Saturday, February 24, 2007

de la Vega talks

dr. elsewhere here

Elizabeth de la Vega just sent me this clip of her brief talk at the Olympia Impeachment Forum. It seems Washington state Senator Eric Oemig has announced he will sponsor a resolution calling for Washington State to petition Congress to impeach President Bush; this forum was called to inform the public on the details. The panel included Elizabeth, Ray McGovern, and David Lindorff, and in attendance were also Rachel Corrie's parents, Lt. Ehren Watada and James Yee. The place was evidently packed with 850 citizens, and you'll gather from the reaction to Elizabeth that there was abundant support for the resolution.

Be sure to also check out C-Span's coverage of Elizabeth's presentation at her book signing at Garrison Keillor's Corner Bookstore in St. Paul last month. Scheduled for 11:30 EST tomorrow, Sunday; check it out.

Finally, you'll be happy to know her book, US vs George W. Bush et al, is now #33 on the NYTimes best seller list.

Not only is all this great for Elizabeth, it's also good to know about all this great response to the idea of Bush's impeachable corruption.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, this blog has kind of forgotten about the whole impeachment thing lately. So has the Democratic party.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Joseph Cannon said...

In the deleted post above, anon wrote the following:

I also heard Elizabeth speak as a panelist at Thursday night's impeachment fundraiser at the Oakland Grand Lake theater. She said the same thing but was more succinct since there were 5 other panelists and also included former Georgian congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. This event was poorly publicized and last minute so it didn't draw a full house.

Cynthia explained that the reason why her fellow congressman/women won't pursue impeachment is because they are afraid of the consequences and more concerned with getting re-elected and not getting punished as she did. She said there is alot of fear and everyone is too scared and/or comfortable to pursue impeachment. Why rock the boat with pursuing impeachment if this means you'll get targeted by the Rethugs as Cynthia was and lose an election (she acknowledged the electronic voting machines played a role with fixing the last election in which she lost).

Fear of not getting re-elected is taking precedence over doing the right thing: pushing for impeachment. Cynthia McKinney is a poster child of what will happen if you speak out.

* * *

I have deleted the rest because it was pro-tranny material. I will reconsider my rules if the trannies can talk one (1) expert in controlled demolition into joining their side. Until then, NO MERCY.

Anonymous said...

we no longer have representative government in America, but it sure is odd, Bush wants to export that all around the globe huh>
I think if elected "elitists" would listen to john and jane doe, they would understand very clearly that the American public by and large wants George W Bush removed from office of the Presidency of the United States. The public wants Dick Cheney removed. The public wants Rice removed.
The public simply wants to be REPRESENTED> novel idea I know.........

Tyrone Ferrara said...

Revelation 13:5 - Are we in this 42 month period?