Monday, October 23, 2006

North Korea and beyond

I advise you (as a reader advised me) to check out this Think Progress report on the North Korean nuke blast...
Senior Bush administration officials wanted North Korea to test a nuclear weapon because it would prove their point that the regime must be overthrown.

This astonishing revelation was buried in the middle of a Washington Post story published yesterday. Glenn Kessler reports from Moscow as he accompanies Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice:
Before North Korea announced it had detonated a nuclear device, some senior officials even said they were quietly rooting for a test, believing that would finally clarify the debate within the administration.
It's not dificult to extrapolate an Iran scenario from these ominous words. A suitcase nuke or a CBW attack in an American city would "clarify the debate" over action against Iran.


Anonymous said...

In the mind of a reasonable person -- putting aside the madness of the scenario for a moment -- it would take an Iranian nuclear attack on U.S. to precipitate a nuclear strike on Iran.

But not for BushCo. In their minds, they don't need a suitcase bomb in a U.S. city -- just a few weeks of propaganda on Fox, with the networks dutifully following suit. And probably a staged incident or two outside the country.

Remember Panama? Bush Sr. invaded because an American got kicked in the balls at a traffic light.

These people are too arrogant, and too confident in their constitutional usurpations and a supine Congress, to a need a big cause to drop the big one on Iraq. An advertising campaign will do (in their minds).

Anonymous said...

This wouldn't surprise me in the least.