Sunday, July 30, 2006

Mel: Over the edge

The fellow going over the edge, in this case, is not Mel Gibson but yours truly. I feel a conspiracy theory coming on. Sometimes I just can't help myself, y'know? Please don't take what I'm about to say seriously; I offer it as entertainment. Just mull it over for a half-minute while chewing on your Post Toasties.

In a previous post (scroll down), I expressed regret that Mel Gibson had not offered the public rational arguments against the wars in Iraq and Lebanon, which he seems to oppose. Gibson has a unique ability to speak to the Protestant evangelical crowd which backs Bush with such blind enthusiasm. (That sitch is a little weird, since a good traditionalist like Gibson probably thinks that Prots are all going to hell -- but that's another story.)

What if Gibson had told associates that he planned to make just such a public statement? Here's where we get all dark and dank and paranoid...

Back in the bad old days of the CIA's MKULTRA program (referenced in Gibson's film Conspiracy Theory), some taxpayer monies were spent on researching "alcohol antagonists and accelerators." In other words, the spooks wanted to find a magic potion which could allow an operative to drink like the winner of the Irish lottery without losing his sobriety. The CIA also wanted to find a potion that could make someone who just had a single shot act like he had downed a bottle of Jack Daniels.

That research was initiated half-a-century ago. Nobody really knows what the guys in the lab came up with.

If you have any imagination, you can fill out the rest of the theory for yourself. You may also want to reconsider the Patrick Kennedy case.

Have I just made an irresponsible suggestion? Well...yeah.

Which is why this blog probably will not discuss this outlandish and unsupported theory in the future. Most of the people fascinated by MKULTRA are schizy loons, and I would prefer never again to deal with those annoying people.

So please go back to eating your Post Toasties. And please act as though I never said a word of it.

(Scoffers are encouraged to post their derisive mutterings, but I beg them to avoid references to tin-foil chapeaus. I'm not asking for kind words, just a little originality.)


Anonymous said...

14 years into viewing the world without the veil, I have learned one phrase quite well: "Anything's possible." Every step in, I actively derided specific claims of conspiracy I later was obligated to accept as fact.

Nowadays, I only deride claims that are physically impossible or wholly lacking evidence while clearly showing ignorance and prejudice as their creative drivers.

None of those characterisics are on display here, so ... "could be!"

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I can't really scoff at you, Joe, since nowadays, a CT is the first place my mind will go when a person who should and maybe is an ally to the neo-cons gets defamed. Which is what happened with Gibson, actually. My first coherant "theory" was, "Uh-oh, the Bush folks haven't forgotten the slag at the Iraq mess Gibson tossed out a few months ago anymore than I have. He should really start opening all of his own bottles." My second thought was...far more paranoid and I'm not gonna post it considering what the climate is like around here. Let's just say I'd believe a...conspiratorial explanation for Gibson's predicament before I'd believe the "rational" ones.

Anonymous said...

According to the new reports, Mel only had a .12 alcohol level. I find it hard to believe that a lifelong alcoholic would so lose control of his darkest opinions after a mere three or four drinks.

That aside, it sounded to me like Mel is REALLY upset about the war on Lebanon.

Anonymous said...

sofla said:

In re: a .12 blood alcohol reading being 'low':

Not really. Too impaired to drive was formerly pegged at .10% bac, and now many localities put that figure at .08%. .12% is 50% more than the 'legally too drunk to drive' normative number used across the country now.

According to a dui course here in Florida, I could drink 4 standard drinks (a beer, 5 oz. of wine, or a 1-1/2 oz. shot of hard liquor) in an hour and NOT reach .08% bac, although that is weight related, and at 190, I may out-weigh Mr. Gibson.

Anonymous said...

Gibson was set up. There's been a bit of a groundswell of sheeep awakening no thanks to Charlie Sheen. Mel possesses quite a bit more clout and education as anyone who bothers to hear his father's archived radio interview still available. I believe whole-heartedly many of you would be in full understanding of what took place. Option 2.

And yes, I'd bet a hundred that he was upset about the carnage in Lebanon. jesus turned water into wine in one of the bombed towns. Gibson is old school, pre-vatican 2 Catholic. That kind of stuff means a whole lot to him. He is not happy with the Jews and he didn't lie after all. What if he said " all americans start wars". Would every newschannel be repeating it all day? Hell no.

Anonymous said...

"It is known to sources inside and outside Washington D.C. that Mel Gibson has previously expressed interest in subject matter positively confirming the identiy of Jeff Gannon. Jeff Gannon did infiltrate the White House for two years and did compromise the presidency of George W. Bush. The story of Gannon's unbridled Whitehouse access was effectively surpressed by the mainstream media.

It has been leaked to the FBI that an individual (a female) with a personal relationship to Jeff Gannon and Noreen Gosch can positively ID Gannon as Johnny Gosch and wants to go public with her story. It is also known that she is a traditional Roman Catholic who would most likely want to give the story to Mel Gibson."