Sunday, December 31, 2006


As the year closes, let us look back upon the depth and vigor of the screwing we just underwent. The American Injustice Index is here is here; a few selections follow:

Wages that an average CEO earns before lunchtime: more than a full-time minimum wage worker makes in a year

Ratio of the average U.S. CEO’s annual pay to a minimum wage worker’s: 821:1

Average amount that companies spend to recruit a new CEO from outside the company: $2,000,000

Probability that the newly hired CEO will either quit or be fired within the first eighteen months: 1 in 2

Estimated number of people lined up outside the new M&M store set to open in Times Square responding to ads for “on-the-spot” hiring for 200 jobs, 65 of which were fulltime: between 5,000 and 6,000

Starting salary that drew them there: $10.75 per hour

Percentage increase in out-of-pocket medical expenses for the average American in the past 5 years: 93

Estimated amount the U.S. would save each year on paperwork if it adopted single-payer health care: $161,000,000,000

To which I would add...

Number of people hypnotized by the Left Behind books who know nothing about these facts and who get their politics from Rush Limbaugh and Fox: I don't know. But I suspect that the number is Brobdinagian.

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