Monday, December 25, 2006

A test, sort of

Blogger is not working for me. I tried to post something amusing for Xmas, only to have the whole system go down on me.

I deleted that post, and actually accidentally deleted the "Anyone want to used blog?" post in the process. (Long story.) I haven't rescinded that, but I cannot reconstitute the post. I apologize to those whose comments went missing. It was an accident.

I wonder if THIS post will appear...?

UPDATE: I wrote a post that came after this. It simply refuses to appear on the actual site. For some reason, this is the only post of the last three that will show up. I wonder if anyone will see the words of this update? I guess my leaving is a moot point: Blogger itself will have none of me.

Oh well. As a holiday or post-holiday message, I give you "Lines for a Christmas Card" by G.K. Chesterton:

May all my enemies go to hell.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel.


Anonymous said...

Saturday, December 23, 2006
Anyone want a used blog...?
As you know, I will soon quit this blog because -- well, because the readers turn my stomach. This decision, though unimportant to the world at large, depresses me more than you can guess. I have wasted a large section of my life yet again, and I'm too old for such errors.

Life is what happens when you are making other plans. My original plan, silly as it may now sound, was to attract a more-or-less sensible readership -- the kind of people who follow the work of Josh Marshall and the other "left wing gatekeepers" you people seem to hate so much. Of course, this blog could never attain anything like those numbers, but I did, at least, want the average Cannonfire reader to have a certain level of sanity.

Instead, I find that my readers have become obsessed with the inane "controlled demolition" theory of 9/11. Which means that I address on a daily basis people I consider enemies and fools.

Do you know what it's like to sell a painting you love to a patron you hate? I do. It's a bad feeling. And that is what I feel like every day.

Right now, the site still attracts (Lord knows why) a decent-sized readership. Many high-traffic pages link to it. The Google pagerank is a respectable 6. The blog makes no real money now, but with BlogAds and an uptick in readership (perhaps a 7 pagerank?), it could generate a pleasant little income stream. So perhaps someone may want to take it over, gratis, even though doing so means inheriting my name in the title. Starting a political blog from absolute zero is not easy these days; building a readership base takes years.

Until someone new shows up, I'll keep the thing alive with some material in preparation.

In the meantime, the extremely masochistic among you can read (after the jump) a re-written compendium of some of the CD debunking material previously relegated to the comments section. This should give you some idea why I've reached the end of such wits as I possess.

(To read the rest, click "Permalink" below)

A message to those who preach the Gospel of Controlled Demolition:


The sight of jets hitting the building was all that any neocon plotter needed, if plot there was. That image alone birthed all the fear and anger that the Republicans needed to do what they subsequently did.

Yes, I've heard your stupid "Oomph" arguments. (That is my pet name for any argument which holds that the towers were brought down to maximize psychological impact.) There really is no need to recite that argument to me yet again, folks; I heard you the first thousand times, and I really wish you would stop acting as though you have anything to say to me that I have not heard before.

The "Oomph" argument is PURE HORSESHIT.

Even if we concede (hypothetically) that the whole thing was a conspiracy, with Bush and Rove and Cheney and the head of Mossad all cackling like demons as they engineered the disaster, I would STILL say that the extra psychological "oomph," which supposedly could be achieved only by the fall of the towers, did not justify the loss of life and the massive drain on the economy.

Not to mention the added risk.

The chance of discovery. The chance of someone talking. The chance of a deathbed confession.

And: The likelihood, nay, the certainty that a real controlled demolition would immediately be identified as such by every expert in that field.

I've read more books and articles on espionage and parapolitics than have the puerile kids who think they can lecture me. I've been around the block a few times. I've met plenty of shady types, and I generally assume the worst of my fellow human beings. More than that, I've been on the receiving end of the "conspiracy theorist" accusation a few times. Yet even I cannot believe that a sizable group of American conspirators would engineer such explosions, such a massive loss of American life, such a crippling blow directed at the heart of the American economy, with nary a peep of protest from any perp.

These Americans-conspiring-against-Americans would have to include a legion of experts, including those who wrote the NIST report, as well as all the other scientific papers which argue against the idea of a CD conspiracy.

The "oomph" argument is the worst sort of ex post facto reasoning. You people have decided that CD occurred. CD is the central fact of your universe; all else is mutable. Therefore, you are looking for an after-the-fact way to rationalize the use of CD when none was needed.

I've said it before. Let's say it again:

Let us suppose that some "Mr. Evil" type was pressing buttons and setting off bombs remotely that day. Why would he detonate the south tower first -- a move which seems counter-intuitive, since it was hit first?

Why not wait until the south tower was evacuated?

If the idea was to maximize the loss of life in order to scare people and provide that oh-so-necessary maximum psychological OOOMPH, then why did Mr. Evil allow the north tower to be evacuated before the alleged "detonation"?

Why not bring 'em both down at the same time? THAT would have been the oomphiest move of all.

Perhaps (you might argue) he needed a certain degree of Oomph, but not too much Oomph. Perhaps the button-pressing fiend was Mr. Somewhat Evil, not Mr. Extremely Evil.

But even if I were to accept that inane logic, another problem arises. In real life, controlled demolitions begin at the bottom. These collapses began at the impact point.

How would the plotters know which floor the jets would hit?

The CD-ers say that there were earwitnesses to explosions in the tower in the period between impact and collapse. I say: "So what? Gas lines, transformers and falling material could account for those sounds."

Okay, let's say that those explanations do not suffice. Let us concede, for argument's sake, that bombs and only bombs could have caused those noises. That means we must posit that someone pre-planted something that goes BOOM, like C4.

But then the question arises as to why the jet strike did not ignite either the explosive or its trigger.

The CD-ers, stumped by that poser, have proposed the use of thermite, which burns at 2000 degrees, hotter than a kerosene fire.

Proof of thermite? Dr. Jones says that sulfur and barium were found. Alas, we would expect that material to be found, due to the substances within the building.

Do you have any idea how much thermite would be needed to melt all those steel columns? TONS. See here.

How the hell could anyone secrete tons of the stuff -- on every floor (because there was no way to know which floor would be hit)?

Why wouldn't the jet fuel ignite the triggering device? Fourth of July sparklers can be used to set off thermite, and they can be lit by a match. Even matches have been used to ignite thermite (sez Wikipedia).

And how could thermite react vertically?

But never mind all that. Consider this: Thermite does not explode.

So what about those explosions that were heard? Gee, I thought they constituted positive proof of a CD! Suddenly, the "best" evidence of CD comes to...nothing.

OK, the theorists say, maybe it was a combo of thermite AND conventional explosions. As if that idea makes any sense.

Finally we have Jim Fetzer (whom I learned to dislike long before September 11, 2001) saying, no, it was an outer space Star Wars howitzer. Not probably, not perhaps, not maybe -- DEFINITELY.

Good God. Good God.


Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound when you come up with ornate formulae to explain (or to render mysterious) the pulverization of concrete, when anyone with eyes could see that floors and walls and drywall were collapsing under enormous weight?

Do you have any idea how annoying it is to be told repeatedly that the building collapsed at "free fall speed" when it clearly did not? The Loose Change video claims to demonstrate just that point, but the clip ends when the first bits of rubble (which are exceeding the rate of collapse!) hit the ground. Which proves only that free-falling rubble will fall at free-fall speeds. Like, duh.

The scenarios keep twisting into surreal new shapes. "CD must remain. All other considerations may come and go."

Right now, I am sure that someone out there wants to tell me: "The twin towers are a straw man. What about Building 7?"

When I wrote about Building 7 some months back, snarky readers said "WTC7 is a straw man. What about the Twin Towers?"

The whole "straw man" argument is itself a straw man. Every time someone debunks one sector of the CD argument, the buffs counter: "Oh, you are attacking a straw man. What about this other thing over here...?"

Those who oppose pseudoscience are accused of acting in bad faith if they restrict the argument of a single essay to a single topic. Do you have any idea how irritating it is to have to write the equivalent of an entire book -- over and over, every time the subject comes up? Why must I operate under that requirement, when the CDers do not?

The fact is, you do not have a single expert in controlled demolition in the world who accepts the controlled demolition theory of the fall of the World Trade Center. No structural engineers. No architects. Not one.

You have but one expert in physics, who has been successfully refuted more than once. The fucking sulfur was in the fucking drywall, dammit!

Professor Jones' other publication, in a world of publish-or-perish, tries to provide "scientific" proof that Jesus was in America 2000 years ago. Since that piece purports to be a scientific paper, not a religious treatise, and since Jones has not backed away from it, we are perfectly justified in using it to assess Jones' capacity for self-deception.

How many pro-CD peer-reviewed articles have appeared in respected scientific publications -- that is to say, publications which started business before September 11, 2001? Zero.

The CD-ers began their own publication, the Journal of 9/11 Studies. CD-ers then have the nerve to say that the articles appearing within that journal were "peer reviewed," even though no experts in controlled demolition are among the peers.

Of course, there are "peer reviewed" publications devoted to Creationism, Holocaust Revisionism and flying saucers. The fact remains that in all genuine journals in relevant disciplines, published articles have proven embarrassing to the CD gospel.

I'm sick of the bullying tactics employed by the CD-ers, and I refuse to apologize for bullying 'em right back. They deserve worse words than they ever have received from me.

Anyone who doesn't go along with their fantasies gets damned as a Bush-lover. Even well-known progressive writers stand among the damned: Amy Goodman, Kos, Marshall. Bush's buds, all of 'em.

This, despite the fact that the CD-ers have received plenty of exposure -- not always respectful exposure, but exposure -- on Hannity and Colmes and other right-wing shows. This, despite the fact that the CD movement includes many holdovers from the 90's era Clinton-haters, and is led by a conservative Mormon who voted for the sunvabitch in the Oval Office.

Finally, let us confront the famous words I've heard more than once: "I'll bet you think Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone!"

If you feel tempted to repeat those dreaded words, let me clue you in: I've met and corresponded with and spoken on the telephone with many of the most famous authors in the assassination research field. I've spoken with eyewitnesses. (Well, I didn't exactly speak with Ed Hoffman.) In the 1990s, I helped, in a modest way, to found an organization devoted to researching the case.

The earliest critical authors on the JFK case -- Sylvan Fox, Mark Lane, Sylvia Meagher, Thomas Buchanan, Harold Weisberg and company -- all wrote to a much higher standard than we see in the CD literature.

As far as I can see, the CD community has attracted only two sympathists from the JFK assassination research community: Jim Fetzer and Jim Marrs. I wouldn't want either man on my side. If they said "Cannon is a nice name," I would consider changing it. Marrs is the guy who wrote Alien Agenda, which expresses uncritical belief in every foolish rumor then current in the saucer-land. He also wrote Rule by Secrecy, which promotes every bizarre conspiracy hoax (including Holocaust revisionism) ever to seep out of the John Birch Society port-a-potty.

Fetzer annoyed every sensible JFK researcher with his inane insistence that the Zapruder film was heavily altered using technology not available at the time, even though the "bad guys" could not have had access to all copies of the film. Fetzer has refused to learn any of the relevant technical history. I doubt that he could replicate the feat using 8mm equipment, even if given a month's worth of time. I doubt that he could find any "old hand" at Hollywood special effects who could provide such results. (Even 2001: A Space Odyssey had obvious matte work. That show was filmed on 65mm stock. Imagine trying to do it in 8mm!) Hell, I doubt that Fetzer even has sufficient technical savvy to replicate the feat using Photoshop. With the Zapruder film, as with his 9/11 space howitzer, he follows the simple formula of technology=magic.

Those are the two fellows on your side, CD-ers. None of the other "old guard" members of the JFK research community can stomach your company. DiEgenio, Summers, Lane, Scott, Brown, Pease...? I suppose they must all be well-paid Bush-loving disinformationists.

No joke, that. CD-ers really do think that way. Look at this page from a true 911 conspiracist:

Lisa writes about the assassinations of the Kennedys and other people. Not surprisingly, Pease did not have much to say about 9-11 at our meetings, even though the meetings were about 9-11. However, she told me and Bollyn that there is no Zionist connection to the Kennedy assassination; that Apollo astronauts really did land on the moon; and that we are incorrect about a Zionist connection to 9-11.
In that writer's opinion, belief in the reality of Project Apollo is a bad thing.

The writer goes on to presume evil intent on Lisa's part because she does not believe that journalist Gary Webb was murdered, a conclusion she came to after discussion with Webb's family.The family must be part of the conspiracy.

Man, this thing is bigger than I thought.

I've had it with people whose minds work in this fashion. I've had it with people who think we never went to the moon. I've had it with people who believe that Jews killed JFK. I've had it with people who believe that Devil-worshipers run the world. I've had it with CD-ers.

I know I cannot stop my fellow citizens from shouting bizarre views. But why do they come here? When I delete their comments, I am accused of censorship; when I allow anyone to say anything, insanity and insult rule the day. For God's sake, what writings of mine prompted this infestation? Did my pieces on Wilkes and election fraud and Litvinenko and "bulge-gate" open the door to Arkham Asylum? Did I really write such freak-friendly material?

# posted by Joseph : 2:18 AM 3 comments
I am truly sorry to hear this. I read you every day, agree with you %50 of the time, but will truly miss you, if you chose to do this. I learned a long time ago that I was only right about half of the time. You do a fine job.
# posted by Anonymous : 6:05 AM
I'm very sad to hear how fed up you are. I started reading your stuff when trying to look up details about the Bush Bulge thing, and have since found the topics you cover fascinating. In fact, to some degree I get a lot of news from you first, since I don't watch TV news or read any of the more popular blogs. They all just have way too much crap to sort through to get to anything interesting. Yours is the only political blog I read regularly. I enjoy your tone and almost everything you write about, including chili. It's YOUR writing I come here for, and I doubt you could find someone to competently replace you (no offense, dr. elsewhere). I doubt I'd find another interesting blog, and I doubt I'd be able to keep up my interest in the real news that the MSM ignores. Which is a really sad admission on my part, considering how important vote fraud and other topics regularly covered here are. But I'm a young man with a wife, a baby, a job, a generally busy life, and I don't have time to go hunting for the relevant information on my own.

I appreciate all your analysis debunking the 9/11 conspiracies, first because it's interesting and I appreciate all the work you must put into it. Second, because I was prepared with rational argument on the few occasions it has come up in conversation with various acquaintances. These weren't irrational freaks, they were otherwise reasonable people, generally young and naive, who were persuaded by some 9/11 truth movement article they stumbled across online. Because of you, I was able to dissuade some people from slipping deeper into the ranks of the nutsos.

I really hope you can realize that your readership probably isn't all made up of freaks, there's just a bunch of jerks flooding your comments. I'm sure you've done a lot more than you realize to stem the tide of naive people who would have ended up card-carrying members of the 9/11 truth crowd if they had never come across rational counter-arguments such as yours. I can see, and am equally frustrated, by the number of people who are already so deeply indoctrinated that nothing snaps them out it, but it just seems to be inevitable that every major traumatic event in our cultures recent history results in obsessive people. Our society has been so successful as to put way too much time on people's hands I suppose.

Anyway, I hope you can reconsider. I think you've successfully covered your bases on the 9/11 truth topics and the information is archived on your blog for anyone who wishes to read about it. I don't see why you can't just ignore the freaks, stop letting them shift your attention away from the other 9/11 controversies and topics that deserve attention, and write what you want to write - at the pace you want to write. I think there's an easy compromise between censorship and chaos: don't delete and don't respond to those which don't deserve a response.

I have your RSS feed on my google homepage, which is a useful tool for knowing when new posts come up without having to check back to the site constantly. I suggest to all your readers that they set up something like that for themselves. And you don't have to feel obligated to spend all the time it must take to add fresh content every day unless you want to and are enjoying it.

Freaks, stop ruining it for the rest of us. You're not going to convince Joe or me of anything, and unfortunately it seem that until you go back on your meds, there's nothing he can do to open your eyes to rational argument.
# posted by Anonymous : 6:32 AM

I've never emailed to you, but I do read your blog on most days. I
read it because you have a lot to add to the political discourse.

Conspiracy theories obviously hit a nerve with you. Arguing with
someone who believes in conspiracies is a lot like arguing with
someone about their religious beliefs; you either believe or you
I would suggest you do two things:

1: Like my favorite blogger, Billmon, take a break from blogging when
you feel you must;
2: Ignore the whole conspiracy thing. Trying to change someone's mind
about conspiracies is like trying to have a meaningful discussion with
one of Rush's's a waste of time and effort.

I wish you hope and love for the holidays.
# posted by Anonymous : 7:00 AM
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This Google cache won't save the comments. Perhaps that is a good omen: forget the damn comments!

Anonymous said...

Joseph, I'd hate to lose your fine blog, but your threat to quit is either grandstanding or craziness, and I don't see how I'll influence you in either case.


Are you sure? Not even to distract attention from the blowing up of Building 7? I can provide reasons for my opinion that total destruction was necessary to the political effect, and you won't provide reasons for your opinion.

[oomph] did not justify the loss of life and the massive drain on the economy.

I fail to see how a collapsed tower caused a more massive economic drain than an uncollapsed one, and if you think it would, I guess you are admitting the power of the ooomph factor.

These Americans-conspiring-against-Americans would have to include a legion of experts

The experts investigating were heavily compartmentalized, with most of them laboring on obscure points far removed from CD. The NIST report, charged with finding ways to improve fire safety,
was skewed from the start and never considered the explosive hypothesis.

CD is the central fact of your universe

CD is not a fact but an hypothesis. The fact is, the official investigations were lousy, the steel was
hastily destroyed, the investigators were excluded from the Ground Zero site and had a hard time getting access to the blueprints, and a number of questions remain. The fact is, we need a new investigation.

Why would he detonate the south tower first

Because the fires were going out, and who would believe a building collapsed from fire damage when the fires went out?

If the idea was to maximize the loss of life

Obviously the idea was to minimize the loss of life. That's why the strike took place
before 9:00. At 11:00 a.m. there would have been 50,000 people in the buildings.

how would the plotters know which floor the jets would hit?

Maybe the planes homed in on radio beacons placed in the towers? Or do you think that coordination between the explosives crew and the hijack crew is out of the question?

. why the jet strike did not ignite either the explosive or its trigger.

Explosives placed inside the hollow steel core columns would have been largely protected from the fires, and if a few of them went off prematurely, so what?

Do you have any idea how much thermite would be needed to melt all those steel columns? TONS.

So what? A ton of cement is 21 sacks. The WTC had freight elevators.

How the hell could anyone secrete tons of the stuff -- on every floor (because there was no way to know which floor would be hit)?

Explosives could be hidden inside the steel core columns by working in the elevator shafts after midnight, using the tops of the elevator cars as movable staging. A radio beacon hidden in the building would allow precise targetting of the plane, or a computerized radio control detonation sequence could be tweaked after the plane strike to start detonation at any floor desired.

how could thermite react vertically?

Placed inside the hollow steel box columns, it would pool at the joint plates and eat away the sides. Baffle plates installed inside the columns would steer the thermite to the walls.

OK, the theorists say, maybe it was a combo of thermite AND conventional explosions.

Red herrings are common to fool investigators. For instance, a poison victim can be incinerated in a wrecked car.

The fucking sulfur was in the fucking drywall

Then why is sulfidation attack of steel not a common feature of fires? And why won't the WPI investigators not endorse the drywall theory, but instead float obvious absurdities like acid rain?

Joseph, you need to quit kicking sand in the faces of weaklings like Fetzer and the Loose Change kids, and take on someone more your own size like Griffin or Jim Hoffman or Jeff King.

Anonymous said...

I thought you were supposed to be gone by now. Let's turn this gatekeepr join into a place whee TRUTH reigns:

The CFR has been the dominant roundtable group pushing for a Panamerican Union by 2010 which would dissolve national borders and unite Mexico, Canada, and America under a single currency, with biometric ID cards and GPS-tracked vehicles on camera-strewn superhighways. How can Chomsky seriously claim the CFR is a "nothing organization" when their role in crafting policy is so clear? Whom is he trying to protect in denying the treasonous goals of the CFR?

Chomsky's stonewalling on the Bilderberg raises even more suspicions. Since 1954 the Bilderberg has served as the central brain of the New World Order, the major secret gathering for Globalist agents from across the globe. Bilderberg chairmen like Prince Bernhard and David Rockefeller have pushed for total global government, eugenics population control, engineering wars, and controlling the worldwide economy. Top politicians from America and Europe also undergo a grooming process at the Bilderberg. Bill Clinton went in 1991 as Rockefeller's personal guest, and Tony Blair attended in 1993 before becoming Prime Minister. John Kerry attended in 2000, and John Edwards did two weeks before becoming the VP nominee in 2004.

Of course, MK ULTRA lives on today in our drinking water. It was around the time of its inception, in the 1950's, that the U.S. government began adding sodium fluoride to tap water in massive quantities.. Should we be shocked? After all, the first people to use the deadly neurotoxin were the Nazis, who found it pacified the concentration camp prisoners. Now thanks to imported Nazi doctors helping our friendly neighborhood CIA, American citizens could enjoy the same privilege as those in Hitler's camps.

Chomsky has never discusses the effects of sodium fluoride, nor the lead and arsenic used in water as silent weapons of pacification. As a scientist, he is apparently uninterested in sodium fluoride's proven link to cancer, leukemia, osteoporosis, Alzheimer disease, and brain damage.

The One World conspiracy has three factions: "British" (Imperial), International Socialist, and Zionist.

The International Socialist faction supports Open Borders (free movement of people, goods and services), the World Court, the Kyoto Protocol, UN peacekeepers as a world army, and Gay Marriage. It tends to oppose any war that lacks UN sanction.

The "British" faction opposes the above, and instead favours "imperial" rule by the Anglo-American powers. It promotes Free Trade on a bilateral rather than multilateral basis, and immigration with restrictions, e.g. on asylum-seekers, Moslems, and non-English-speakers.

The "Zionist" faction promotes universalism, e.g.anti-racism, anti-discrimination laws and anti-hate-speech laws, like the International Socialist faction, but makes an exception for its own treatment of the Palestinians. It opposes the World Court, and any role for the UN in Israel, e.g. peacekeeping or taking control of the Temple Mount (which includes the Dome of the Rock, site of the proposed Third Temple).

The International Socialist faction is also what H. G. Wells called "the Open Conspiracy: opencon.html. This faction is "zionist" but opposes the Iraq War (because it lacks UN sanction).

The Zionist faction supports that war; opposes Gay Marriage; seeks Eretz Israel (an expanded Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates); or wants religious theocratic rule from the Third Temple.

Dr. John Coleman is a former intelligence agent of British MI6. He rips the lid off the conspiratorial group which knows NO national boundaries, is ABOVE the law of ALL countries and controls every aspect of politics, commerce, religion, industry, banking, insurance, mining, and even the drug trade. Learn how this small elite group who are answerable to NO ONE, except its members, have pulled the strings on ALL major world events and why, until now, few people have even been aware of its existence, let alone power, in manipulating the affairs of the entire WORLD. All of these members are revealed, including all of the corporations, government agencies and various movements which "they" have developed and control to further their own aims for WORLD DOMINATION.

Can you imagine an all powerful group that knows no national boundaries, that has set itself above the laws of all countries, one that controls every aspect of politics, religion, commerce and industry, banking, insurance, mining, the drug trade, the petroleum industry, a group answerable to no one but its members?

To the vast majority of us, such a group would appear to be beyond the realms of possibilities and capabilities of any given organization. If that is what you believe, then you are in the majority. The concept of a secret, elite group exercising control of every aspect of our lives is beyond our comprehension. Americans are prone to say, "it can't happen here, our Constitution forbids it."

That there is such a body called The Committee of 300, is graphically told in this book. When most people attempt to address our problems, they speak or write about "THEY." This book tells precisely who they are, and what they have planned for our future. It tells how they have been at war with the American nation for over 50 years, a war that we, the people, are losing. It tells what methods they use and exactly how they have us all brainwashed.

If you are puzzled and perplexed as to why things are occurring that we as a nation don't like yet seem powerless to prevent, why it is that the United States always seems to back the wrong horse, why our former social and moral values have been turned aside and seemingly buried; if you are confused by the many conspiracy theories, then The Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300 will clearly establish that these conditions have been deliberately created to bring us to our knees.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it obvious? His real name is Joseph Cohen.

Anonymous said...

In case mine was one of the comments
deleted, in response to your giving
up your blog: please don't! I read
your blog almost everyday and before
any of the other political blogs.
I appreciate your thoughtful comments on all the amazing amount of subjects you cover. I will very much miss checking in to see what your take is on current events. Don't let the
idiotic comments deprive the rest
of us of your unique world view.

Anonymous said...

God works in mysterious ways.

Anonymous said...

hm. some kind of sign??

as hard as i tried to post that xmas humor of yours, to no avail. i also noted as i was shutting down last night that only three comments remained from your goodbye post, which struck me as odd, but i had not thought to try and post a comment myself. perhaps that was also on the fritz.

this shift to google has not been good so far. and the consolidation does not bode well in general. but i do hope the snafu's joe has encountered are the cyber elves trying to tell him something.....

tell him somethin' good....

like unirealist says.

Anonymous said...

Joseph, I've got a question for Hopsicker. I've noticed that the Booker School is just 2-1/2 miles from Sarasota Int'l airport, and directly in line with the runways. An airliner doing a touch-and-go fake landing could have reached the school in 20 seconds.

What time (if at all) was the Sarasota airport closed? Was it closed before the first WTC strike as a routine Secret Service matter?

Anonymous said...

well i hope u dont quit, i appreciate what you have to say and your astute and well researched info has been a great help when yeas its true often people on the "progressive" side go for the whole tin foil hat... CD? i am with you, press for truth shows that there are so many other REAL things to be concerned about. And as a jew i have to say that if "we're" taking over the world, where's my piece??? all that being said, i do wonder some things; mostly, did Gary Webb not die from two gunshots? I mean usually I stick to climate conspiracies myself (really you gotta love retired Lieut. Col. Tom Bearden) but did Webb really shoot himself in the head TWICE?? DO you think Poppy's a big fan of his writing?

Anyway i hope u don't go. Personally I have sided with Chomsky over you vis a vie Kennedy, and don't think for a second that Webb offed himself anymore than i believe that Kurt Cobain was able to shoot himself *after* overdosing on heroin and putting his drugs and needles away neatly in a little box-- but heck the last thing i want you to do is think that you attract even more weirdos than you thought you did. Just don't go, ok? fuck 'em neonazi goons, CD isn't all there is going wrong in america, isit?