Friday, June 30, 2006

Robin to Rush's Rescue! ...Not.

dr. elsewhere here

Embarrassed to admit just how long I've been a Robin Williams fan, but I watched Mork religiously, and my uncle used to thrill me by insisting I looked like Mindy. My phone number even pays a certain reverence.

Well, Robin showed no reverence for Rush last night. In this hysterical little Robinette on Leno, he not only skewers Rush's Viagra bust, but he actually - at improv faster than a speeding bullet (sorry; mixing comic book heroes here, but whatever) - instantly grasped and flashed the point Joe made about the "tourism" trade in the Dominican Republic. "Playin' horseshoes with the hookers, eh Rush?" "Viagra on a boy's trip? Heh, we know what that means." Et cetera. Don't want to ruin it for ya; watch it.

Now if some enterprising journalist would take those hilariously connected dots and actually do something with it....
Where is Clark Kent when we need him?


Anonymous said...

Oh man...that was the best thing Williams has done since his "Inside the Actor's Studio" appearance...

Anonymous said...

Robin Williams is wonderful and he also attacked KKKarl Rove on Bil Maher's show. It was WONDERFUL.

Anonymous said...

seeds , this is how its done , thank you robin for doing your part .