Thursday, September 28, 2006

The end of the rule of law

"I'll be judge, I'll be jury" said cunning old Fury.
"I'll try the whole cause and condemn you to death."

You've probably read many condemnations of the new bill which grants the president extraordinary powers to detain and torture American citizens without trail and without any show of evidence. Here is the reaction of Mimikatz at The Next Hurrah:
This is a terrible, terrible, and unnecesssary precedent. We didn't need to do this in the Cold War even though the Soviets had the power to annihilate us. We didn't need to do this in WWII, even though we faced massed armies in the millions on the battlefield, plus navies and bombers. We need to do this now, when we face a small but determined group of extreme fanatics, only because we are led by power-hungry, delusional people who see this as a way to maintain their hold on power. But so-called "leaders" who would stampede Congress into passing such an abomination in order to gain an advantage in the mid-term elections surely would not stop at using these measures against their enemies if they faced even greater threats to their powers.
I would like to offer these five thoughts:

1. Obviously, the promoters of this law intend to see it used against domestic political enemies. Propagandists like Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter have convinced the easily-gulled that liberals favor Osama Bin Laden. After Big Wedding II, many millions will accept that lie, especially if planted evidence targets a progressive -- or someone posing as a progressive -- as a participant in the plot.

It has been said of Pol Pot's torture chambers that they existed to produce not information but confessions. The dolts applauding the passage of this new law will believe those confessions.

2. When the Americans first entered Afghanistan, they offered a substantial reward to any local who would point out any "Al Qaeda" members. Since the reward was enough to set someone up for life in that part of the world, fingers pointed toward anyone who was unpopular for any reason. Thus, many innocent people -- including the very elderly -- now reside in Gitmo.

You know this. I know this. But at least a hundred million people in this country do not know this and will hold their hands over their ears if you try to tell them. What form of verbal surgery can insert the facts into these hardened craniums?

3. Torture created Islamic Jihadism. Osama Bin Laden derived his beliefs from Ayman al-Zawahiri, who derived his beliefs from Sayid Qutb. Both Qutb and Zawahiri were tortured during imprisonment, and the experience intensified their radicalism. As this 2003 Guardian expose explains:
"Torturing radical Islamists makes them more violent," Dr Fayad maintains. "Islamists don't believe too much in psychiatry and rehabilitation. They believe God will help them.

"In the early 1990s, the government began to torture Islamists. People said, 'Don't torture them; you will make them seek revenge, especially in upper Egypt where there is a culture of revenge killings.'

"It's torture that makes them angry and take up terrorism."

Hafiz Abu Sa'eda, the head of the Egyptian Organisation for Human Rights, supports Dr Fayad's claim. He believes the main reason that another Islamist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, became more extreme was the torture inflicted on its members.
Which leads us to our next point:

4. Why is the Cheney administration doing this? Granted, they have established the legal groundwork for the crushing of dissent in the United States; the long-range goal is clear. But that day has not yet dawned. Heretofore, they have detained and tortured Muslims, even though not one actionable piece of intelligence has resulted. Why? Why is torture in Iraq now worse than it was in the days of Saddam Hussein?

I posit that the administration knows what it is doing. They understand full well that torture breeds radicals. I believe that the Cheney administration wants these radicalized Muslims released back into the civilian population.

An increased number of Islamic extremists means increased power for the neoconservatives. Cheney and Bush need terrorism the way Dracula needs blood.

The administration hopes to provoke a world war which will leave America in charge of the oil fields.

5. In saner times, even the dimmer members of the Republican rank and file understood that expanding executive authority meant giving that authority to all presidents. Even the most zealous Reagan voters did not want a Republican president to have unbridled control because they did not want a Democratic president to have unbridled control.

That "what if" scenario no longer has any braking power. Obviously, the neo-conspirators intend to inhabit the White House now and forevermore, through fair means and foul -- mostly foul. The Murdochized red hordes have intuited this fact, and they give it sanction.


Anonymous said...

The Republicans don't get it about the precedential presidential powers. They say "George is an honorable man; he won't abuse them," as if they began and ended with him.

I try to point out--"Imagine a Communist president in 100 years, with the same powers as GWB. That's why the powers must be limited. Imagine Hillary with W's powers." They can't imagine.

Anonymous said...

Joseph, my cia friend says all politicians are the same. Not two cents worth of difference in a dem and a repub. So neocon in disguise Hilliary will inherit "" the powers"" next. That should frighten repubs but it doesn't.....That should tell America something.

Another interesting point here are the words "craft" and "powers" being so closely tied to Bush and magic. What's the deal with all of that?

Anonymous said...

My psyche is so bruised by this latest legislation that I can't even begin to express my horror at it. For now, your summary will suffice.

What my mind just can't get around is that 12 Senate Democrats voted for this bill. Who were they? Where was the DNC on this? Who besides Ted Kennedy gave voice to his outrage?

Anonymous said...

"We" now claim the right to attack any country without cause or provocation, and to kidnap, imprison and torture any citizen of the world for as long as we please.

What do you call such a country? How much long can we resist calling ourselves what we now are?

Anonymous said...

What I can't fathom (beyond the fact that I can't fathom any of this torture is ok business) is also the question of why. Why?

It just doesn't fit when Bush says it's ok to torture because we need to "learn their secrets," when isn't it true that there is no distinct "they" anymore? If the terrorists are now fractured and diffuse and lack organization as has been reported, how could there be any grandiose organized plans to be kept secret? And if that's true then there would be lots of individual secrets and lots of individuals having to do the torture. Not just CIA.

I don't know, I'm getting confused. There's more to it somewhere. The timing is wrong. They've been doing it all along. And there's been a recent and perhaps concerted effort by several media outlets that are sure to mention stacks of bodies found tortured and shot.

But right, Cheney's is probably drooling right now.

Miss P.

P.S. Anon 3.00, my CIA friend voted for Bush twice so clearly the opinions of some CIA personnel carry no more weight than those of a (er, better not say).

Anonymous said...


here are the dem senators who voted for this bill:

Liebermann (Conn), Carper (Del.), Johnson (S.D.), Landrieu (La.), Lautenberg (N.J.), Menendez (N.J), Pryor (Ark.), Rockefeller (W. Va.), Salazar (Co.), Stabenow (Mich.), Nelson (Fla.), Nelson (Neb.)

the senators who spoke out with eloquence included clinton, kennedy, byrd, leahy, and likely others. the senate leadership (repugs) voted to limit the debate.

so there you have it. i want a list of the house dems who voted for it, if anyone can find it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe those Dems are now "safe." Maybe that was part of the "time is running out" hurry. No better issue to measure the "with us or against us" crap.

Miss P.

Anonymous said...

Joseph says..

3. Torture created Islamic Jihadism. Osama Bin Laden derived his beliefs from Ayman al-Zawahiri, who derived his beliefs from Sayid Qutb. Both Qutb and Zawahiri were tortured during imprisonment, and the experience intensified their radicalism. As this 2003 Guardian expose explains:

Hitler created Islamic Jihadfism with the tortured souls that followed him in blind oberdience.

Well..what the Guardian does not explain is found here.
the following is an excerpt..

But despite some weak politically correct attempts, the fact is that the press for the most part is guilty of whitewashing one simple fact: There is a radical, heretical brand of Islam fostering terrorism that is indeed a by-product of Fascism and a hatred of Jews.

Shahid Nickels, a member between 1998 and 2000 of the group headed by Mohammed Atta who led the 9-11 attacks, said that "Atta's weltanschauung was based on a National Socialist way of thinking. He was convinced that 'the Jews' are determined to achieve world domination. He considered New York City to be the center of world Jewry which was, in his opinion, Enemy Number One," according to an article written by Dr. Matthias Küntzel. (1)

Atta’s peculiar “Nationalist Socialist way of thinking,” however, was far from unique. In fact, it was a seed germinating for 80 years among radical Islamists that can be traced to Hassan al-Banna, a 22-year-old school teacher who gathered discontent Muslims to found the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928/1929.

While initial growth of the Muslim Brotherhood was moderate, the organization's membership rolls - coinciding with rising anti-Semitism in Europe – by August 1938 had swelled to more than two hundred thousand members. By the end of World War II the Muslim Brotherhood had around half a million members.

"Islamism, or fascism with an Islamic face, was born with and of the Muslim Brotherhood. It proved (and improved) its fascist core convictions and practices through collaboration with the Nazis in the run-up to and during World War II. It proved it during the same period through its collaboration with the overtly fascist "Young Egypt" (Misr al-Fatah) movement, founded in October 1933 by lawyer Ahmed Hussein and modeled directly on the Hitler party, complete with paramilitary Green Shirts aping the Nazi Brown Shirts, Nazi salute and literal translations of Nazi slogans. Among its members, Young Egypt counted two promising youngsters and later presidents, Gamal Abdel Nasser and Anwar El-Sadat," so begins an Asia Times article by Marc Erikson. (2)
"Islamism, or fascism with an Islamic face, was born with and of the Muslim Brotherhood. It proved (and improved) its fascist core convictions and practices through collaboration with the Nazis in the run-up to and during World War II. It proved it during the same period through its collaboration with the overtly fascist "Young Egypt" (Misr al-Fatah) movement, founded in October 1933 by lawyer Ahmed Hussein and modeled directly on the Hitler party, complete with paramilitary Green Shirts aping the Nazi Brown Shirts, Nazi salute and literal translations of Nazi slogans. Among its members, Young Egypt counted two promising youngsters and later presidents, Gamal Abdel Nasser and Anwar El-Sadat," so begins an Asia Times article by Marc Erikson. (2)
According to John Loftus, a former prosecutor with the US Justice Department, "Al-Banna formed this nationalist group called the Muslim Brotherhood. Al-Banna was a devout admirer of Adolf Hitler and wrote to him frequently."

Loftus adds that Al-Banna was so persistent in his "admiration of the new Nazi Party that in the 1930s Al-Banna and the Muslim Brotherhood became a secret arm of Nazi Intelligence. With the goal of the Third Reich to develop the Muslim Brotherhood as an army inside Egypt.” (4)

Loftus too claims that the Mufti “went to Germany during the war and helped recruit an international SS division of Arab Nazis. They based it in Croatia and called it the Handzar Muslim Division, but it was to become the core of Hitler's new army of Arab fascists that would conquer the Arabian Peninsula and, from there, on to Africa—grand dreams." (14)
Specifically, John Loftus claims that, almost the entire network was taken in by the British Secret Service. “Then a horrible thing happened. Instead of prosecuting the Nazis—the Muslim Brotherhood—the British Government hired them. They brought all the fugitive Nazi war criminals of Arab and Muslim descent into Egypt, and for three years trained them on a special mission. The British Secret Service wanted to use the fascists of the Muslim Brotherhood to strike down the infant state of Israel in 1948. Only a few people in the Mossad know this, but many of the members of the Arab armies and terrorist groups that tried to strangle the infant State of Israel were the Arab Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood.”
”Britain was not alone. The French Intelligence Service cooperated by releasing the Grand Mufti Yaser Arafats uncle), and smuggling him to Egypt, so all of the Arab Nazis came together. So, from 1945 to 1948, the British Secret Service protected every Arab Nazi it could, but failed to quash the State of Israel”, according to Loftus. (18)
One of the main voices behind the Muslim Brotherhood was Sayed Qutb. With time, Qutb would eventually become the organization’s ambassador in the 1950s in Syria and Jordon, as well as being the editor of the Brotherhood’s official publication. While in prison following an assassination attempt on Egypt’s Nasser, Qutb wrote his treatise, Milestones, that advocated overthrowing Arab governments that refused to be run by anything other than the law of Islamic Shariah.

According to a BBC article, “For Qutb, all non-Muslims were infidels - even the so-called ‘people of the book’, the Christians and Jews - and he predicted an eventual clash of civilisations between Islam and the west.” (19)
"Having played a large role in Nasser's power grab, the Muslim Brotherhood, after the 1949 assassination of Hassan al-Banna by government agents under new leadership and (since 1951) under the radical ideological guidance of Sayyid Qutb, demanded its due - imposition of Sharia (Islamic religious) law. When Nasser demurred, he became a Brotherhood assassination target, but with CIA and the German mercenaries' help he prevailed. In February 1954, the Brotherhood was banned. An October 1954 assassination attempt failed. Four thousand brothers were arrested, six were executed, and thousands fled to Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Lebanon," notes Erikson. (20)
According to that same BBC article, “Qutb and (Pakistan’s Syed Abul Ala Maududi) inspired a whole generation of Islamists, including Ayatollah Khomeini, who developed a Persian version of their works in the 1970s.

Eventually, says Loftus the control of the Muslim Brotherhood passed to the United States and the CIA - or its earlier form – as a counterweight for Arab Communists.
According to Loftus, "during the 1950s, the CIA evacuated the Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood to Saudi Arabia. Now, when they arrived in Saudi Arabia, some of the leading lights of the Muslim Brotherhood, like (Dr Abdullah) Azzam, became the teachers in the madrassas, the religious schools. And there they combined the doctrines of Nazism with this weird Islamic cult, Wahhabism.” 

Robert Duncan is a journalist and ombudsman for foreign press in Spain. He is a board member and honorary vice-president for the Organización de Periodismo y Comunicación Ibero-Americana. Robert was the bureau chief for an international news agency in Madrid for many years, and was published regularly in Dow Jones Newswires, with articles appearing in The Wall Street Journal.

He has also been published in World Catholic News, National Catholic Register, Renew America,, as well as Capital Hill Coffee House, Common Conservative, The Conservative Voice, Enter Stage Right, News By Us, Conservative Crusader, World Net Daily, Mens News Daily and others.

He is News Editor for Spero News, blogs at Pelican Press, and maintains the Santificarnos website.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the names, lll.