Sunday, April 15, 2007

Lesser-known tales of the Great Prosecutor Purge

The "stars" of Prosecutorgate have been Carol Lam and David Iglesias. Their tales have, deservedly, received much coverage. But recent posts on Talking Points Memo -- especially those delving into the Biskupic affair -- have caused many to look beyond the Silence of the Lam. The other sub-scandals are also quite fascinating.

Josh Marshall has promised to deliver more details on the first U.S. Attorney to go down, Todd Graves of Missouri. (Actually, Graves left voluntarily, after his name was placed on the guillotine list.) I have tried my humble best to beat Marshall to the punch.

You can see the results of my labors here.

It's quite a squalid little tale. I am sure that Josh will add further squalid little details -- but for now, I give you plenty of squalor for your wallowing pleasure.

And I'm open to suggestions as to where to turn next...


Anonymous said...

Could you consider her firing a "Lam chop?"

Could Bush be a "Lam duck?"

Is the coming prosecution a "Lam dunk?"

Was Rove a "Lambrain" for coming up with that scheme to begin with?

Anonymous said...

You got my vote.