Monday, June 05, 2006

Threats against hydrogen researchers?

Many people suspect that hydrogen feul cells may one day replace fossil fuels, although other types of feul cells have also shown promise. Hydrogen presents many problems -- including storage, transportation and the means of production.

Right now, natural gas produces about half of America's hydrogen, with oil and coal accounting for most of the rest. Using fossil fuels to produce a non-fossil fuel energy source seems rather beside the point. Eventually, it is hoped, we will discover efficient ways to use electrolysis to split the H from the O in H20.

Enter the garage tinkerers, the independent scientists, the dreamers who hope to accomplish in their homes those conceptual and technical leaps which our large research institutions cannot or will not make. Are these would-be Edisons cranks or geniuses? Or are they a colorful combination of both flavors?

Reach your own conclusions. Surely, though, we can all agree that these people should be allowed to proceed unmolested.

Not far from my home, in Ventura County, California, a team of independent researchers led by one Ken Rasmussen has been looking into the problem of producing hydrogen from water. Then something odd happened:
On May 16, a technician who was one of a team of garage experimenters investigating a hydrogen-on-demand technology was run off the road near a rural intersection and accosted by four white, middle-aged males in black suits, carrying Glocks and Mac tens. The assailants were driving a late model, black Lincoln Town Car.

This comes just one month after Bill Williams was similarly threatened because of his alleged experimentation with running a vehicle on a Joe cell.
I'm not sure what a "Joe cell" is -- a group of people who like this blog, perhaps? -- but let that pass. Here's a bit more:
"Using information which could only have been obtained by monitoring digital cell phones and e-mail, the assailants portrayed to the victim that they had total control over his personal life, and was told to remain silent and to not talk to government authorities." He was told that if he did not comply, a family member would be killed. The assailants produced extensive details about this target family member. The threat also included himself, his family and all associates if he did not stop work on the process immediately.
To be frank, I'm hesitant to accept this story -- the details seem rather melodramatic. I am fully aware that this field of inquiry attracts a few oddballs and unstable claimants. Still, let's keep an eye out for similar reports. Watch for a pattern -- and for verification.


Anonymous said...


the oil international corporations are really nothing better than organized crime enterprises except that they have public listings on the stock exchanges.

so if a competitive technology comes along to take away their obscene profit margins, the folks at the top of these oil corporations will think nothing of hiring muscle to make sure that hydrogen technology gets nowhere.

a dear friend of mine who campaigned heavily back in the early eighties for the non-smoking initiative in California paid dearly for his efforts when a certain tobacco company paid $10,000 to a NJ crime syndicate to eliminate him permanently. He only found out about this when the godfather decided he liked the kid and cancelled the contract but then the "kid" owed favors to this godfather for life.

so these go_d dam_ned oil bastards don't think twice about getting the CIA to do hits on folks in the Middle East or on domestic targets. They own so much of our assets with their incredible wealth, they can just go ahead and make the rules as they see fit. Since they don't like the gays, they've waged a covert war against the gays in the US and they don't like the activists in San francisco Bay Area, they've also waged war against those folks too.

Enron was just a monkey house operation run by idiots too dumb to get out before they got burned.

Milo Johnson said... appears to be the 21st century version of a perpetual motion machine.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I direct you to a homegrown documentary about this man and his water powered motor. He had already proven this water powered car was capable last year when he and his partner traveled across the country on a single tank of water. I strongly urge you to post the link to the documentary that was made before he was killed. It is an absolute tragedy that this story has not been headline news across the nation.

Stan Meyers invents a way to split water into oxgygen and hyrdogen using a simliar process to electrolysis, but it is 1700% more efficient. It requires half an amp of electricity and does not heat the water.

He developed the technology to power a car by burning the hydrogen and oxygen togetherand drove from chicago to new york using only 28 gallons of tap water.

He has been killed and the technology has disappeared. Here is a video documenting that the technology worked.

Anonymous said...

there was a guy in germany ,who presented a hydrogen powered
motorcyle at the Hannover Mess 2 or
3 years ago. He produced enoug hydrogen via solarpanel,to drive several hundreds kilometers per day for nothing.
3 Month after his Presentation in
Hannover he had a deadly Motorcyle accident without any Whitness.
Try google for Aqwon and look for

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with doing garage experiments, but some people promoting free energy, magnetic motors, engines running on water etc. are plain and simple scammers.

Some use 'free energy' as a marketing scheme for other products. I don't have much of a problem with that. There are however dozens of people who ask you to invest in non-existing technology or sell you building plans for all kinds of mysterious devices that will never work. The people behind it try to associate themselves with trusted personalities and try to look like respectable people to fool more people into giving their money away.

It would not amaze me if the whole story about 'researchers' being run off roads and threathened is just a PR stunt in support of a scam.