My attention went to one of the most recent casualties, Army Staff Sergeant Theodore Spatol, 59. (The NYT could not obtain a photo of his face.) The cause of death seems a bit mysterious. He died in Wyoming of a "non-combat related illness" acquired while serving in Iraq. Even his obituary does not give any clue as to what that illness was.Spatol's daughter contacted me and cleared up my questions. With her permission, I'd like to reprint the correspondence here:
A member of the National Guard and former Navy Seabee, he was a gregarious fellow who sold hoagies and hot dogs for a living. Apparently, our overstretched military told a near-retiree to report for duty in Iraq. You have to wonder about a nation forced to resort to such measures.
I searched google on my fathers name Theodore Spatol and I came across your article on the internet. You stated the NYT could not obtain a photo and I have attached one.My response (in part):Please let me fill you in on the details for the press have really put it out there as some odd illness.
My father and his best friend Nick volunteered to go to Iraq for my father a proud military man has served in other wars. He deployed in July and went to training in Shelby Mississippi until September. He was doing just fine and being proud to serve his country until Thanksgiving. He emailed me for my birthday was November 24 and told me that he was unsure that he would eat Thanksgiving dinner for he felt he had the flu. In just a few days the so called flu was worse with him having sever pain in his back and abdomen.
The army decided to fly him to Germany for more tests and the determined he had pancreatic cancer stage 4. They gave him 2-3 weeks left to live. From Germany he went to Walter Reed medical center to see if anything could be done. There was nothing they could do; it was too bad. After the government played games with him and his family for 1 week (they were going to fly us to him, then him home; each day it changed), they finally flew him home to his family on December 14. We were blessed that we had 6 hours with him before he passed.
My father was proud to serve for him country and wanted to try to help with Operation Iraq. He told me many times that we here in the US do not realize that we are needed there and once he was there he realized this as well. I am very proud to be his daughter and he will forever be my hero.
Also my fathers rank is not SSG it is Sergeant First Class.
Thank you
Pam Giannino (Spatol)
No matter how old you are when it happens, the death of a parent hits with an unimaginable wallop. My father died when I was six. My mom died when I was 22. Decades have passed, yet both events feel like...last week.It's true -- I don't think we can do any good in Iraq: We are simply too hated in that region. Even so, I hope the Spatol family never doubts that we all respect the heroism of those who have served. Political divisions still beset this country, but we are, I hope, united in that.
My sincerest condolences. I hope you know that all Americans -- all across the political spectrum -- are proud of your father and of soldiers like him.
I know of an opera which includes this toast: "All patriots were brothers, once. Let us drink to the time when they may be brothers again."
Condolences to this family who had a patriach with morals, courage, decency and honor. It's so very very sad that our military thinks so little of the families connected to the soldiers. It seems soldiers are numbers, and you wait your turn no matter what. The results can and do appear devastating in some circumstances.
I have heard that our use of depleted uranium for ordnance and armor on military vehicles is causing cancer among both our military and the civilian population in Iraq. I imagine it would be almost impossible to make a serious connection, but still, enough has been written by medical professionals on the danger of using this material, a known cancer causing agent, that you would think it get more attention.
My deepest condolences on the untimely death of Army First Sergeant Theodore Spatol. From his picture--thank you Pam for letting Joseph post this--your father looks like he is truly a wonderful man, someone with a big heart and ready to shake your hand. Your loss is our loss.
I'll just put this out with a conspiracy theorist tin hat caveat:
Could some of our fine soldiers serving in Iraq be used as test guinea pigs for testing out pancreatic cancer inducing substances? Especially those that are seen as disposable because they are over 55 and thus seen as little better than cannon fodder or test guinea pig subjects in the eyes of the sicko neonazi neocons?
Pancreatic cancer is one of the worst cancers to have because once you have this cancer it immediately spreads to the rest of your body and your internal organs. Also once pancreatic cancer has been diagnosed, it is usually as a type IV, and the patient usually has less than a few months, something like a few weeks left to live.
Pancreatic cancer used to extremely rare but seems to be happening more frequently.
If this did happen, whoever responsible for this scenario is due either in this lifetime or the next one for some especially bad karma even if they got away with it this time around or justify this soldier's death with a, "it was done in the name of national security" type justification. That is total bullshit.
One tipoff for the daughter and I do apologize and give her my sincere condolences on the untimely death of her father whose picture shows he is quite a "wonderful guy" is the following:
did the military hospital seem to be keeping him away from his family mysteriously? if so they may have wanted to make sure that this soldier didn't get a chance to coherently mention to his family may have been poisoned or that he was being subjected to special medical checkups. He may have been subjected to special medical checkups every few weeks, i.e. drawing his blood, to see how far the "substances" have caused the cancer. The military may have covered up this additional medical attention under the guise of "older soldiers need more medical attention" or some other crap.
My guess is that they injected him with this crap (or they put it in his food) in August at Shelby and then took monthly or bi-monthly blood samples from him to see how far this cancer was progressing.
They have been working on finetuning how quickly death can be induced using the 'pancreatic cancer inducing substance'. those bastards! nothing but the offspring of folks like goebbels and mengale from WWII nazi germany.
The military has a terrible reputation for using their own soldiers as human guinea pigs without their knowledge or consent.
So this latest substance caused injection to death under the auspices of "pancreatic cancer" in roughly 3 months, which could be used and is being used to induce death. So much easier to say that someone died of pancreatic cancer than to have to waste a bullet on them and then have a murder investigation opened up.
This way, no murder investigation will ever be opened up. bastards
Joseph I don't buy the deleted uranium argument because he had been in Iraq roughly 2 months, leaving for Iraq sometime in mid Sept, so that is not enough time for depleted uranium to induce severe cancer such as pancreatic cancer which would have started sometime around July/August/Sept.
perhaps he already had pancreatic cancer from eating all of those hotdogs/hoagies and living an unhealthy lifestyle for decades.
If anything, the military should be sued for not conducting a better physical to detect that he was suffering from pancreatic cancer back in July/August.
lastly, my guess is that in fact Army First Sergeant Theodore Spatol was subjected to special medical testing because of how his death was covered: "non-combat related illness" , how there was no photo attached and how his obituary in the NYT gave no clue as to what his illness was. something fishy. Plus the fact that "the governement played games with him and his family for 1 week (they were going to fly us to him, then him home; each day it changed), they finally flew him home to his family on December 14. We were blessed that we had 6 hours with him before he passed" which means that the gov didn't want the family having a chance to spend too much time with their father in case their father spilled the beans and told them that he was being used as a human test guinea pig.
Author James M. (Jim) Collier who co-authored "Votescam: The Stealing of America" with his brother Kenneth F. Collier also died mysteriously of pancreatic cancer within a few months of being diagnosed. From pages 370 to 371 of 'Votescam':
"Jim (James Collier) decided to start the revolution where the story began. In 1998 he moved back to Miami, the home of his nemesis Janet Reno who had him arrested all those years before. Much to the excitement of local activists, he had resurrected the well-known newspaper the 'Miami News' and planned to use it as a weapon against infamous Miami corruption. It's likely that this kind of bold attack right in the belly of the beast would have gotten him into more danger than he had been in yet. His two front page stories were devastating political timebombs, with a wealth of insider information.
But the newspaper never hit the stands, Jim fell suddenly ill, days before going to print. Unable to eat, rushed to the hospital, he was operated on and diagnosed with advanced, incurable pancreatic cancer.
After five months, he bowed out of the ring, and went to meet up again with (his brother) Ken. And, as they said in Votescam, that was that." (end of excerpt)
His brother Ken had been killed in a car crash back in 1990.
someone needs to start compiling a list of those individuals who are dying from pancreatic cancer, especially those that are political activists, dissenters, liberals, etc.
By the way, the only way to order a copy of 'Votescam' which is the first book to document election fraud that started in the 70's and 80's in Florida, and also covers Judge Scalia's promotion to Supreme Court justice after tossing the Collier's election fraud lawsuit, is to order a copy from their website:
Here's another piece of the puzzle about our military/NHS secret research programs that don't get disclosed to the general public:
1) As part of the attempts to kill Castro back in the early sixties, development of cander causing substances, mostly viruses, was done but never ended up getting used for this purpose. however, in the book, "Mary, Ferrie & the Monkey Virus : The Story of an Underground Medical Laboratory" ,
Ed Haslam reveals that two -- maybe more--secret cancer research laboratories were connected with Tulane University, Dr. Alton Ochsner, and persons associated with the Kennedy assassination such as "Dr." David Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald." Plus of course jack ruby's assertion that he was injected with virus infected substances and died of lung cancer within 5 years of being imprisoned.
2) check out the US Navy's entry into this field of research:
The virus section of Fort Detrick's Center for Biological Warfare
Research is renamed the Fredrick Cancer Research Facilities and
placed under the supervision of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) .
It is here that a special virus cancer program is initiated by the
U.S. Navy, purportedly to develop cancer-causing viruses. It is also
here that retrovirologists isolate a virus to which no immunity
exists. It is later named HTLV (Human T-cell Leukemia Virus).
There is going to be precious research out there linking the US military/gov to cancer causing substances lest this gets figured out and they get called on it and sued for it. No one will fund it. On some level we are all nothing more than disposable cannon fodder to our out of control shadow government. especially those that speak out and dissent and disagree with how our gov's policies and agenda.
The seeds of the death of democracy will planted along with Kenneday's assassination and the forces that planted them have only gotten stronger and much more devious. It's like we're sitting ducks too stupid/ignorant/lazy to do anything except wait for the day when our door is knocked down and we're hauled off to some unmarked, unnamed detention camp in some remote area of the US.
All for what end? When is the time schedule?
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