Thursday, September 07, 2006

More Disney outrage

Disney/ABC probably did not expect this level of outrage against their lying schlockudrama, The Path to 9/11. If you own any Disney stock, or if you know someone who does, or if you were thinkiing of purchasing some, here's some contact info. Tell 'em you won't rest unless Robert Iger walks out the same way Eisner went:

Disney Shareholder Services:
Phone: 818-553-7200
Fax: Fax 818-553-7210
611 N. Brand Blvd. Suite 6100, Glendale, CA 91203

Check out the Disney Corporate factbook, which is for investors. You might find some good protest ideas.

Why not call ABC? 212-456-7777.

Some of the most insidious work is being done by Scholastic, Inc. These are the folks who are going to impress the "Path to 9/11" lies into the noggins of children all across America's classrooms. Scholastic also publishes the Harry Potter books.

Call Scholastic at 1-800-SCHOLASTIC (1-800-724-6527). Tell 'em that you will not buy another Harry Potter book if they continue to promote The Path to 9/11. If they get even a few dozen calls of that sort, they will get the message.

Should the slandered Dems sue? I say yes. Keep this in mind though: Disney gets sued by somebody-or-other at least once a week (or so a source at the studio told me), and they have, as you might expect, an extremely strong legal team.

We return once again to the most baffling question: Why would Disney -- a company led by people who usually favor Dems -- take a financial bath in order to air a pro-Republican hoax?

Earlier, I mentioned that Disney wants the Bush administraton's help in dealing with the Chinese government, which is trying to restrict the showing of animated films in China. As a DU poster noted, piracy is also a massive problem in China; Disney may want that government to crack down.

Here's another reason: Remember 2004? Remember why Disney's Miramax pulled out of a distribution deal for Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911, a film which went on to gross $200 million? Nobody at the company stated any public objection to the content. However:
According to today's edition of The New York Times, it might 'endanger' millions of dollars of tax breaks Disney receives from the state of Florida because the film will 'anger' the governor of Florida, Jeb Bush.
Both Disney theme parks are in states controlled by Republican governors...

Pass around this information!


Anonymous said...

thanks Cannonfire for your work in providing all the contact numbers. I plan to do my part and raise a ruckus. I hope all the other readers will come out strong for THIS COUNTRY too. Let We the people, undivide, over this issue. Hold ABC to a truthful referenced docudrama....

Anonymous said...

I don't watch enough TV to know, but the thing to do is find out ABC's biggest sponsors, and call *them*.

Believe me, ABC will perk up when they start hearing from their revenue sources.

It's no secret that the real product TV delivers is the audience -- to the sponsor. When the product starts complaining, the network will listen.

This worked with the Sinclair "documentary" on Kerry. It will work again.

Who advertises on ABC? Find out, call their corporate headquarters and patiently explain that you will cease to patronage their products if this program airs. Don't worry about the civil liberities angle (i.e., suggesting equal time for the opposition). Corporations understand one thing, and one thing only: revenue.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to add: if you *do* call Disney, make a point of telling them that you will boycott not only the network, but their movies, ancillary products and theme parks.

They'll get the message -- fast. Given the choice of right-wing favor, or the audience, they'll take the later.

Anonymous said...

ah. an odd issue for the dems to find a common spine and rally around.

but here it is. and man, got punch!

correct me someone if i'm wrong, but i don't recall this coordinated and organized a congressional outcry against the reagan show.

Anonymous said...

ah. an odd issue for the dems to find a common spine and rally around.

but here it is. and man, got punch!

correct me someone if i'm wrong, but i don't recall this coordinated and organized a congressional outcry against the reagan show.

my god, how shameless this is!

Fans and Friends of Lydia Cornell said...

Thank you Joseph for this amazing work you do. We have to stop this broadcast somehow, or put a dent in it.

Even after it airs, we could go full force and get the news out about how wrong it was.

Anonymous said...

I know this might seem a little petty considering the other players involve, but it's the Scholastic angle I...just can't believe. Scholastic? My innocence! Makes me damn glad I didn't by HP Book 6...and only bought one copy of Book 5, which I thought sucked.

Anonymous said...

This is probably too late for anyone to read, but you should all know that the British publisher of the Harry Potter books (in the original, not the dumbed-down American translation) is Bloomsbury. You can get the real version here. For example, in Cambridge, where I live, there is a wonderful Scottish shop that imports the books and sells them for the same price as the Scholastic version. I got the real thing the same day as everybody else, and my money was way happier where it was (although I admit that I could have gone to various of the independent bookstores we are still blessed with in these parts).
