Monday, May 08, 2006

Rupert and Hillary

Rupert Murdoch is hosting a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton.
"One person involved in the event said it reflected his views of her as a senator, rather than as a presidential candidate. “They have a respectful and cordial relationship. He has respect for the work she has done on behalf of New York..."
Oh, come off it. The righties could not be more obvious.


Anonymous said...

I don't know about you but I think she's making a mistake getting cozy with Murdoch. Maybe she thinks that Fox will lay off.


Anonymous said...

Wait...correct my allergy-drug-addled brain if I misunderstood, but...does the piece Joe posted about here imply that the Rupert Murdoch is still alive? As in, literally? He did not die last summer like I swear I read he was going to? I thought he totally died and they were just trying to postpone the announcement until the most convenient moment, ala Ray-gun. Not dead? 'Kay, nobody bug me about him again until he is.

Anonymous said...

gee, this seems so transparent to me. what better dem candidate for the right to promote than the radioactive lightning rod that every wingnut loves to hate than hillary?

how savvy to build up an enemy they believe they can eaasily beat. of course, you have to have huge money to throw around on risks like that.