Monday, March 27, 2006


The Week of the War; Year Four commences

The anniversary of our invasion of Iraq brought us more denial; big surprise, as that seems to be the theme. Hell, W can’t say the "w" word, much less the civil “w” word, or executions, or murders, and more murders, much less address the fact that, in addition to all the killing and maiming, it’s leaving those who come home, crazy.

Evidently, the only battle this pseudo-hayseed prez of ours can tolerate is with his straw men. And needless to say, none of these idiots will speak of all the corruption, except maybe the former head of USAID. And did I hear someone not say permanent bases?

Oh, and just in case the media forgets how it's supposed to speak, FauxNews shows how to do the double speak, pure Orwell.

Not even Orwell could make this stuff up.


Peter of Lone Tree said...

"FauxNews shows how to do the double speak, pure Orwell."

Your "double speak" link brought up a "404 page not found". You don't suppose FauxNews actually embarrassed themselves finally?

Anonymous said...

wow. sorry about that. the link was actually to outfoxed, which monitors the fauxnews fiasco with great integrity. but i think they might be shy on bandwidth, as the archive below is sadly reduced to text. lots gets lost in the translation.