Friday, May 18, 2007

Question on the GOP race

Which Republican candidate best combines these two factors: 1. The possibility of winning his party's nomination, and 2. The likelihood of losing to Obama or Clinton?

Tactics are hard to gauge, since Rudy puts NY into play. But Hillary paints the state blue again. But Hillary would fire up the Jesus voters (they would turn out to vote against her). But Rudy would depress the Jesus voters (they would not turn out to vote for him). But...but...but...

Until recently (as in yesterday), I thought Rudy had the nomination sewn up. Perhaps not. James Dobson says that he would never support Giuliani under any circumstances. Of course, Dobson also claims that he is heard by "as many as" 220 million listeners.

Which reminds me: I must file a correction. In a previous post, I said that Mitt Romney's penis was 20 inches long. I should have said that Mitt Romney's penis was as many as 20 inches long. Cannonfire regrets the error.


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking right now that Romney is the most likely Rep. candidate. He has two big flaws that are presently being overlooked. One, a third of voters claim they won't vote for a Mormon. Two, he's got a big mouth and is too vain to let his attitude be reined in. (Although not as bad as Guiliani.) What he has going for him is that he has a name, money, will happily be a figurehead for TPTB, and actually looks presidential.

However, it appears that third parties will shape the outcome in 2008. It looks almost inevitable that a Perot-type party will split the Republicans. And it is still very possible that Bush/Cheney will be impeached out of office by then. So we should probably expect the unexpected.

Joseph Cannon said...

Bloomberg could siphon more votes from the Dems than from the Republicans, especially if Giuliani wins the nomination. There can't be many Alabama shitkickers who, bothered by Rudy's liberal ways, would consider Bloomberg a viable alternative. Democrats, on the other hand, just LOVE to snipe at whoever their standard-bearer might be.

No, what we need is a third party candidate that will attract the Jesus voters. James Dobson? He hates Giuliani, and he's been making noises about how the Republican party should learn not to take the fundies for granted. Tim LaHaye would be even better. And FUNNIER.

dqueue said...

Lukery recently posted a clip from HuffPo about Ron Paul's popularity on the Internet, contrasted with his lack of coverage in the media.

I feel the same happens on the Left... the MSM says Hillary is the front runner, but I don't feel that online...


Anonymous said...

sofla said...

As quoted in BartCop a couple of pages ago:

"A few months ago, Giulliani beat and McCain beat or tied all Democratic comers.
In this week's poll, Giuliani loses to Clinton by 3 percent and to Obama by 7 percent.
McCain loses worse, respectively, by 6 percent, 10 percent and 13 percent.
These shocking shifts demonstrate is the virtual collapse of the Republican brand appeal in the face of the continuing bad news from Iraq."
-- Tony Blankley, who, far as I can see, didn't tell any lies - a first, Link

Anonymous said...

Big waste of 8 inches, if ya ask me. ;)
Kim in PA