be a very smart way to throw any serious investigations off the track by lumping them in with the apparent "nutjobs". After all, who's going to take them seriously?
The mythology behind MKULTRA has always fascinated me.
In the "Damsel" category, there's also Cathy O'Brian who was "rescued" her Galahad, Mark Phillips.
Mark Phillips is less convincing then her. They are the one who originally "coined" the "Monarch program" as a sub-element of MKULTRA. There's a lot of videos out there about them. The Guerilla News Network documentary on them: "The Most Dangerous Game" is the most "credible" (with 2 cups of salt) (there's only 12 min available on Google video).
I always found that topic very disturbing either it's true or false. Cathy O'Brien is claiming publicly that her father started abusing her when she was a very young child. If she's lying for "commercial" purpose, that's amazing how far someone can go for a "con" (I'm agnostic on this, but the balance is tilting toward "con"). Maybe it's only that part that's true and the rest is a "con" to sell books and get paid for presentations.
There's also the case of Kay Pollard Griggs. From what I remember, she doesn't go into program like MKULTRA, but the stories she tells are amazing with an interesting level of details about the military / political hierarchy inner working. So she might be a case of a "well read damsel" or the real thing (simply search for "Kay Griggs" on Google video, the whole 8 hours of the whole single interview she gave to "pastor" is available). She doesn't seem to gather a lot of publicity or have any personal commercial objective behind it (contrary to O'Brien and Phillips), but the "Pastor Rick Strawcutter" is selling the whole interview on DVD on his site...
I can see what you are saying, and promise to never mention Cathy O'Brien again Joe. I promise. And thank you for sharing your experiences and helping clear some stuff up.
And, anyone who's actually into Satanism (especially anyone into Aquino and the Setians) knows that they are not into abusing or killing kids... in fact if I remember right, it was Abraham's god that wanted child sacrifices and was into genital mutilation....
But Wait a minute! You mean to say that there is no building under Montauk 7 stories deep with submarine ports and reptilian aliens doing some sort of computer/mind-control work?? Really? I hope you aren't going to tell me that I then wasted my money on those Preston Nichols diet pills.
I agree with drewl. I became interested in UFO's about 20 years ago. Many a UFO researcher was pulled into the damsel game, also. I became convinced that it was part of the effort to discredit the subject. I don't understand why the women (or men) play this game, although I suspect that, on some level, most do believe it's the truth. It is a powerful technique.
every time you regugitate (spilling your vomit on your oh so cute T shirt, "I Hate Trannis", the notion, that "trannies" (your stupid term) to define anyone that grocks the 911, buildings come straight down, as an obvious controlled demolition, as somehow unamerican (by your pukey standards{, we are pouring a bucket of shit on a funny little doll, shaped like a toy cannon on fire, with a prick for a head, shooting blanks.
Wise up shithead
Normally, I would not allow a comment like that last one by Anonymous. (ALWAYS Anonymous, these guys are.) But I thought I'd let this one slip through, just to show you the sort of thing they send me every day.
What did Al Gore call it? Oh yeah: The Assault on Reason.
I've seen you use the term "trannies" several times in the context of 911 conspiricies, but I don't know what you mean by that term in this context. Care to clear that up for me?
Oh, all right. I'll tell the story again. It started out as a joke by my ladyfriend, who has a naughty sense of humor.
Basically, I was at a loss for what to call those guys. They call themselves "Truthers" or members of the "Truth Movement," but I am not about to accept that nomenclature.
For a while, I referred to them, both in private discussion and on the blog as "controlled demolition believers." Too long, obviously. That got shortened to "CD-ers."
My ladyfriend heard that term, and instantly equated CD-er with "tranny."
If you don't know why, maybe you should ask someone in the sexual underground what the term CD means in THAT area of human experience. Hints: Surgery, erstrogen, bits cut off, unusual wardrobe, La Cage aux Folles, etc.
Get it?
Anyways, she and I used the term in private for a while. And then private terminology spilled into public usage. I am proud to say that the nomenclature has seen some general usage.
Thanks for the explanation. I must have missed it the first time around. That's what I thought you meant by "trannies", but I couldn't figure out how it related to 911 "truthers". I'm a boring, married, straight guy and I'm not really up on the terminology, so I'll assume CD'ers is cross-dressers or something similar, and that's where the connect came from.
I agree with you about the hopelessnes of gaining any insight from the so-called "truth movement" about what may or may not have "really happened" on 911. To me it's just like the Kennedy assassination(s) -- while I'm nowhere near ready to accept the "official" government conspiracy theories, I'm no more eager to accept any of the other conspiracy theories out there. I'm skeptical of all of them, and most skeptical of those who claim to know beyond any doubt what "really happened", whether it's some anonymous commenter on somebody else's blog or the POTUS.
I can certainly understand your frustration with these commenters, given the example you allowed here today. Seriously, anybody who resorts to rhetoric like "wake up, shithead", is probably reacting out of fear of their own uncertainty and is lashing out against anybody who refuses to affirm their beliefs. So, the "tranny" label seems appropriate -- I'm reminded of AL Franken's effeminate "Stuart Smalley" character from SNL and his show "Daily Affirmations". (I know 911 truth because I'm inquithitive enough, I'm thmart enough, and darn-it, people AGREE with me!)
Oh, I just wanted to respond to lee:
I haven't read all the Montauk literature, but I met Al Beilek -- nice guy, utterly wacky -- and I saw a video featuring Duncan Cameron "remote viewing" the truth about Montauk. He was writhing on the floor in his underwear.
The bulk of the video featured a tour of the abandoned Montauk base, with HILARIOUS voice-over: "And here we have the UFO landing pad!" The soundtrack was even funnier -- all sort of light classics by what the credits called "the grand old masters" -- the Grand Canyon suite, Peer Gynt, stuff like that. "And here's where the Nazis kept little boys in cages..."
God, this was funny, funny stuff. Especially if you watched it while kicking back shots of tequila. Wish I still had that video, but I lost it somewhere along the way. Maybe there's a torrent somewhere...
I cannot freaking BELIEVE that folks took this crap seriously, but apparently a lot of people did, especially out on the East Coast.
Hyperman: The name Kay Griggs didn't ring a bell with me -- and then I remembered. I've written about her before.
Again: Funny, funny stuff.
I agree that it can be taken as anti-semitic propaganda. After googling the Pastor Rick Strawcutter, I found out that he's linked to neo-nazi and white supremacist movement. The most bizarre detail about him is that he was the recipient of a tape sent by the "Heaven's Gate cult" before their mass suicide.
The only thing I don't get is why Kay Griggs would lie like this on camera for 8 hours straight, inventing sordid details about her ex husband and giving details about drug smuggling within the government, illegal weapon trade, dirty tricks, assassination, false flag operations, etc. I really don't understand the motivation of some people...
Joe, maybe you will appreciate this story.. back in '94 I was down in the States, on Long Island, and was invited to a presentation by Mr. Nichols. While he was going on & on (about everything from obscure physics to his reptilian alien co-workers)I decided I needed to get some of it on camera, so I got my little 8mm camera out of my bag and pressed record, but every time i raised the camera, ever so discretely, these two characters at the front of the room on the side of Nichols would turn and look at the camera in a way that made me decide to lower the camera. While this was indoors, the two men wore their sunglasses the whole time, and looked like cliches of g-men. And sure the air was thick with paranoia in that room, so maybe it was just contagious, but I couldn't help but feel that this was not some whistle blower shedding secrets of the CIA or "shadow government" but some sort of disinformation, like UFOs or Satanic baby killers.... or maybe they were Mr. Nichol's Hollywood agents? That's possible, right?
Jeez, lee, I dunno. Maybe they were boyfriends...?
I seem to recall hearing a story about someone in Nichols' circle plotting to kill some local pol with a radioactive substance. Shades of Litvinenko! But that was years ago, I've long kept my distance from the kind of people who tracked that stuff, and so I forget the details.
Nice theories, though bizarre at some point. Gee, I never knew that using hidden video cameras was already popular back then.
I can understand the lack of enthusiasm among serious researchers. From what I've gathered, this is basically circumstantial corroboration of known facts already dug up in more serious reports like the Church Committee.
It seems like an easy way to draw attention from current abuses. I guess the mainstream press was getting bored with the occasional spurious projection from an "unnamed White House source". Hayden was happy to oblige.
#1 could be Oswald. Or it could be nothing. Either way, it keeps curious minds distracted from the matters at hand.
BTW I think "tranny" is a perfect description for so-called TRUTHERS. At least, for the leadership. They are definitely guilty of false advertising. Unless you want the likes of Willis Carto, Adnan Khasshoggi and "The Father of Reagan-omics" for bed-fellows. just sayin....
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