Saturday, December 16, 2006

Adolf vs. Ann

You've probably already taken this "Adolf Hitler or Ann Coulter?" quiz. It inspired me to compare the two.

In some ways, Hitler was the more admirable: He had served honorably in his nation's military. He possessed a certain degree of talent. (His watercolors of buildings weren't bad.) Unlike Ann, he never smoked or drank to excess. He had experienced poverty first-hand. He could speak intelligently about Wagner and Bruckner.

According to one of his former girlfriends -- Renata Mueller, if memory serves -- Adolf liked to have women kick him and crap on him. Ann, I suspect, would prefer the other side of that arrangement.

Many believe that Adolf had but one testicle. Many believe that Ann outnumbers him.

Adolf (reportedly) once took a shot in the mouth. Finish the pun for yourself.

Rudolf Hess, nicknamed "Fraulein Anna," took Hitler's dictation. There's gotta be a dirty joke in there somewhere, but I haven't yet figured out how to word it.


gnocchi said...

Another difference? Most guys would rather fuck Hitler.

allan said...

she's my soft touch typewriter
and i'm the great dictator

(e. costello)