Sunday, February 19, 2006

Veep cheat?

Cannon here: If you blink, you'll miss it. But the Washington Post may have published a ghost of a whisper of a subtle suggestion that Vice President Cheney has an interest in women other than Lynne:
Yet several hunting companions say the trips include more political gossiping and storytelling than horse-trading. While women sometimes come along, such as Armstrong and Pamela Pitzer Willeford, the U.S. ambassador to Switzerland who was also at the Texas ranch a weekend ago, Lynne Cheney does not seem to be a regular on these trips. But the famously taciturn vice president reportedly opens up after a day in the open.
Should we make a salacious inference here? Probably not. On the other hand, I know what the Freepers would do with a paragraph like this if the subject were a Dem...


Anonymous said...

I should know better than to encourage your conspiratorial notions, so I'm saying this just for fun.

The thought had crossed my mind when I read this in the early reporting:

Willeford, whose husband was also at the ranch, said in an interview that Whittington accepted responsibility for the accident.

Ok, forget the really stupid part about it being Whittington's fault. What caught my eye was the seemingly extraneous "whose husband was also at the ranch". I remarked to my husband that you could almost picture a frantic someone saying "For God's sake, if you mention Pamela Willeford, make sure you make it clear that her husband was there!"

Idle, wild speculation.

Anonymous said...

It may be "idle, wild speculation," but I've read it several respectable venues, which hint that not only is this ongoing but that Lynn C. is not at all pleased with the situation.

Notice how Willeford immediately "disappeared?"

Anonymous said...

peg, i actually heard rachel maddow speak of this 'wild' rumor on air america.

there is no doubt in my mind that such behavior goes on, and is likely rampant. first of all, these guys think they are invincible, so they can do and get away with anything they want. second, they are so psychologically sick, there is no way in hell their sex lives are anything but deviant, let alone loyal.

Anonymous said...

If Lynne Cheney is unhappy, one could reasonably speculate that this relationship between the VP and Ms Willeford has been ongoing. I read in a few different accounts that Mr Willeford was not actually at the ranch, but at a nearby location somewhere about 70 miles away. This strikes me as being close enough, yet not too close.

Does anyone know anything about Mr. Willeford, how he spent HIS weekend, or what his sexual proclivities night be? This could answer a lot of questions.

Anonymous said...

From Chicago Sun Times:

CHENEY CHATTER: Don't know if this had anything to do with the delay in reporting Vice President Dick Cheney's shooting accident, but the Internet is buzzing about Lynne Cheney's jealousy of a member of the veepster's shooting party -- U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland Pamela Willeford. The second lady reportedly is none too keen about the close relationship her husband maintains with the diplomat and longtime Republican mainstay.

Anonymous said...

dear cannon-- please axe the outdoorsmanfreshwaterfishing! nip those annoying ads in the bud....

as for dick and pam, it seems pretty obvious something is up. remember how the rancho owner wouldn't mention the "third party" that was present on the vp's shooting adventure?? but of course that sort of information will always creep out... people love a good drama no matter who's involved. and "dick" seems to be so good at creating drama...
...can we impeach him for this?? comic tragedy never fails to ruffle the royals. and a good scandal can go a long way...