Friday, August 18, 2006

Is Bush an idiot?

I never expected to recommend a video clip by Joe Scarborough, but Covert History has posted a beaut. No need to sit around for the discussion; what you want is the compilation of Bush gaffes at the beginning. Yeah, I know that a lot of this stuff is familiar...but man-oh-man, the cumulative effect is hilarious. Don't drink any sodas while watching unless you like squirting carbonated liquid through your nostrils.


Anonymous said...

oh man.

what a pot pourri!

i did stick around for the commentary, and was particularly interested in what john fund had to say at the end, that it was odd that all the recent presidents who have been made fun of for their lack of intelligence - bush, reagan, ford, even ike - were republicans; no dems! john's analysis was, well, dumb.

the key is that the dimwitted make much better puppets, of course.

Anonymous said...

What nobody remarks on is the unnmistakble deterioration of Bush's mental faculties in the last 10 or 15 years.

He was never a genius, but clips of him in the 1990s reveal a relatively articulate man (for a politician, anyway, and a Bush).

It looks like early dementia, precipated by years of alcoholism.

Anonymous said...

I am unable to laugh at Bush, or even find any of his gaffes funny...

I find him humiliating and tragic. He is mean-spirited and venal, and he is the leader of what was once a great nation.

He is the front man for a den of criminals who have surgically removed America's wealth and freedom for their own personal gain and have left the US setup for an epic fall. I just can't laugh at his idiocy, I feel physically ill when I see or hear him.