Saturday, June 16, 2007

"Bush? Bush who?"

This piece on Bush's poll numbers, by Kos writer Ken in Tex, is worth reading for all sorts of good reasons. I was particularly amused by this section:
Frequently, people can’t understand who in the country can possibly be undecided about their opinions of Bu$hCO after six years of this Administration. Who in the hell are the undecided? Well let’s remember that these polls are supposed to be a representative sample of the American population (or a demographically similar subset like registered voters, likely voters, or people with land line telephones, etc.). Assuming that is the case, we should remember that the bottom 2% of people responding to the poll will have an IQ no higher than 69 (mildly mentally disabled) and the bottom 8% will have an IQ no higher than 79 (borderline mentally disabled).

I’m not saying that all of the undecided are the dumbest people in the poll, but before asking about what the remaining Bu$h supporters or the undecideds are thinking, consider please that a reasonable portion of them might not be thinking of very much at all.
Or as Brian the dog told Lois Griffen: "Undecided voters are IDIOTS."


DrewL said...

We must remember that a disturbingly large segment of the U.S. population is pre-occupied with just three things: getting fed, getting drunk, and getting laid. And not necessarily in that order. They are, for all intents and purposes, checked out of the daily/weekly/monthly political/social/economic issues at hand.

Unknown said...

You need to check out the accuracy of the May 15th Prophecy in regards to what is happing in Iraq, Lebanon and Syria and the return of the Hidden Imam

Anonymous said...

My daughter worked as a pollster during college about 10 years ago. She got pretty good at it. She came to the conclusion that the only people who are answering their questions now are lonely old men and even lonelier young women. All of these are at he lower ends of intelligence. With caller ID and cell phones the majority of the well to do and technically smart are never reached. I really take very little stock in polls.

Anonymous said...

Cannon it is truly hard to believe isn't it? But I can tell you exactly who some of them are. Old people who have always voted Republican and will never consider being independent or democrat while living. I would guess the average age I am speaking of is the 80's and up. And I am serious as a heart attack here.........

Anonymous said...

To Drewl:

Yes, it's called the dumbing down of America. Many young people these days don't even know what "watergate" was. If you went recently to a Greg Palast lecture, you'll find that the average age of attendees was in their forties and fifties. Young people make up a small minority of any of these political events in which the decline of civil liberties, election fraud are discussed.

Very few young people have the spare time and energy to take an active in social/political affairs unless it is being discussed at social gatherings (parties). Keep in mind that the standard of living has declined substantially for young adults starting out from the 70's, 80's and even 90's.

Today's young men are more interested in their favorite sport teams, or watching car/motorcycle races than in taking the time to understand what "habeas corpus" means let alone that Bush has just signed away 800 years worth of civil liberties revoking "habeas corpus", the right to seek legal counsel, for military combats.

Why is this? Tuition has skyrocketed for many public colleges/universities and student aid has been drying up making it much harder for those that do graduate from High School to afford going to college. So students are saddled with huge student loan debt loans meaning most are living paycheck to paycheck and still dependent on their parents helping them out. Since the mid-eighties such as for the University of California and California State University systems while the perks, salaries and bonuses for the UC Board of Regents and other Administrators has also skyrocketed and public funding from the State has declined substantially.

Does anyone know that something like less than 50% graduate from high schools in California ten largest cities?

California’s overall graduation rate is approximately 71 percent––16 percentage points lower than the official rate of 87 percent. The graduation rates for African-American and Latino students are even lower, 60 percent for Latino students and 56.6 percent for African-Americans.

“Large urban school districts in California have become ‘dropout factories,’” said Gary Orfield, Director of the Civil Rights Project at Harvard University and author of the new book Dropouts In America: Confronting the Graduation Rate Crisis. The economic and social impacts of this dropout crisis are too enormous for Californians to ignore. The State must make schools accountable for graduating their students and provide resources to help students whose careers would be wrecked by leaving school.”

New research by the Urban Institute showed that California’s largest school districts have some of the worst on-time graduation rates. Specifically:

Los Angeles and Oakland Unified School Districts graduate less than half of their incoming freshmen on time.
Six of the state’s largest ten school districts graduate less than half of their Latino students: Los Angeles, San Diego, Fresno, Oakland, Sacramento City and San Bernardino City.
The state loses billions of dollars in revenue each year because high school dropouts are ill prepared to join the work force, leading to higher unemployment and underemployment rates. Professor Russell Rumberger of U.C. Santa Barbara calculated that just one year of high school dropouts costs the state $14 billion in lost wages.

I waited nearly an hour one lovely Sunday afternoon waiting for over 3,000 attendees to exit a recent Motorcycle racing event in Northern California. As I waited on the road, out of boredom I watched all the folks driving their SUV's and pickup trucks and the majority were white, young men with their dates. These guys had spent hours driving to this event, spent another 3 to 4 hours at the event, and then another few hours to get home. these folks could care less about what is going on in Washington DC or what Bush is doing unless the draft is instituted or they can't get a job to pay the rent (because they can't afford to even save for a downpayment for a mortgage payment).

"When you lose you middle class, you lose your democracy" We have lost it when the American public allowed Jeb Bush to control the voting in Florida and Scalia to appoint Bush as President in 2000 and we are really screwed by allowing Bush's re-election in 2004 by not contesting the election fraud in Ohio. We are screwed and in for a really bad time because our shrinking middle class is too busy living paycheck to paycheck, and having a good time. Thinking for one's self is out of fashion.

Anonymous said...

You might note too, Anon @10:33, that these schools being dropped out of are big state-operated brainwashing institutions. See John Gatto's writing for details.

Assuming that a dropout is a dummy and of low intelligence is itself an institutional attitude, to the extent that any dropout, who may have legitimately determined that continuing school did him more harm than good, must still admit publicly he is a failure. No wonder then that he would shy from open discussion and may think and act in rebellious ways.

I recently spoke informally with a well established academic, a scientist specialising in certain mammals. I am still astounded at her narrow views of life, to the point that she cannot conceive of any view divergent from her own. Because she is established in her field. She teaches. She writes. She is a product of "good" schools.

Along the way she apparently lost a lot of common sense. Maybe she never had any.

Anonymous said...

It's not just stupid/impaired people
who are contributing to America's problems by voting horribly ands supporting rotten policies.

Never discount EVIL as a factor.

Some people support evil, rotten politicians and policies because THEY are EVIL too!

Combine The Stupids with The Evil Ones, and you've got a sizeable voting bloc there.

Depressing, but true.