Monday, May 22, 2006

Truthout vs Rove

Okay, here's the latest on the Truthout situation. It's not longer just a matter of Jason Leopold's word: His sources have spoken to his editors. So clearly, there are sources, of sufficient number and position to be considered, by a reasonable person, on first glance, credible.

I need not summarize. Just hit the link I've given you above, read, and come back.

Done? Okay, here's my current suspicion: Leopold -- or someone else over at Truthout -- somehow got hold of a piece of damning info. It's something that hasn't been published yet, something they are still checking out, something that we can only guess at, something that may not even have anything to do with Karl Rove or with Plamegate. And so Rove decided to discredit the entire publication, to do unto it as 'twas done unto Rather.

Hence this sting.

Eventually, Truthout will admit that they were misinformed. (I advise Leopold to blame 9/11.) They will then burn their sources, and the sources will pretend they never said a word of it. After that? I'm sure that the right-wing bloviators and bloggers will soon receive their scripts...

Someone should ask the Truthout folks if any of their writers are looking into any story which might fit this description.


Anonymous said...

Pretty thin, Joseph. Impossible, no, but unlikely. For one thing, if it were a trap, why would Rove's lawyers be so adamant that TO was wrong? Seems to me they would bait the trap deeper by refusing comment.

Furthermore, Rove IS at risk of indictment. This isn't like the Rather case, where NG records are disputable. A GJ indictment is indisputable, and muddying the water doesn't help. Look at it from Rove's POV: what if he set this trap, and then really WAS indicted?

Anyway, I'm not sticking my neck out to speculate on what's really happening here. Just speculating on YOUR speculation.

sunny said...

As Leopold has become such an underdog, I am now obligated by my own contrariness to root for him, after a suitable period of caution. The poor man is either mentally unwell, in which case he deserves our pity, or he's been had, in which case we are all obligated to help him spread the word of just what went down and how.

That said, wouldn't it just be fantastic if, after Howie Kurtz and Byron York have weighed in today on the unreliability of blogs re Leopolds story, if Fitz were to indict today, thereby rubbing some well deserving msm face in their own fecal matter?

Anonymous said...

Jeff Wells, over at Rigorous Intuition, has an interesting take on this. It's always hard to sort out any truth when Rove's involved, but hopefully karma exists and turdblossom will be hoisted on his own petard.

Joseph Cannon said...

Not necessarily. We don't know what led to the Hadley story, we don't know how many sources were involved, and we don't know whether the sources were shared with others in that instance. If the Hadley thing was wrong, it may still be entirely unconnected from what's going on now. Jason Leopold strikes me as something of an odd duck. But I don't think he is making things up, and I certainly don't think he has the power to make an editor share a hallucination. Joe Wilson, it is said, heard scuttlebutt about a Rove indictment. I think someone (not employed by Truthout) is spreading the tale. The question is -- why?