Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Into the sea

Yesterday, Amy Goodman devoted to a segment of Democracy Now! to the Israeli beach massacre -- and I have no qualms about using that terminology, since, as the testimony proves, the civilian deaths were caused by the Israeli Defense Forces. One of the two people Goodman interviews is Dr. Mona El-Farra, who works in the hospital that had to deal with the aftermath. Dr. El-Farra runs a blog called "From Gaza, With Love." Here is her latest posting (with some minor spelling errors corrected; she wrote under horrible circumstances):
Gaza 12.30 pm local time,

Israeli Apache helocopter launched its rockets three times against Palestinian civilians in the east of Gaza city. The target was one of jihad movement member who was killed, but civilians were not avoided, 9 at least were killed, 35 injured and the number of killed may increase, due to the serious injuries. 2 of the killed were emergency health workers, while trying to evacuate the injured. I am writing from my home, unable to focus, trying to reassure my youngest daughter, while the f16 jet fighters are crossing the sky, the electrical power might cut off any minute, this is the case after any attack, so I am writing in a hurry, we are surrounded with death, friends, neighbors, colleagues…

My quick message to you: Israel has the free hand to attack us in Palestine with the full support of usa, financial political and military, talking about democracy please forget it, it is a world of one hopeless criminal power USA. Together we shall do many things, the future is ours one day we shall see just peaceful world, and we shall prevail.

I love you all

Mona ElFarra
Although I cannot expect El-Farra to understand this, given her perilous circumstances, I should here make clear that it is not the USA which is, at heart, criminal. The vast majority of our citizens are decent but ill-informed -- easily swayed by appeals to emotion, religion, and national pride. Criminals have commandeered this nation's election system and much of its media.

The question is: Why would an IDF unit shell civilians? I think the ultimate goal is to goad larger numbers of the Palestinian people into violence, into a war that they cannot win, a war that will justify the extermination of millions.

The incidents are carefully chosen. In each case, the provocateurs must be able to raise up a veneer of plausible deniability. The denials will not fool the victims, but they will placate the Israelis and the Americans public -- who will accept any lie, however threadbare, if it allows them to remain smugly convinced of their rectitude.

It is the Israelis who want to drive the Palestinians into the sea, not the other way around.


DrewL said...

I can't blame her or any of the Palestinians for looking toward the U.S. for blame, given our government's overwhelming support for Israel. And the current band of neo-conservatives who are so tied into Israel only exacerbates the problem.

Israel has been known to do whatever it takes to get its way, including numerous false flag operations designed to goad public opinion in its favor. They're a treacherous bunch. They do a brilliant job of playing the "poor, poor pitiful me" game when they have one of the most powerful military machines on the face of the planet. The Palestinians are painted as terrorists if one listens to the Israelis. They are, in fact, fighting for their freedom and the land that was stolen from them by the Israelis and others in the 1940s. We, as Americans, should understand the plight of a true freedom fighter, akin to what our forefathers fought and died for over 200 years ago. But the Israelis have us hoodwinked into believing otherwise. How tragic.

sunny said...

I heard Netanyahu (hopelessly misspelled?) on CNN yesterday claiming Palestinians were constantly lobbing missiles into Israel. The beard did not challenge him, even tho the complicit msm has not claimed such an absurdity. How could he get away with that?

I hate this situation. You cannot criticize Israli policies toward Palestine without getting accused of anti-semitism. What I am afraid of is that real anti-semitism will rear it's ugly head if this continues.

Anonymous said...

i am sorry but the country of the usa is exactly to blame . collectively you have allowed the criminals to not only flourish but to have engineered a usurption of the process by which these criminals can be stopped and brought to justice. it is easy to cop out that is what the criminals do.
the american people have niether the will or the conscience neccessary to rectify thier situation

Anonymous said...

While I dispute very little of what you say - the expressed wish to push someone into the sea IS the Palestinian wish and has been expressly expressed since 1948 when Israel became official and is still expressly expressed to this day. The fact the Israelis may now wish to do the same after being goaded all these years (and not acting like saints against the pressure) does not rewrite history. The Palestinians were offered their own country in 1948 and they turned it down. That was not Israel's choice - the was the Palestinian's choice.

Joseph Cannon said...

There's truth in that. Then again, I often reflect that the land I stand on used to belong to the Chumash. Imagine their reaction if someone in (say) 1800 had offered them "their own country" on a piece of what was once theirs.

Anonymous said...

so let me wrap my brain around this ,some group(a) gets victimized by another group(b),then many groups(c,d,e,f,g...) allie and defeat group(b) only to discover group(b)'s crimes against group(a).so groups (c,d,e,f,g...) decide to give away the land(homeland) of an unrelated (to the crimes) group(p) and in way of thanks group(a) victimize group(p)whilst groups(c,d,e,f,g...) finance the weapons needed by group(a) ....WTF