Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A 9/11 hoax

A correspondent has directed my attention to this page, which discusses an alleged 9/11 "background report" prepared by the German BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst -- their version of the CIA). These paragraphs summarize the major claims:
On Monday August 6, 2001, at 17:50, [German] Ambassador Ischinger personally notified the President of the United States that information developed by the Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz [German domestic secret service] as well as the BND indicated clearly that an attack by a radical Arab group partially based in Germany was to occur on September 10-11, 2001. The President was at that time in residence at his farm in Texas. Our Ambassador was acting in direct response to instructions from Foreign Minister Fischer.
These investigations disclosed in late May of 2001 that an attack was to be made against certain specified targets in the American cities of Washington and New York. But it was apparent that the Mossad was not only fully aware of these attacks well in advance but actually, through their own agents inside the Arab groups, assisted in the planning and the eventual execution of the attacks.
Many readers will want to leap into a discussion of the scenario outlined here -- but that's a trap. I prefer to discuss the provenance and veracity of the document. If it is not authentic, then the text offers just another conspiracy theory.

(To read the rest, click "Permalink" below)

Alas, the origin point seems to be the Barnes Review, a publication founded by the notorious Willis Carto.

Carto has a bizarre history. A promoter of post-war fascist Francis Yockey, Carto founded the anti-Semitic Spotlight newspaper, as well as the Institute for Historical Review. He alienated many of his fellow "Aryan aficionados" shortly after he linked up with lawyer Mark Lane, who is Jewish. The resultant epic division within the heiling classes is too complex a tale for me to detail here.

A scan of what purports to be the actual document can be found here -- and frankly, it looks pretty awful. The thing lacks a letterhead. We see no indiction of either the author or the originating agency. I've no experience with German intelligence documents, but the declassified American stuff I've seen invariably names both the writer and the intended reader (although those names are often redacted). I assume that the BND can afford a proper word processing program, although you wouldn't know that from these pages. The text does not offer specifics about any details not already on the public record.

Bottom line: The thing looks as ridiculous as a three-foot condom. True, I can't prove that the piece is a fake. Neither can I prove that the Jersey Devil is mythical.

Most will now dismiss the matter, but I take an interest in hoaxes. Who puts together a stunt like this, and why? I can understand the appeal of an elaborate leg-pull designed to elicit yoks -- Leo Taxil remains one of my patron saints -- but this operates on a whole 'nother level.

Alas, the document seems to have taken in some within the so-called 9/11 "truth movement." They discredit their cause if they cannot immediately recognize such obvious bunk.


Anonymous said...

The origins of this document are very unclear. Reminds me of the Niger-forgeries, somehow. (Although the quality is higher than those forgeries: Ischinger was indeed german amb. to the USA in 2001).

A peculiarity is the date: 6th of august 2001. That is the same date as that of the NIE that Bush chose to ignore.

The contents are loads of know facts intermixed with some CT. So it is fantasy but probably closer to the truth than the official report. My guess: Hoax.

gary said...

"Gregory Douglas" certainly gets around.

Joseph Cannon said...

Gary, you shame me. It appears that the papers may be the work of Gregory Douglas, who may actually be one Peter Stahl, accused of forgery and counterfeiting. See here:

God only knows what to make all this.

By the way, I heard that Mark Lane actually married Carto's daughter, although I've never seen that in print. Do you know anything about that?

Anonymous said...

Marvin Who? Why Bush The Younger.
Since the consensus of most of the 911 investigators is that the buildings all "imploded" that day by a series of expertly placed charges professionally secreted iinside the bowels of the twin towers and building #7, (as well as the Peatagon) , then logically, we have to look at the company with access to the buildings like no other organizations
According to two articles in the Progressive Populist written by Margie Burns, Marvin Bush served on the board of Securacom (since renamed Stratesec). The chairman of the board of Stratesec is Wirt D. Walker III, a cousin of Marvin and George W. Bush. Securacom had contracts to provide security for Dulles International Airport (the airport from which American Airlines Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon, originated) and the World Trade Center in New York.

then folks there is this news item..

October 10 , 2003, 1200 PDT, (FTW) --

By Wayne Madsen

WASHINGTON, At around 9 PM on September 29, Fairfax County, Virginia police responded to a 911 call describing an accident. However, they soon discovered they were not dealing with a routine emergency but the mysterious death of an employee of the 47-year old brother of President George W. Bush, venture capitalist Marvin Bush.

Sixty-two year old Bertha Champagne, described as a long time "baby sitter" for Marvin and Margaret Bush's two children, son Walker, 13, and daughter Marshall, 17, was found crushed to death by her own vehicle in a driveway in front of the Bush family home in the Alexandria section of Fairfax County. Champagne reportedly lived at the Bush family home.

gary said...

I believe I had heard about Mark Lane and Carto's daughter but I don't reall know anything about it. Michael Collins Piper might know. I have corresponded with him in the past.Gregory Douglas is obviously a hoaxer but is he also a disinformationist? He was behind the hoaxed Mueller documents--but Joseph Trento says that Robert Crowley told him that American Intelligence did indeed bring Mueller to America. Douglas was also behind the fake JFK assassination Regicide documents, of course, and he has peddled fake anti-Bush material as well.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:33

While I personally am inclined to
believe that the WTC towers were brought down by a combination of
thermite (see the molten metal
pouring out of WTC2 just before
its collapse) and explosives (see
pulverization of concrete and
enormous dust clouds) I dispute
your statement that the explosive
hypothesis is "consensus" among
9/11 researchers. You needn't
believe the towers' collapses are
unnatural to find evidence for
Bush complicity in the attacks.

The explosive hypothesis is only a
very interesting wart on a well-
established monster's butt.

Anonymous said...

Please recognize that just as the truth of the allegation that W shirked his TANG service did not rest on the authenticity of the Dan Rather documents, neither does the veracity of the report that the Mossad provided detailed information about the alleged 9/11 hijackers depend on the doubtful German document.

Look at this from based on respected mainstream sources:

In October 2002, the story broke in Europe and Israel that on August 23, 2001, the Mossad had given the CIA a list of 19 terrorists living in the US. The Mossad had said that the terrorists appeared to be planning to carry out an attack in the near future. It is unknown if these are the same 19 names as the actual hijackers, or if the number is a coincidence. However, the four names on the list that are known are names of the 9/11 hijackers: Nawaf Alhazmi, Khalid Almihdhar, Marwan Alshehhi, and Mohamed Atta. [Die Zeit, 10/1/02, Der Spiegel, 10/1/02, BBC, 10/2/02, Ha’aretz, 10/3/02] These are also probably the four most important of the hijackers (and two of the pilots). From them, there were many connections to the others. The CIA had already been monitoring three of them overseas the year before, and two, Alhazmi and Almihdhar, were put on a watch list the same day the Mossad gave this warning. [AFP, 9/22/01, Berliner Zeitung, 9/24/01, Observer, 9/30/01, New York Times, 9/21/02]

Anonymous said...

It's clear that the Mossad and other Israeli "art students" were part of the team that set the explosives in the WTC buildings. The evidence is overwhelming. Here are two pages with a list of mainstream links that put the puzzle together irrefutably.

Joseph Cannon said...

I am sorry, but I have made clear in the past my rule: I will allow on this site NO COMMENTS WHATSOEVER promoting the "controlled demolition" hoax. If you don't like that rule, don't visit this site.

In the near future, perhaps tomorrow, I will demonstrate that this hoax has its origins with neo-Nazis. Researching the Gregory Douglas trail has opened my eyes to the rampant deceptions in the "9/11 Dupe Movement."

Anonymous said...

you sound a lot like DKos

rule boy...

Joseph Cannon said...

I'm not sure what Kos has had to say about the controlled demo idea, although I'm guessing he's skeptical. Regardless, I will prove what I say. I've already mounted an argument against the idea and have received ZERO sensible responses.

If there were a shortage of web sites allowing discussion of the theory, I would take a different attitude. But can you honestly tell me that such a shortage exists?

Anonymous said...

To my knowledge Kos does not allow
anyone to post "9/11 conspiracy"
stuff. That's one reason I rarely
visit his site.

When did you dispose of the
controlled demolition hypothesis,
Joseph? Certainly it's occurred to
me that Dr. Steven Jones's
motivations might be deeper and
more mysterious than simply
asserting the truth.

Anonymous said...

sofla said:

Joe, what DKos has to say is about what you've done in your ban-- he refuses to allow discussions of the idea in his contributor's diaries or whatever they're called.

Not sure if he's given a reason as you have-- e.g., that he's got an allegedly airtight unrefuted and unrefutable argument as to why that is impossible-- or just refusing to associate his poly/sci site with CT musings.

I must say, though, that if your refutation relies on the impossibility of so large an operational footprint going undisclosed or undetected, consider what Nixon tried to and did get away with (for a time) during the Cambodia bombing campaign-- hundreds of B-52s with full complements of crew, and all the chain of command, flying massive numbers of sorties over Cambodia for months.

Anonymous said...

Joseph: I agree with Anonymous at 1.00pm's question. When did you dispose of the controlled demolition hypothesis? Or perhaps more importantly, what evidence do you have that enables you to dismiss any rational discussion on the topic? Any event has its share of crazy theorists, but there are also some very seriuous unanswered questions. I listened to Jim Marrs this morning describing how he was labelled a crazy conspiracy theorist in the 1970s for suggesting that there was a conspiracy behind the assassination of John F Kennedy! Who would seriously argue the opposite view nowadays.

Anonymous said...

Yes please do explain this argument to us! How do you know more than Dr. Jones who has stated that he's found the by products of thermate in WTC debris.

Joseph Cannon said...
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Joseph Cannon said...

Jim Marrs IS a crazy conspiracy theorist who brought discredit to the assassination research community with the books he wrote after "Crossfire."

If you know how to use Google, you can find my previous writings on the controlled demolition idea. No-one mounted a sensible counter-argument to what I wrote then.

And please note that there is a difference between embracing the idea of a 9/11 cover-up and embracing the loopy "controlled demolition" scenario.

I keep on telling people: HOPSICKER, SI! "LOOSE CHANGE," NO!