The odd decision of Joe Lieberman and his...campaign staff to run against Lowell Weicker, then the blogs, and now me has been a bit of a head scratcher. It’s allowed Ned Lamont to run virtually unopposed.The Lieberman campaign, with its emphasis on straw men and animated bears, has indeed been an exercise in Dadaism. The most recent series of ads, now visible on billboards across Connecticut, has aroused a new controversy. Who, I wondered, was the outside-the-box thinker behind this unusual campaign?
After a few calls, I discovered the individual responsible: Rospo Tarkovsky, best-known for his work as a surrealist poet and painter. According to a Lieberman staffer who requested anonymity, the Senator believes that Tarkovsky's technique of "accessing the unmediated unconscious" creates a hidden connection to the average voter.

"Some believe that you chose this surrealistic approach because you secretly hope to undermine the Senator's campaign. Your response?"
"A thing cannot be calibrated until it is consumed," Tarkovsky cryptically replied. Then he hung up.
If you live in the Nutmeg State, you have probably already seen the latest Tarkovsky-designed ads. I present them here for the edification of those who live outside Connecticut. Expect to see more of Tarkovsky's work if Lieberman runs as an Independent.

Joseph and I spent a lot of time yesterday bantering around possible ad campaigns for Lieberman... Looks much funnier executed than just talking about them. We had so many other absurd ones, but they escaped. Damn...
Anyone else have any good ideas for an absurd Lieberman ad campaign?
Ms. Vandal.
The previous comment is a lie. I created all of these ads, except for the one in elvish, which was done by Peter Jackson.
You can take this with a grain of salt and joseph I apologize for completely going off topic but I felt the need to get this posted sooner than later. It is with the best of intentions, to save lives, that I post the following:
For well educated US Jews from the vacationing in Latin America: use extreme caution. In fact, I would avoid going south of the border if at all possible. Anti-semeticism has continued to grow in south american countries, particularly chile, argentina, brazil, even mexico, and the nazi ideology has really reasserted itself in my opinion but is operating covertly.
I have no proof but I think that some American US Jews who are particularly well educated, upwardly bound or are also liberal are being secretly targeted by a sort of fifth column neo-nazi invisible assasin embedded in countries south of the border.
Fatal Heart attacks can be staged, as well as also deaths from "flu" or extreme "food poisoning" on older more at risk elderly retired individuals with low immune systems.
Here's just one case:
in this case, all it would have taken was for someone on shore or in a boat to point some sort of EMF pulse beam (or other type of low level electronic) type device to shut down this person's heart but make it seem like it was an unfortunate heart attack.
In another case, the sixtiesh mother of my brother's friend died suddenly in a bus accident with other elderly jews while traveling in the mountains of chile.
one could say these are unrelated and isolated, just freak accidents. someone else with some basic knowledge of how extremely sophisticated anti-semetic neonazi elements embedded in latin american countries wouldn't think twice about doing "target shooting" on American jews, especially those considered wealthy liberals.
But as long as no one connects the dots because there is no widespread news and these are all "tragic accidents", no one has any idea of what may really be going on.
thank you
Great spoofs. I liked the last one about the Heart-Attack Ray being used on south-of-the-border jewish tourists - even better than the Lieberman campaign ads.
Also, care to give us a clue as to the nature of the posts that were removed by the blog administrator. I'll bet they where whopers!
Bob Boldt
Speaking of off-topic:
I think the Mel Gibson misadventure has shaken a lot of anti-Semites loose to, in a strange way, give them courage to vent their "politically incorrect" beliefs. Has anyone else noticed this too?
How about "Lieberman: 50% off!"
The first two posts were removed because I was rather lax in my proofreading.
See, there is one good thing about being close to Mr. Cannon. One.
Ms. Vandal.
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