Monday, April 30, 2007


You've probably seen this story already, but I cannot let it pass without comment. The Bush administration turned down $854 million dollars' worth of foreign assistance in the wake of the Katrina disaster. Why?


Anonymous said...


come on, you already know the answer...bush turned it down because he didn't want foreign help to interfere with the generous no bid contracts to his buddies at Halliburton, Blackwater and other private firms.

It's all about the money....screw the poor folks suffering without food, water, clothes and shelter.

they don't care, they've never cared and never will.

Anonymous said...

Well, that and as Mr. West told us--George Bush doesn't like Black people. Which--he doesn't.

Anonymous said...

both these reasons are operable, of course, but don't forget the fact that it would not 'look good' for the great and mighty US of A to be taking charity from foreign countries, to be accepting foreign aid, as it were. makes us look weak, pitiable, inept, incompetent, poor. can't have that. better to focus on the dow jones index.

bush and his ilk could never consider accepting that kind of help, especially from the likes of cuba and venezuela. god, the shame, the ego-crashing humiliation, the pansy-ass implications!

it's the logical reflection of their unbridled cowboy shit-kickin', take no prisoners, bring 'em on hubris.

when you really look at all these reasons that fall out so logically from their mentality, there is no reason to ask why. the biggest shame is that it is so damn predictable.