Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Of spooks and stock fraud

Daniel Hopsicker, I am pleased to relate, won something called the Internet Liberty Award. I'm not sure what this award is, but I say Hopsicker deserves a Pulitzer.

If you don't know why, take a look at his latest, which ties the Skyway coke jet story to the Wilkes Cunningham scandal, to Atta's strange associates in Florida -- and to stock fraud.
Between 2003 and 2005 Titan Corp and a group of allied firms combined to issue a steady drumbeat of phony press releases, announcing multi-million contracts to purchase products which didn't exist, and major deals which never took place, as part of a concerted effort to "pump up" the price of stock in SkyWay Aircraft of St Petersburg, FL.

The goal was to inflate SkyWay’s stock price--the pump--in advance of a massive sell-off--the dump-- by company insiders.

The coup de grace was delivered by company principals, who stripped the company’s remaining assets before filing bankruptcy through sweetheart deals with officers from other companies in the network.

The network of companies looted over one billion dollars through financial fraud; the sum easily eclipses the drug trafficking payout generated by moving 5.5 tons of cocaine.
In a sense, this type of looting is even worse than drug smuggling. Although dope peddlers may trade on human weakness, no addict ever took that first shot of junk at gunpoint. By contrast, stock fraudsters target innocents, including people who have money tied up in retirement funds.

Hopsicker has much, much, MUCH more. Who is protecting the Kovars, who are still running dirty businesses? Why is defense contractor Titan involved with this affair?

A word of warning: Following the trail of the many shell companies can be dizzying. The consters make things complex intentionally.
SkyWay’s journey to infamy began that same year, when a Brooklyn attorney named Michael Farkas began setting up dozens of shell companies.

Farkas even incorporated a company called Shell, Inc.
Cute, huh?

NOTE: The trannies are back, so off go the comments. Sorry.

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