Saturday, October 14, 2006

Pulling a Boehner

They're only making it worse for themselves... House Majority Leader John Boehner today echoed Congressman Patrick McHenry's big lie that Democrats are behind the Foley scandal:
Someone who had this information allowed those 16-year-old pages to be at risk while they were playing their political games," said Boehner, R-Ohio. "I do not believe thus far that Republicans knew about these sexually explicit instant messages.
Once more, and for the record: ABC's source for the emails was a Republican staffer. ABC's Brian Ross says that the IMs came from the pages themselves; the only other possible source would have been a law-enforcement or intelligence agency. CREW received the original emails in July and, quite responsibly, handed them over to the FBI; the Bureau did nothing.

If the Republicans are willing to tell any lie, we must be willing to tell any truth. Here are two truths:

1. The Republican Party's leadership COULD NOT POSSIBLY BE ANY GAYER. (Have I ever mentioned that George W. Bush and his college roommate Victor Ashe were both male cheerleaders?)

2. The Republican Party attained power by playing to the anti-gay sentiments of the religious right.

Truth 1 and Truth 2 cannot be reconciled. (See the ABC News report here.) As long as McHenry, Boehner, Rove and company continue to play their disgusting games, we may and must do everything we can to exploit that conflict.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, like Joe, I find the random outing of even folks who are totally and obviously gay to be in bad taste...most of the time...but also like Joe I'm willing to make an exception here and 'could not be any gayer,' is the perfect way to describe GOP leaders. Just...yeah. Oh, the stories I could tell. We're going to be having fun with this entry in the campaign office of my choice this evening.