Sunday, August 06, 2006

That white cat is a black cat

"Half of U.S. still believes Iraq had WMD."

What an amazingly effective disinfo campaign! FOX News and other conservative outlets took some old stories about the discovery of aged chemical weaponry shells in Iraq, and they twisted this factoid into the grand pronouncement that, yes indeedy, Saddam Hussein really did possess those legendary weapons of mass destruction.

Never mind the fact that we sold such weapons to him well before the first Gulf War. Never mind the fact that the chemicals had degraded and were unusable. Never mind the fact that none of this was unexpected.

Never mind all that. The Murdochians and the Dittoheads pointed to those shells and crowed: "We found 'em! Those lying libruls were wrong, wrong wrong!"

It's easy to convince people that a white cat is a black cat. All you need to do is point to some small imperfection in the fur -- "See that spot of grey? This isn't really a white cat, now, is it?" Once you create any small degree of confusion, any opening for doubt, people will believe what they prefer to believe.


Anonymous said...

I am as frustrated af Joseph is about the WMD issue, about the fact that most Americans have been so indoctrinated in supporting Israel that no mater what it does, they swallow it. Talk about a well executed propoganda campaign. The thing that worries me it that, how easily the Neocons can use this support to further their goals as is the case with Lebenan now. I mean if you can relate anything to the security of Israel, you are half way there.

notjonathon said...

Not we sold Saddam the weapons; Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Cheney sold Saddam these WMDs.

Anonymous said...

"Not WE sold Saddam the weapons; Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Cheney sold Saddam these WMDs."
-This is THE most significant comment EVER.
Isn't it THEIR main propaganda-job to identify THEM with US - in order to project the ILLUSION into the brains of the uncritic masses
that THEM is US - and haven't THEY long ago DEFINED that in public : "Or you aare with US or..."
This is essential.
"Why do THEY hate US ?"
- When even YOU don't distinguish your Self -
There is THEM and there is us.
THEY told us so.
And ACT upon it.
Whereas US -the CRITICS are still propagating their nationalistic DOPE.
and now pleeaase forgive for the CAPS.