Sunday, April 09, 2006

The day of the nukes

Sniff the air and you'll smell it: Nuclear war.

It's coming. Raw Story editorialst John Steinberg has detected the scent; his recent piece is 100 percent on target. He cites, as I have cited, this all-important analysis by Mark Gaffney which proves that Iran's new missiles give them theater advantage. Nothing I've read since the publication of that piece has undermined Gaffney's findings.

It's a fact: Our ships cannot get near Iran with conventional weapons. Ground troops entering through Iraq or Afghanistan will be in danger of having their supply lines cut off. The war must soon go nuclear.

I know it. You know it. The Pentagon knows it. Seymour Hersh has recently done his best to make sure everyone knows it:
One of the options under consideration involves the possible use of a bunker-buster tactical nuclear weapon, such as the B61-11, to insure the destruction of Iran's main centrifuge plant at Natanz, Hersh writes.
And now we learn that they've been testing bunker-busting nukes.

Saner minds in the military have argued against this ghastly plan. Will they prevail? I doubt it. After Big Wedding II, sanity will be considered tantamount to treason. As Steinberg writes:
We know that Bush talked with Tony Blair about how to goad Saddam into throwing the first punch against us three years ago." It is probably safe to assume that such high-school logic still prevails. So the Administration will look for ways to provoke such an attack again.

One possibility we cannot dismiss out of hand is a "false flag" strategy.
For more on that, scroll down to the post below.


Anonymous said...

The storm clouds are gathering, as they did before WWI and WWII. Let us not forget, in the aftermath, those who put in power the maniac who started WWIII.

Joseph Cannon said...

wyneken: I admit, it takes a Stalingrad to make a Stauffenberg. But the prospect of launching an aggressive nuclear war in order to steal oil -- an unprovoked attack that would make people around the world equate the United States with Nazi Germany -- surely, that's an unprecedented situation. At what point will the officers stop saluting?

That's one reason why a "Big Wedding II" is a necessary prelude to an Iran attack. Otherwise, the military might not go along with it.

Anonymous said...

Towards the end of the Nixon regime, Dick's more lunatic bombing orders were ignored -- the military would repeatedly cite bad weather, equipment problems, etc.

Whether these guys have the backbone today to do much the same is an interesting question. I doubt it, and an outright refusal to initiate a strike (rather than escalate on ongoing campaign) would probably be harder to manage, even for the officers who see the madness in it.

An invasion of Iran seems highly unlikely, given the state of "our" forces, and but a bunker-buster bombing campaign sounds just like Bush & Co. Much the same is already going on Iraq, where murderous airpower is replacing soldiers on the ground.

But Iran bombing campaign probably wouldn't be effective. And it would be the last straw for the rest of the world. Whether it does anything for Georgie's poll numbers is also an open question.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:39, the question of whether a
nukular Iran strike would do anything
for W's numbers depends absolutely on
whether a "Big Wedding II" attack
would be accepted on face value or
interpreted as a false flag op.

This is why 9/11 Truth is the essential issue of this spring and summer. Joseph, I hope you will attend the Chicago conference June 2-4.

Anonymous said...

sofla said:

I am hopeful in associating myself with Xymphora's repeated reasoning, to the effect that the war talk against Iran is a stalking horse for other theater actions (Syria, e.g.).

The chief reason is that Israel has always had a relationship with Iran, going back to the Cyrus the Great freeing them from Babylonian captivity days. More recent evidence of this special arrangement includes their close relationship with the Shah, and after that, willing participation of Israel in helping to resupply Iran with US weaponry in their war against Iraq.

Does this relationship still hold? Consider Chalabi's pro-Iranian activities, and his sponsorship by the Zionist neo-cons and Israel.

So, PERHAPS, this talk about targeting Iran is misdirection. And I pray it is. Dealing in a similar mode with Syria would not be the huge risk for world war that bombing Iran represents.

Joseph Cannon said...

wtc7wtf?: First, I'm done with conferences. Second, I have no money. Third, I'm not haning out with a bunch of bomb brigadiers: I'll view them as misdirected fools while they will view me as an eeevilll gummint Ayyy-gent.

Fourth...CHICAGO? Are you KIDDING?

Anonymous said...

4. Chicago is beautiful in June--that Siberian climate. It's like April in LA. The hotel is on the Des Plaines river surrounded by dense green woods. If you want to go downtown (the Art Institute and the Field Museum are worthwhile) or to the lake it's twenty minutes on the el.

3. I think you'd find Peter Phillips, Webster Tarpley, Steven Jones, Barrie Zwicker, Jim Hoffman, and Carol Brouillet intelligent, rational, and stimulating. I don't think they'll regard you as anything other than a fellow truth-seeker unless you give them reason to think otherwise.

2. I'll see about raising plane fare for you. You're already somebody Joseph, but you're going to __really__ be somebody someday; you're worth investing in.

1. So skip the conference. Do a Norman Mailer--interview people in the bar.

Joseph Cannon said...

That is kind of you, WTC -- I am truly touched -- but Chicago is the one town I shall never visit, and the Art Institute is one museum I won't enter.

I'm sure you'll consider that the silliest post I ever wrote. I hope you're right.

Anonymous said...

Oh, right. I'd forgotten about that. I read it when it was new, and was properly spine-tingled. I've heard enough ghost stories and ESP stories to maintain a healthy skepticism of the proposition that this day-to-day reality we share is all there is to existence. Still, your reluctance to spend two days in Chicago because of this prophesy seems a bit extreme, unless you think your presence might be a factor in making the events happen. Since there is no President Kerry, we seem to be on a different events track (or maybe the small nuke will happen after 2008).

Do what you want. I believe in facing down fears. How often do you get the chance to be heroic simply by getting on an airplane? Or fly to Milwaukee and take the bus down, if that makes you feel better.

Joseph Cannon said...

Fears? Me? Sir, I shall have you know that you are talking to a man who -- this very day -- actually PURCHASED A HOT DOG FROM A 7-11. I purchased it and ATE it. With lots of that all-you-can-eat chili glop. That act alone should prove that I LAUGH in the face of danger! LAUGH, I tell you! And sometimes even start to gag.

As for Chi town -- thanks, and I mean that sincerely. But no thanks.