Thursday, November 09, 2006

A short time for insanity...

A correspondent calling himself or herself "inchristjesus" sent me an alternative take on the recent election:
The people of a nation get a government from God that reflects their collective character.

The American people, as a whole, are hedonists, selfish, self interested, pleasure seeking and unGodly. They therefore favor and promote such things as the murder of unborn children, sodomite 'marriage', the confiscation of the earnings of their neighbors to pay for their own indolence, retirement and fun, the destruction of the sovereignty of their own nation, and the obliteration of all reminders of God and their accountability to Him, among other hellish things. It is no wonder that they have now elected satan's representitives to be their own. Nevertheless, repent before it is too late. Jesus the Christ will return, and we will all give an account. Maranatha
Yeah. Right. Apparently, Nancy Pelosi favors 'sodomy' and Dennis Hastert doesn't. Jim Webb is Satan's boy and Bob Ney isn't. As for our national sovereignty: Has anyone done more harm to it than have the Republicans? They have embraced and abused globalism, they have shipped our jobs overseas, they fund an obscene national debt with money borrowed from Asians and Arabs, they have underfunded our border patrol, and they have placed even our ports under the control of "iffy" governments.

Keep screaming nonsense, fruitcakes. The country is popping out of its trance.


Anonymous said...

you favor sodomy?

i bed you do, son

Anonymous said...

ahh.. those thumpers have been under heavy sedation (ie. religio brain washing) for a long long time.

stepping out of a dream world can be scary, especially if you are unacquainted with reality.

i'd wager that the actual world they'd discover would be far less terrifying and surprisingly nice compared to their self-imposed fantastical drama-land.

if only they could see past those fingers they're pointing.

Anonymous said...

sofla said...

There is an element of truth in those comments, although much blindness as well. As you say, the writer is mistaken if he/she thinks the GOP is NOT that way as well. But likewise, we progressives must realize the Dems are at least on lease, if not fully bought, by the same forces.

The Bible is fairly clear that this world is Satan's, and with him as the prince of this world, the world system is perforce Satanic. What is the world system, and what stands at its pinnacle? Isn't it now capitalism (Mammon), and America? Aren't any and all attempts at a differing economic system crushed, with a death toll from America's actions for these purposes standing a bit north of 10 million dead, including the genocides in Central America, East Timor, Vietnam, and etc.?

In other words, it isn't the so-called moral issues that best show America and its political parties for what they are-- those are trivialities. However, (in the main) both parties think we should invade and slaughter Afghans, steal Iraq's oil, void the US Constitution, and take other corporate profit-friendly actions.

Your e-mailer was almost half right. America's actions on behalf of our style of capitalistic hegemony over the world are evil, and will surely see this country judged harshly when that time comes.

Anonymous said...

The ultra-Christians are toast, as they want to be to satisfy their victimaphile longings. Here's the only sad thing, wild animals are now protected. We can't import thousands of bears, tigers, and lions from North Africa anymore.

Anonymous said...

I had a heavy religious upbringing and strong religious beliefs. But all of those beliefs relate to MY behaviour, not to others. Nowhere in my values system is there any obligation for others to behave in particular ways. Religions and civil society, by and large, don't mix. And we should work to keep things that way. There's nothing nuttier than someone trying to pass a law because of a conversation with God that they had last week (conversations with the flying spagetti monster excepted!)