Sunday, May 20, 2007

Messiah, Antichrist, whatever...

I admit it. I enjoy watching the antics of these guys...

As we all know, one of the fallen Falwell's most outrageous pronouncements held that the Antichrist was a Jewish male alive in 1999. Why Jewish? Because he's a counterfeit of the original, y'see. So Club Antichrist has a strict no foreskins policy.

Apparently, the recently-deceased Israeli rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri (who died at the age of 106 or 108 or 117, take your pick) may have come to a similar conclusion:
The Baghdad-born kabbalist had gained notoriety around the world for issuing apocalyptic warnings and for saying he personally met the long-awaited Jewish Messiah in November 2003.

Before Kaduri died, he reportedly wrote the name of the Messiah on a small note, requesting it remained sealed for one year after his death. The note revealed the name of the Messiah as "Yehoshua" or "Yeshua" – or the Hebrew name Jesus.
Talk about counterfeiting! Of course, being a proper Kabbalist, Kaduri couldn't just come right out and say a thing like that. An occasion so momentous requires a really neato acronym. Thus, we learn here that he wrote the following in a note:
Concerning the letter abbreviation of the Messiah’s name, He will lift the people and prove that his word and law are valid.
The phrase in boldface is, in the original, Yarim Ha’Am Veyokhiakh Shedvaro Vetorato Omdim -- which, in Hebrew, presents an acronym equivalent to Yehoshua, or Jesus.

Was Kaduri a secret Christian? Or did he view the first Jesus as a sort of retroactive Antichrist? Just who is counterfeiting whom?

Turns out the whole matter is up in the air. Kaduri's son says that his father was physically incapable of writing in September, 2005, the time of the letter's composition; therefore, the text is forged.

I think I know the forger: Jerry Falwell!

We Are Convinced Kabbalists & Jesusmaniacs Offer Borderline Sanity.


Hyperman said...

Maybe the Rabbi was just old and confused... but I prefer the Falwell hypothesis !

Anonymous said...

fanatics fanatics fanatics.... it wasn't long ago that The Rebbe" a guy named Schneerson, chief rab.for the most powerful hassidic group in the world (they go into any corporation owned by Jews and guilt them into big donations) was certain he was the messiah (he did have the beard). 5 years later; no rising from the dead, no shroud, no everlasting world peace... what a ripoff!

oh and yes, offly enough (if you trust Yale University Pressnot some 3rd rate holocost denier) it was the same group (Lubavitch) and a Rabbi leader with the same name (Schneerson) who were saved from Europe and spirited to New York by the Nazi Secret Service

so um, false messiahs and fascists? separated at birth? When parenti talks about fascists using myths to propagate power, is this what he's talking about? messias and wars on chirstmas??

Hyperman said...

Maybe in 100 years, they will start to write the history of the "Rebbe" with fantastic accounts of him walking on the Hudson river and multiplying fish and bagels in a YMCA meeting. That's how a Messiah is created I think, it's pure "wishfull thinking".