Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Whatever happened to Clint Curtis?

The vote fraud whistleblower "officially" lost the Florida-24 race, but he is not conceding his race against Tom Feeney:
"In this election, the results did not match the Zogby pre-election poll, our internal VoteNow2006.net polling, or our exit polling," Curtis said. "These anomalies need to be investigated and cleared up, not just in my race but for every district where the count just doesn't add up." Curtis says he has informed the Supervisor of Elections office in all four counties in FL-24 that he is considering a challenge.
Note too that in CA-50, the Busby/Bilbray rematch, the actuals differed from the exit poll by a six point margin -- not enough to change the outcome, but more than enough to suspect that Bilbray had a couple of running mates named Hanky and Panky.

Question: How can we make sure that the new congress fixes the many problems with our voting system? I favor strong federal standards. Our current non-system of "50 states, 50 sets of rules" tends to dizzy international observers.


Anonymous said...

"...named Hanky and Panky."

Okay, this is possibly the funniest post ever.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and on the off chance that Mr. Curtis is reading this--tough break, man. But I know you won't give up. You've done a lot for your country in way few others would or could have.