Sunday, July 02, 2006

Rush: More

A short while ago, we asked why Rush Limbaugh would take viagra along to the Dominican Republic, the world hotspot for the child prostitution trade. That nation also has many male hookers, called "Sankie Pankies."

Rush never struck me as gay or bisexual. Still, perhaps I should direct your attention to this story, in which a man named Elliot Sanders claims a college affair with Limbaugh. This allegation, now largely forgotten, aroused some outraged commentary a few years ago.

(To read the rest, click "Permalink" below)

The text:
A 46 year old music store owner from the St. Louis area, Elliot Sanders, is claiming that while a college student at Southeast Missouri University in 1971, he had an affair with Rush Limbaugh. Sanders claims that he and Limbaugh, the well known talk radio star, had an affair that went on for about 3 months in the fall of 1971...

Sanders stated that he met Limbaugh in a class he was taking, but it was only after meeting his sister, who was openly gay at that time, that he found out Rush himself was gay. "Rush was a charming man privately," says Sanders, "I met him in a class I was taking, and got on a first name basis with him. I didn't realize he was gay until his sister came to visit him. She was gay, and like, we hit it off, and she seemed shocked that I didn't know Rush was gay as well. When I found out I was like ... wow!"

Sanders says that privately, Limbaugh was very sensitive and caring man, but that he was furiously angry that KFBK, the top 40 radio station he worked while still in high school would not offer him a full time job.

"He was furious about that," said Sanders, "And he often told me that he was really going to show them." According to Sanders, Rush's politics at the time were somewhat middle of the road. "Rush said that he though most people are incredibly gullible, and he felt that the key to radio programming was to reach that crowd, and that it would be really, really easy. He thought he thought he could get anyone to believe anything he said, and the more outrageous is was, the more they would believe it."

When asked when he thought Limbaugh "went straight," Sanders replied, "What are you talking about? I mean, he's been married four times now, do people really not get why he doesn't stay married? I guarantee none of those marriages was ever consummated."

Sanders would not divulge any further details, but when asked if he feared retaliation from Limbaugh for his revelations, he stated, "No, Rush wouldn't do that, he's really a sweetie at heart, but some of the people who listen to him might. I think most of them are psychotic. I don't think these people realize he's just pandering to them for ratings, but if they find out, I wouldn't want to be there."
The story has been questioned. Apparently, Limbaugh did not work for KFBK while still in high school; his stint at that station occurred much later. In high school, he did some work for a station called KGMO. Did the reporter get a detail wrong? Or did Sanders concoct the whole business?

This site, hardly objective, tried to do some follow-up:
Many of Limbaugh's fans staunchly deny the man's alleged homosexuality, and Limbaugh himself says the rumors are politically motivated lies. However, one is forced to doubt Limbaugh, who has a history of denying and balking at rumors that are later revealed to be true. His pilonidal cyst, his pseudonymous career in Pittsburgh radio, and his addiction to Oxycontin are all facts which Limbaugh initially denied or concealed.
The same site claims that Limbaugh's most recent ex-wife, in exchange for a hefty settlement, agreed not to talk about Limbaugh's penchant for men and child porn. Without a named source, we cannot credit this allegation.

Nevertheless, the trip to the Dominican Republic should not be forgotten. Those who presume that Rush simply engaged in "boys will be boys" behavior do not realise what really goes on in that nation:
Tourists described the behaviour of some of their fellow tourists as 'shocking' but were still quite happy to drink and chat with these same men at the hotel bar. One expatriate, a 42 year old (himself sexually 'involved' with a 16 year old Dominican girl), told us that he had been so revolted by the activities of another expatriate in the next door apartment with 'boys of only 10 years old' that he had actually gone so far as to move to a different condominium.

An American sex tourist described witnessing a German sex tourist trying to drag a young boy out of a bar and how the child was desperately resisting, crying and attempting to hide under a table. The American was so disturbed by this that he went and asked a Dominican man standing nearby what was going on.

The Dominican told him that the boy was 'with' the German who had already paid for him. 'It made me sick but there was nothing I could do', he told us. Not sick enough to put him off sex tourism, evidently, for here he was on his twelfth trip to the same country, in the same town and the same bar with his arm around a different girl twenty-five years his junior.
Anyone who finds consolation in the thought that RL probably had "normal" prostitution sex should understand just how sordid the trade has become in that country:
The vast majority of independent female prostitutes in tourist areas are forced by police 'policy' to work from specific bars. The numbers of prostitutes seeking custom outstrips demand and the high level of competition depresses prices and decreases the individual prostitute's control within transactions.

This type of informal independent prostitution is also extremely dangerous. In a bar like bar A, perhaps a hundred or more prostitute women and girls will arrive and leave during the course of a night. It is dark, crowded, anonymous. A client can take a girl out of the bar and back to his own private accommodation, knowing that no-one has any idea where she is or with whom and that no-one is expecting her to return at any particular time. We were told of the murder of three independent prostitutes over the past year.


Anonymous said...

joe, not only has bob cesco made the obvious observation of the hypocrisy, but he just blatantly overlooked the dominican connection. as has everyone else. except robin williams, of course.

also, on june 24, he was seen planting a big sloppy one (er, kiss, a kiss) on an actress from '24':

he was 'detained' on the 27th.

one just has to wonder if he was setting up his hetero cover before he left for his big, er, blowout.

(apologies for the crass language. walking down this lane leaves few words untainted!)

Anonymous said...

oops. forgot to include the cesco link:

Anonymous said...

"Rush never struck me as gay or bisexual."

Don't bet on it -- and more likely, it's a *real* perversity, such as pedophilia, as you suggest.

No one becomes Rush Limbaugh by accident or inclination. He has *got* to have deep-seated desires which shame him and/or which he can't acknowledge without shame. This is, after all, the "conservative" paradigm -- denounce in others what you see in yourself but can't acknowledge

Anonymous said...

anon, bingo; it's called projection, and this crew of conservative criminals have perfected its fine points like a science.

and i agree; though rush - who once dated daryn kagan?? - may not 'project' the classical gay personnae (like mehlman or rove), he certainly does project the classical symptoms of psychological dysfunction and deviation.

the perspective i take on all this, for what it's worth, is that all the players in this sick cabal exhibit a profile of extreme narcissism and sadism that makes chilling sense in terms of consistency. simply put, the deep-seated fears and insecurities that actually drive their bloodlust and war-mongering and megalomania are exceedingly pathological. so pathological that one risks severe contradiction to assume that their sex lives would be healthy.

the short version is merely that abuses of power strongly suggest sexual abuses.

i've been tossing these ideas around in my head for a while, and hope to at some point organize them more formally. but for now, i can recommend some of the insights and voluminous information available at rigorousintuition, which can now be found at

Anonymous said...

Rush hates women. He hates them with a passion. If anyone doubts this, they should listen carefully to one of his "feminazi" rants sometime, if you've the stomach for it. He spends an inordinate amount of time bragging about all the great and powerful MEN he knows, and all the cool, MANLY things they do together, while never missing an opportunity to ridicule and demean women he finds objectionable, which would be pretty much all of us. I swear, he and his other pathetic cohorts (**cough.Sean Hannity.cough*) live in mortal fear of castration by "uppity" women who have failed to learn their place... Hide the scissors, boys - Hillary's comin' over!

To put this more clinical terms, Rush and his ilk spend their lives sublimating and projecting their fears, their anger, and their shame onto others who represent what they want the most. Ever seen that photograph of Rupert Murdoch holding one of his prized possessions - a big, long, hard, powerful.. rifle?

My point? Rush is not only gay, but probably prefers his eggs sunny side up, if ya know what I mean. Oh, and I agree with anon. The objects of his true lust and desires are probably not of the same generation as he, or even close.
Kim in PA