Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Valerie Wilson, Iran, Turkey and nukes

We've heard a lot about Valerie Wilson Plame's involvement in tracking Iranian nuclear production. But Anything They Say does a particularly good job of tracking the story. Here's a choice nugget:
...[T]he Turkish paper, Hurriyet, reported that Plame had been in Turkey on several occasions, where she conducted meetings with various dignitaries and with scientists in Turkey. Disenfranchised FBI translator and 9/11 whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds, confirmed that Plame, working under her CIA front company, Brewster Jennings & Associates, was very active in Turkey up through the time of her outing, tracking a multinational network of nuclear technology trafficking that involved not only Turkey but Pakistan, Dubai, Spain, South Africa and others. Turkey, however, appears to have not only been a significant international distribution center for contraband nuclear technology but also had suspected designs on nuclear weapons itself...
But this investigation would cause havoc because it was suspected that the US ambassador to Turkey, Marc Grossman, was deeply involved in this nuclear arms network, possibly with a direction of covertly or passively arming Turkey with nuclear weapons
A nukes-to-Turkey scenario is not at all unlikely. But now I'm wondering if the neocons were actively encouraging Iran's nuclear dabbling. After all -- no nukes means no pretext for war. No war, no oil grab.


Anonymous said...

I agree. I think you are on to something. I have had a feeling that this whole "Let's attack Iran now" routine is but part of a larger game plan. There are people in the Bush regime that obviously have some deep connections to "other people" in Iran, namely their Israeli-trained intelligence service called SABAK, I believe. It is is no accident that George H. W. Bush managed to get Iran keep the American hostages in Iran in 1980 until after the election which defeated Jimmy Carter. It is no accident of history that there was an Iran-Contra scandal in which the Reagan administration helped supply Iran with arms and parts and equipment for Iran's own defense industry in trade for supporting the America's Contra terrorist paramilitary force in Central America. Clearly, the real world geo-political game is being played very differently from how the public is led to believe the game is being played.

Anonymous said...

my cia friend told me... Bush Co likes things torn up around elections... so watch for another hooha within the next six months......

Anonymous said...

Check Risen's 'State of War'. He has a whole chapter about how we gave Iran nuke plans with a flaw in them, a flaw that a nuclear scientist could figure out. There evidently were plenty of money hungry nuclear scientists hanging out in Iran when the plans were passed. They were building a light water reacter, amongst other things.