Sunday, September 17, 2006

"Bring 'em IN!"

How can Bush continue to portray himself as a foe of terrorism when he has left our borders so permeable? Republicans continue to use immigration as "their" issue, even though W has, for the past six years, forced the Border Patrol to stretch each dime well beyond the limits of its elasticity.

Our ports remains notoriously porous. How porous? Let me tell you a story...

In my "other life," I sometimes do illustration work. (That may sound glamorous. Please understand that I get gigs, when I get them, by underbidding every other guy in town -- and lots of folks are awfully hungry these days. Basically, many modern illustrators work for not much more than minimum wage.) One of my clients is a fairly well-known writer of mystery stories who has not given me permission to reveal either her name or her series of books, so I must keep the details rather vague. Call her Jean.

Jean loves to research every aspect of her crime fiction. She spends one half of each year doing ground-level Sam Spade work, and the second half concocting a novel based on the stuff she uncovered. Because she "knows people" (as they say) and won't take no for an answer, she often gets into places that might be closed to you and me.

The finale of her most recent book (not yet published) takes place on the docks of New Jersey. Since the plot requires her protagonist to inspect a shipping crate, Jean arranged to do just that.

What she found was unnerving. She found signs of human habitation inside one of those crates. Lots and lots of Power Bar wrappers. Lots of empty water bottles. Plastic bags for elimination. Whoever inhabited those crates suffered a hellish journey.

I know what you're thinking: Illegal immigrants seeking jobs. Perhaps. But Jean swears she also found a map with airports marked out. Although we still cannot conclude that terrorists literally shipped themselves into the country, the possibility is unnerving.

One can only presume that confederates working on the docks helped engineer the stowaways' escape.

I know that this story seems unlikely. But although Jean is a writer of fiction, she swears that this scene is something she witnessed with her own eyes.

For years, Democrats have been screaming for greater port safety. For years, the free-spending Republicans have refused to fund port security. The pork goes to red states, and coastal areas run blue. Yet many people in this nation still believe that Bushovics are better on security issues.

How the hell do we awaken the hypnotized?


Anonymous said...

Joseph...... this story is appalling. I hope Bush reads it. He has sold out and handed over America, but to whom? And what is in it besides money for him? Or is it him? Is it Cheney?
My observation of the man that spoke to America on 9/11 is that he is bizarre, sick, twisted and a liar. WHY IS HE DOING THIS? WHO IS HE WORKING FOR>He really did not look right. He had the" deer in the headlight look" that he rarely has. Go back, look at his eyes again. Is he under some mind control program? Does he have a clone? What is up with Bush.... sometimes he looks skinnier too... I am serious pay attention. There is something wrong.
Why are we " just talking about it" too. What can we do ? My hope is failing here. Diebold will declare the Scarlet R party winners in the next stolen election and we all lose...... O help us someone somewhere.Tell us how to help ourselves. But Bush is clearly dangerous to self at times, and others all the time.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, that's an eye-opener!

I hope she made off with a Power Bar wrapper or bottle for a print smear? DNA?

I wouldn't expect escape from the crate to be too bad - late at night or some money in your pocket.

My old neighbor stopped by last night. Said he was thinking of changing party affiliation to Republican, said Ney is similar to Clinton, is unaware of any other corruption, thinks Sadaam and 9/11 are one and the same, left angry. He won't listen because he doesn't like to show how much he doesn't know. (Whereas I have no problem with that :)

Anonymous said...

joseph and anon:

I'm not surprised by what Jean found. Jen, I agree more folks should hit the paypal button. Joseph you need to put the paypal contribute up at the TOP of your blog so folks can figure out where to contribute.

I have spent a few hours this morning putting the following together so this isn't some off the cuff type remark.

Let's put things into perspective to see where this country may be headed within the next year: implementation of martial law and relocating political dissidents (who don't have enough money to buy themselves out) to one of the new detention camps that Halliburton is in the process of building from this year's $385 million contract awarded in late january.

How do I arrive at this bleak conclusion?

We learn that Cheney is running the country, not Bush and that he has "set aside" most of the bills that Bush signed with reservations since 2001.

we learn that the NSA has been conducting extensive domestic electronic survelliance starting in the spring of 9/11, not after 9/11. Who was the NSA spying on if it wasn't possible Islamic terrorists? My guess is that an extensive spying program, both email, phones, financial transactions was being setup on folks like YOU AND ME because anyone who disagrees with Bushco is considered some sort of enemy to the state. Lists are being created which will have names of political undesireables who will get rounded up in the middle of the night type roundups. There will be millions of "disappeared" starting with the implementation of martial law. my guess is that they are in the process of planning the next 9/11 type disaster but that it will be a small nuclear bomb that will take out more than 3,000 people in a large city, either chicago or los angeles. they already tried san francisco about 30 times (more with non-nuke weapons) with the help of their drugdealing scumbag friends and failed. They've succeeded with 9/11, then Katrina destroying new orleands and wouldn't put it past them to dynamite the levees in New Orleans to destroy the city. go read about the 73,000 economic Katrina refugees still behind barbed wire at .

The price of oil has conveniently tripled in price since the invasion of Iraq in march 2003, thus severely curtailing the purchasing ability of the the average American Joe consumer. Go pick up copy of 'Iraq for Sale', to understand how the kinds of profits the defense contractors are making from Iraq. It could be said that the March 2003 invasion of Iraq served several purposes: as one big photo opp for re-election to show the American public that Bush was doing something about the "war on terror" while also using the hundreds of millions of dollars that went "missing" during the invasion to help finance the theft of the Nov 2004 election and benefit Cheney/Rumsfeld's buddies in the private defense contracting business and also triple the price of oil.

BushCo fought tooth and nail to have any 9/11 investigation commission setup and then when forced to, appointed Henry Kissinger initially to head the investigation. Paul Bremer, who Bush appointed as ambassador to Iraq after the invasion, came from Henry Kissinger associates, btw. Any debris was immediately carted off to China. A company called "Controlled Demolition Inc (CDI)" was a key player to oversee removing all the 9/11 WTC debris and the president had just visit the WTC towers a few days before 9/11. Is is unprecedented that jetliners crashing into skyscrapers could cause those shyscrapers to "weaken" and thus collapse within 1 to 2 hours of impact.

Basically in a nutshell: the rightwing elitist nutcases who own something like 70% of this country's assets have decided to do away with the facade of a democracy and go forward with their vision of a "cleaned up and improved US" which means shipping off to the detention camps (death camps) folks deemed undesireables: political dissidents, liberals, gay, intellectuals, writers, political activists and they'll throw in minorities like welfare blacks/hispanics for good measure because they think there are too many of them anyway.

why can't folks see what is happening right underneath their very eyes?

We are one 9/11 disaster away from a fully imposed martial law government run by these rightwing crazies.

The Rethugs running this country don't really give a damn about polls, they know they are never giving up power peacefully so it's all about show to keep people convinced that we are still in a "democracy" when we stopped functioning long ago as a real democracy. The big decisions to gut social spending like social security, medicaid, medicare were made in the eighties and nineties by this wacko rightwing elistist folks and they are in the process of rolling out their big "plan" and are having great fun and taking great pleasure watching how they are going to screw the middle class and turn this country upside down and do a little bloodbath to get rid of the undesireables.

These wackos will all act as our judge and jury when we get called up in the middle of the night for the future roundups.

child prostitution will be protected and part of the roundups will include looking for child sexslaves to abuse, torture and kill.

these are sick sick psychopaths who have gotten ahold of this country and they mean business.

When criminals are in control, then all the electoral reform, get the vote out type voter registration drives, in the world won't change anything.

The Bushes are here to stay forever in power or someone allied closely to them or the Cheneys or Rumsfelds.

good luck everyone

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the pedophile Catholic Church will have NSA arrest all birth control using feminists.

Anonymous said...

Why imagine they were terrorists? Why not just people with no visas?
They were interested in nearby airports to get to their final destinations.
It does show how very porous the system is, if that needs an illustration. but has no other connection with terrorism

Anonymous said...

it's easy to see: years ago i constructed shipping containers from plywood (they'd eventually get into the bigger back ends of semi-trucks). 1) put a shell exporting company together; 2) export 2 junk refrigerators together to hide in - inside the plywood crates; 3) stuff 3 to 6 months of food together; 4) stuff your human cargo therein with several books and say good-bye. your contact on the other side picks up the "refrigerators" and human cargo goes on his/her mission!