Monday, April 23, 2007

On this, the day of Yeltsin's death...

...I'm going to have a drink. He would have wanted it that way. I'll be thinking about the time he started a war in order to improve his single-digit approval ratings.

Oh, and Larisa: You know I'm a great admirer, and I probably should know better than to argue about Russian affairs with an actual daughter of the Motherland. But: Although British intelligence may say that those three guys killed Litvinenko, keep in mind that this announcement comes a mere day after British intelligence spewed a bunch of hooey about Al Qaeda and Iran being partners. Grain of salt, and all that.

Putin may be a right royal sunvabitch, but he was not behind this. I'm not going to be be be be be be be be be be be be BE BE B B B B B B B B B B B.B. B!B! BEE BEE BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB B B B B b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b be be be be be be be be be be be be the first one to state in print who ordered it.


Anonymous said...

would you be interested in interviewing a person that claims he was part of the team thaty planted explosive debvices inside certasin buildings on September eleventh?

Joseph Cannon said...

Trannies. I can't believe it. No matter WHAT I'm talking about, they hit me with trannyism. The ones who really freak me out are the guys who, like our bravely anonymous friend here, seem to have no clue where I stand on the tranny issue.

Look, pal, if your friend were even slightly credible, he'd be talking to someone more important than ME.

By the way -- all tranny discussions END HERE. Any further comments on the subject will be deleted on sight.

(Will the warning in the previous paragraph stop the trannies from doing that which I just now told them not to do? No. Trannies are trannies are trannies. They are Terminators. They do not stop and cannot be reasoned with.)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

again? really? ...seriously?!

why not just delete the -first- post and move on?

Anonymous said...

You-know-who's initials aren't so buzzy on his British passport. Rather they denote physical education and classical philosophy. Dunno what they put on his Israeli one. Probably not something so Hellenic.

Note well that at the time of writing, no big - or apparently big - figure in Britain has openly associated with this guy.

Not even someone like Thatcher who was publicly very tender towards Pinochet, letting it be known that she visited him where he was staying. (Which was on the very same ultra-elite Wentworth 'estate' in Surrey where this guy's got a mansion). Never mind that this guy's chief publicist used to be Thatcher's. Not a single business leader, politician, academic, or even journalist has said what a great guy he is. (Unlike in the US, where Neil Bush did).

I find it unlikely that the present position will last for much longer.


Anonymous said...

Joe - the charge that this guy ordered the Litvinenko assassination has already been made in public. He says he's going to sue 'Rossiya' TV for airing it. I don't know of any reports that he's actually filed suit.

Some of this beating around the bush reminds me of the way some people used to talk of Giulio Andreotti and nowadays talk of Silvio Berlusconi.

I don't imagine this guy's handlers were too pleased about his latest efforts.


Anonymous said...

CORRECTION - a certain member of the British royal family has been publicly identified as a member of a certain guy's clique.

In MI6's house journal too. What does that mean?


Anonymous said...

It appears to mean that he is super-bad.