Monday, September 11, 2006

Why is this man smiling?

Why is he smiling? Because he's FREE.

The despotic government of Pakistan -- the one nation Bush will never criticize -- has given Osama Bin Laden a free pass.

Osama was allowed to escape at Tora Bora. Now he will probably die peacefully in bed.

Iraq has descended into daily terror and chaos. Hezbollah, which once commanded the affection of less than a fifth of the Lebanese population, is now popular throughout that country. The American government refuses to investigate or to discuss Saudi financing of terror. We pulled out of our bases in that country, in deference to Osama's demands. The Taliban has regained its muscles. Afghanistan has become a textbook case in how not to occupy a country. Five years ago, even Iran was willing to help our war against Al Qaeda; today, our allies have come to despise us.

Here in America, our ports remain undefended. Our border guards are expected to perform miracles on a budget that would fit into a kid's piggy bank. Homeland Security tosses megadollars at Bush's political cronies while leaving undefended the great blue state metropolises which generate most of this nation's wealth.

Republicans routinely accuse Democrats of regarding terror as a criminal matter, not as a military problem. In fact, Osama has nothing to fear from either cop or soldier. Bush has proven to be the most reliable ally he ever could have wanted.


Anonymous said...

The purpose of invading Iraq was to smash a strong Arab state that Israel viewed as a threat and reduce it to a mess of different ethnic groups warring against one another. That was accomplished.

The purpose of Israel's attack on Lebanon was to destroy its infrastructure and economy and to keep Lebanon weak (essentially the same motive as for attacking Iraq). That was accomplished.

The purpose of invading Afghanistan was to remove from power a pesky Islamic drug cartel that had cut its former buddies in the United States out of the loop on a lucrative opium operation. That was accomplished.

Of course, Bush and the neocons couldn't exactly take their true motives to the public, so they whipped up some bogus motives that the public would agree with, and then later said "oops, we failed". Don't believe it. The neocons have been very successful in achieving their goals.

Anonymous said...

On a related note, if the people pushing this whole "Bush let bin Laden escape" idea are genuine (and not false opposition covering up far worse crimes, as I claim they are), then why do none of them mention bin Laden's involvement in heroin, the evidence for which is overwhelming? What, they don't think it's important, or even worth mentioning?

I think that should be a kind of litmus test for anyone offering an opinion on bin Laden and "al-Qaeda" - if they don't at least mention the heroin connection (even if only to argue for its unimportance to bin Laden's alleged terrorist activity), they're ignorant or lying.

Anonymous said...

According to a study cited in Financial Times, Osama had a 10% tax on opium in Afghanistan before Taliban shut the drug trade down in 2000. This was worth between $600 million and $1 billion a year.

Who knows how much he's getting now.
Why do you think al Qaeda is in 52 countries?