Saturday, December 09, 2006


House intel chairman-to-be Silvestre Reyes, in an interview, said that Al Qaeda is predominantly Shi'ite. In fact, Osama and the lads are Sunni. Yow! If Reyes gets stumped by a basic question that would not have confused even so humble blogger as I -- well, what can I say? "Alcee...! All is forgiven!"


Anonymous said...

Mr. Reyes only had two years of
college. Which is not to suggest that
your average PhD is more qualified
than he is for the vital role he will
fill. But I'd submit that the limits
of his epistemological skills will
probably limit any chairman's performance of this role. Let us
hope Mr. Reyes's wisdom exceeds his
educational attainments.

Anonymous said...

anon, education or wisdom notwithstanding, this man is just woefully uninformed!! it takes neither schooling nor sagacity to actually know what you should know to execute your job. this is a question nancy pelosi should have asked him, among numerous similar others.

this does not bode well....