Monday, July 10, 2006

Garrison Keillor on Ralph Reed

The problem with the recent spate of Republican scandals is simple: They're not simple. You can't explain these things easily to the dullards who vote Republican. But Garrison Keillor knows how to do it. Here's a choice bit of Keillor on the insanely corrupt pseudo-Christian Ralph Reed, running for Lt. Governor of Georgia:
Mr. Reed also argues that his stopping gambling in Texas and Alabama was a good thing in and of itself, even though he was hired by rival casinos to do it. Using the same reasoning, Lucky Luciano was on solid moral ground when he knocked off Dutch Schultz.
Priceless. But Keillor could have jabbed a little deeper when talking about the Marianas aspect of the scandal:
And his work in behalf of the sweatshops and sex factories of the Marianas, arguing that the Chinese women imported there were being given the chance to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, takes us to yet an entirely new level.
Quite a few toilers on the Jesus circuit, including our beloved president, have left me confused about their sincerity. In the case of Reed, I have no doubt. I refuse to believe that a man with such a relentlessly evil history could hold any genuine religious beliefs. He is out to fleece the suckers -- period.


Anonymous said...

The suckers should hope they're only getting fleeced. It is my expectation that after the full economic/financial shit hits the fan, the Christian religion will be mightily smited. Let us not forget that it was the "moral" force of the evangelicals who made this crime-family coup possible.

Let us not forget that the red state Christians gladly overlooked the amorality of their Republican representatives, as long as they brayed support on the key "moral" issues of abortion, school prayer, sex education, evolution versus creationism, and gay marriage. The fundamentalists willingly supporting corruption, torture, and treason to get their way on these issues was far worse than the 30's Italians abiding with Mussolini because he made the trains run on time, or the 30's Germans abiding by Hitler because he restored their national pride.

The inchoate rage that rises from the American people in the near future, when they discover how cynically and completely they have been duped, will find its focus. The rich will be a target, and the politicians, and maybe the Jews (what's new?). But anyone can understand cupidity and cowardice and venal self-interest. Not so with the Christian fundamentalists who claimed moral superiority while flushing America down the toilet of history. Their fervent assertion of victimhood will be honored in the extreme. As it should be.

Anonymous said...

Geez, where would we be without Garrison Keillor?