Friday, January 12, 2007

Stripping away Bush's power

A curvy Air Force Staff Sergeant with the delightful name of Michelle Manhart has been relieved on her duties because she appeared "out of uniform" in Playboy. A scheme forms within my mind...

Quite a few National Guardsmen are doing an extra tour in Iraq that they did not expect. Many military personnel have simply lost faith in George Bush and in the Iraq debacle. So why not give 'em an easy out? I propose a website featuring nude or semi-nude photographs of our soldiers -- of either sex. The shots could be taken with cel phone cameras and uploaded via the internet. "The Full Monty" could provide a ticket home...


Anonymous said...

They better do something, because the Pentagon "is abandoning its limit on the time a citizen-soldier can be required to serve on active duty..."

I wonder if this move is in response to "no new troops". That's quite a card to throw down.

Miss P.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant, Joseph - No Shirt, No Pants, No Service!
Seriously though, it's about time that the American people benefited from all this in some small, or er, larger way. Let's call it
Operation Phoenis Rising. Non?

Kim in PA

Anonymous said...

Why bother to strip? All they need to do is say they're gay. No matter how excellent, dedicated or competent, that's enough to get them thrown out.

When there's nobody left, they can always draft the Bush twins.

Anonymous said...

So many great movies starring Cameron Diaz can obviously be made from this the mind is staggered.

Anonymous said...

Though it's been a while since I asked a military or ex-military person what they would do if they wanted to "get out of" going to the Gulf, and why they might take one route over another...I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that those who may be taking steps to get intentionally kicked out of the armed forces aren't just going with the "I took drugs" and/or "I'm gay" explanation (or "explanation," whichever it is) because they don't want to get booted for something that is a) an actual crime in the civilian world of b) perceived to be by mad, crazy bigots.

And maybe they just don't want to lie.

Also, saying that you've taken drugs (or getting busted for taking them) isn't always enough to get you kicked out of the military anymore. (Aren't massive piles of our troops in Bagdah on coke--or worse--right now?)

Anonymous said...

I got out of the Air Force because I am gay. I was still a virgin at the time. They don't check into it...unless someone says they saw you do something.