Saturday, April 01, 2006


Much as I dislike Hustler (I've no problem with porn per se, but Hustler annoys even me), I've always rather liked Larry Flynt. Here's why.
Mr. Bush: You Must Leave Office Now!

Get out, Mr. Bush. It's time to leave. We won't ask why you're leaving, whether it's because of incompetence, corruption, treason, criminal negligence or whatever. We just want you to resign and take that war profiteer Dick Cheney with you. We are sick and tired of the Vice President's corrupt cronies at Haliburton getting no-bid contracts to clean up the messes you have made.

Don't try and lie your way out of what happened in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Along with everything else, you were too slow to muzzle the press, to slow to set up your spin machine. Americans have at last seen the truth with their own eyes. They will not be deceived again.

You stole your office both in 2000 and 2004, and consequently have no legitimate claim to it. You lied us into a war that not only has killed 2,000 U.S. troops and 100,000 innocent Iraqi men, women and children, but also tied up our national guard when it was desperately needed here. You have gutted our civil rights, defunded the Treasury and put the American people at poverty's doorstep.

Now, with the help of Hurrican Katrina, you have allowed New Orleans-a major city in your own country-to be destroyed. Don't deny it. FEMA's National Response Plan makes it clear that the federal government must be help accountable, not state and municipal governments. In any case, it was you, Mr. Bush, who defunded the levee project that would have protected the Crescent City and its citizens.

We are done with you. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
As long as you're telling the truth, Mr. Flynt -- when will we get the full version of the Gordon N./Vicki Morgan thing...?


  1. Anonymous5:34 AM

    He doesn't care to put too fine a point on it, does he? Bluntness is refreshing in these days of mealy-mouthed prevaricators and cynical spinmeisters.

  2. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Ok, Joseph, explain: what is the Gordon N./Vicki Morgan thing?
    BTW, Larry Flynt is da bomb.

  3. Anonymous11:52 AM

    sofla said:

    Vicki Morgan was the paramour of Mr. Bloomingdale, the scion of the store family of the same name, and the inventor of Diners Club charge cards. He was in the Reagan kitchen cabinet, and the foreign intelligence advisory committee.

    Memorialized in a roman a clef movie called 'The Inconvenient Woman,' starring Rebecca De Mornay in the 'Morgan' role, briefly, Bloomie cut her off her lavish stipend and housing at his wife's insistence, he ended up dead overseas, buried without an autopsy even before the news was announced, and she ended up quite dead herself. Then her (or her accused boy friend's?) attorney said he had tapes of Morgan with Bloomie and various members of the Reagan administration in flagrante (leather and whips and stuff). When the judge commanded the attorney produced the tape, he changed his story, denying he had ever had such a thing.

  4. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Bush Step Down! And Take Your Program With You!

    ht tp://

    Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the statement to which Howard Zinn, Alice Walker, KurtVonnegut, Martin Sheen, Cindy Sheehan, Jane Fonda, Lewis Lapham, John Conyers and Cynthia McKinney subscribe.

  5. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Heh. I rather like Larry Flynt, myself, Joseph. He's a funny guy, and a good liberal, no matter what you heard.
